In order to run the provider you need to make sure ruby 2.6.5
is installed, it's already set on .ruby-version
Then run bundle install
If any errors occured, just make sure you sure gem install bundler -v 1.17.2
just in case
Run bundle exec rails db:create
and bundle exec rails db:migrate
Run bundle exec db:seed
to generate and Admin
Then server can no be normaly started using bundle exec rails s
and the provider will be listening to port 3000 by defaullt
You can use database.yml.exmaple as a template after setting up the .env variables that works with your system (.env.example also shows the required DB variables to set)
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in
to signin/signup
You can now click on Application and start adding one Dummy data to be used for the client: Name: Nerd Client One Redirect URI: http://localhost:3001/oauth/callback