An API client library for Stripe payment gateway.
We can install this library using the following statements:
import "Apm";
import "Apm";
use Stripe;
// Inistantiate the client.
def client: Stripe.Client(String("my_test_key"));
// Variable to hold all the balance of stripe account.
def balanceArray : Array[SrdRef[Balance]];
// Get the balance.
balanceArray = client.getBalance();
// Print the balance array.
def j: Int;
for j = 0, j < balanceArray.getLength(), j++ {
"type: %s\ncurrency: %s\namount: %f\ndetailed source:\n",
balanceArray(j).balanceType.buf, balanceArray(j).currency.buf, balanceArray(j).amount
def i: Int;
for i = 0, i < balanceArray(j).sources.getLength(), i++ {
"\tsource type: %s\n\tsource amount: %f\n",
balanceArray(j).sources(i).sourceType.buf, balanceArray(j).sources(i).amount
This class holds the properties of a customer from Stripe API.
class Customer {
def id: String;
def address: SrdRef[Address];
def balance: Float = 0;
def defaultSourceId: String;
def delinquent: Bool;
def created: Int[64];
def email: String;
def invoicePrefix: String;
def preferredLocales: Array[String];
def name: String;
def phone: String;
def shipping: String;
def taxExempt: String;
def testClock: String;
def nextInvoiceSequence: Int;
def currency: String;
def description: String;
def defaultPaymentMethod: String;
handler this~init();
handler this~init(id: String, email: String, name: String, preferredLocales: Array[String]);
handler this~init(
id: String, address: SrdRef[Address], balance: Float, created: Int[64],
currency: String, defaultSourceId: String, delinquent: Bool,
description: String, email: String, invoicePrefix: String, name: String,
nextInvoiceSequence: Int, phone: String, preferredLocales: Array[String],
shipping: String, taxExempt: String, testClock: String, defaultPaymentMethod: String
Holds physical address information.
class Address {
def city: String;
def country: String;
def line1: String;
def line2: String;
def postalCode: String;
def state: String;
handler this~init();
handler this~init(city: String, country: String, line1: String, line2: String, postalCode: String, state: String);
This class holds the details of a balance object from Stripe API.
class Balance {
def amount: Float = 0;
def currency: String = "usd";
def sources: Array[SrdRef[Source]];
def balanceType: String;
handler this~init() {
handler this~init(amount: Float, currency: String, sources: Array[SrdRef[Source]], balanceType: String);
The sources of the balance (bank_account, card).
The type of the balance (available, pending).
This class holds the properties of a balance transaction object from Stripe API.
class BalanceTransaction {
def id: String;
def amount: Float = 0;
def availableOn: Int[64];
def created: Int[64];
def currency: String = "usd";
def description: String;
def exchangeRate: Float;
def fee: Float;
def feeDetails: Array[String];
def net: Float = 0;
def reportingCategory: String;
def source: String;
def status: String;
def sourceType: String;
handler this~init();
handler this~init(
id: String, amount: Float, availableOn: Int[64], created: Int[64],
currency: String, description: String, exchangeRate: Float, fee: Float,
feeDetails: Array[String], net: Float, reportingCategory: String,
source: String, status: String, sourceType: String
The id of the BalanceTransaction object from Stripe.
The amount of the transaction.
The time this amount will be available.
The fee on this transaction.
The exchange rate of the transaction.
Carries billing details for a customer.
class BillingDetails {
def address: SrdRef[Address];
def email: String;
def name: String;
def phone: String;
handler this~init();
handler this~init(
address: SrdRef[Address], email: String, name: String, phone: String
This class holds the properties of a checkout object from Stripe API.
class CheckoutSession {
def id: String;
def cancelUrl: String;
def uniqeId: String;
def currency: String = "usd";
def customerId: String;
def lineItems: String;
def mode: String;
def paymentStatus: String;
def status: String;
def successUrl: String;
def url: String;
def amountTotal: String;
handler this~init();
handler this~init(
id: String, uniqeId: String, cancelUrl: String, successUrl: String, url: String,
currency: String, customerId: String, lineItems: String,
mode: String, paymentStatus: String, status: String, amountTotal: String
The ID of the checkout object from Stripe.
The total amount of the transaction.
The checkout url.
The url to redirect to if the checkout is successful.
The url to redirect to if the checkout is canceled.
Carries information of a single payment method.
class PaymentMethod {
def id: String;
def billingDetails: SrdRef[BillingDetails];
def created: Int[64];
def currency: String = "usd";
def customerId: String;
def expYear: Int;
def expMonth: Int;
def last4: String;
def type: String;
handler this~init();
handler this~init(
id: String, billingDetails: SrdRef[BillingDetails], created: Int[64], expYear: Int, expMonth: Int,
currency: String, last4: String, type: String
Holds the info of a single source contributing to a balance.
class Source {
def amount: Float = 0;
def sourceType: String = "card"; // "card" or "bank_account"
handler this~init();
handler this~init(amount: Float, sourceType: String);
This class holds the properties of a Subscription object from Stripe API.
class Subscription {
def id: String;
def application: String;
def automaticTax: Bool;
def billingCycleAnchor: Int[64];
def created: Int[64];
def startDate: Int[64];
def currentPeriodStart: Int[64];
def currentPeriodEnd: Int[64];
def cancelAtPeriodEnd: Bool;
def description: String;
def status: String;
def trialEnd: Int[64];
def currency: String = "usd";
def customerId: String;
def collectionMethod: String;
def metadata: Map[String, String];
handler this~init();
handler this~init(
id: String, automaticTax: Bool, billingCycleAnchor: Int[64], created: Int[64],
collectionMethod: String, startDate: Int[64], cancelAtPeriodEnd: Bool,
currentPeriodEnd: Int[64], currentPeriodStart: Int[64], description: String, status: String,
trialEnd: Int[64], customerId: String, currency: String, metadata: Map[String, String]
The id of the Subscription object from Stripe.
