Twitter General Multi Threaded Scrapper With Selenium and Beautifoul-Soup
We presented this project (initally a class project) to our fellow students (@IMT Mines Ales) today. You can check the presentation (in English) here:Presentation Link
Potential aspect : improving the code and turn it into a python library
A simple python script to scrap tweets and users , the object is to get the data ready for some analysis studies , we choose MySQL to be the database for our scrapped Data .
- Username
- Name
- PostDate
- TweetText
- ReplyCount
- RetweetCount
- LikeCount
- Views
Install dependencies : pip install - r requirements.txt
create .env with the password of your twitter
Run docker container and create image :
docker image build -t twitter-scrap .
docker run twitter-scrap
Dockerhub repository : Click Here
mysqldump -u YourUser -p YourDatabaseName > wantedsqlfile.sql
mongodump --db mydb --out backup/