The timestamp of the creation date.
The timestamp of the subscription start date.
end the subscription when the current invice end.
The status of the subscription.
The timestamp of the subscription trail period end.
class Coupon {
def id: String;
def name: Nullable[String];
def duration: String;
def durationInMonths: Nullable[String];
def amountOff: Nullable[Int];
def percentOff: Nullable[Float];
def currency: Nullable[String];
handler this~init();
handler this~init(
id: String,
name: Nullable[String],
duration: String,
durationInMonths: Nullable[String],
amountOff: Nullable[Int],
percentOff: Nullable[Float],
currency: Nullable[String]
class PromotionCode {
def id: String;
def active: Bool;
def code: String;
def livemode: Bool;
def coupon: SrdRef[Coupon];
handler this~init() {}
handler this~init(
id: String,
active: Bool,
code: String,
livemode: Bool,
coupon: SrdRef[Coupon]
This class has methods for all available calls to Stripe. It can be initialized with a Stripe API key:
handler this~init(k: String);
It has the following methods:
handler this.getCustomers(): Possible[Array[SrdRef[Customer]]]
handler this.getCustomers(limit: Int): Possible[Array[SrdRef[Customer]]]
handler this.getCustomers(limit: Int, startId: String): Possible[Array[SrdRef[Customer]]]
Returns all customers.
: The max number of records to return.
: The ID of the record after which to start retrieving records. The record with this ID
will not be included in the result.
handler this.getCustomer(id: String): Possible[SrdRef[Customer]]
Returns a specific customer by its ID.
handler this.createCustomer(parameters: String): Possible[String]
Creates a customer entry.
the parametes of customer object in the form "email=[email protected]&name=john".
Returns the customer's id.
handler this.doesCustomerHaveDefaultPaymentMethod(customerId: String): Bool;
Returns 1 if the customer with the given ID has a default payment method.
handler this.addCustomerDefaultPaymentMethod(customerId: String, paymentMethodId: String): SrdRef[Error];
Assigns the payment method with the given ID as the customer's default payment method. Returns 1 on success.
handler this.getBalance(): Possible[Array[SrdRef[Balance]]]
Returns the balance of all the accounts owned by the API key.
handler this.getBalanceTranasactions(): Possible[Array[SrdRef[BalanceTranasaction]]]
handler this.getBalanceTranasactions(limit: Int): Possible[Array[SrdRef[BalanceTranasaction]]];
handler this.getBalanceTranasactions(limit: Int, startId: String): Possible[Array[SrdRef[BalanceTranasaction]]];
Returns a list of transactions that have contributed to the Stripe account balance (e.g., charges, transfers, and so forth).
: The max number of records to return.
: The ID of the record after which to start retrieving records. The record with this ID
will not be included in the result.
handler this.getBalanceTranasaction(id: String): Possible[SrdRef[BalanceTranasaction]]
Retrieves the balance transaction with the given ID.
handler this.getCheckoutSessions(): Possible[Array[SrdRef[CheckoutSession]]]
handler this.getCheckoutSessions(limit: Int): Possible[Array[SrdRef[CheckoutSession]]]
handler this.getCheckoutSessions(limit: Int, startId: String): Possible[Array[SrdRef[CheckoutSession]]]
Returns a list of Checkout Sessions.
: The max number of records to return.
: The ID of the record after which to start retrieving records. The record with this ID
will not be included in the result.
handler this.getCheckoutSession(sessionId: String): Possible[SrdRef[CheckoutSession]]
Gets a specific checkout session by its ID.
handler this.createCheckoutSession(parameters: String): Possible[String]
Creates a checkout session.
The parametes of the checkout session in the form: "customer=customerID&line_items=planID".
Returns CheckoutSession id.
handler this.createCheckoutSession(
items: Map[String, Int],
successUrl: CharsPtr
): Possible[String]
handler this.createCheckoutSession(
items: Map[String, Int],
customerId: String,
successUrl: CharsPtr
): Possible[String]
These two version of createCheckoutSession
receives detailed parameters instead of the raw parameters
in the previous version.
: A map whose key is the price ID from Stripe, and whose value is the quantity wanted for that price ID.
: The id of the customer.
: The URL to redirect the user to after successful payment.
Returns CheckoutSession id.
handler this.getSubscriptions(): Possible[Array[SrdRef[Subscription]]]
handler this.getSubscriptions(filterQuery: String): Possible[Array[SrdRef[Subscription]]]
Returns the list of subscriptions.
: The query to use to filter the records. Only reocrds matching this criteria will be
handler this.getSubscription(subscriptionId: String): Possible[SrdRef[Subscription]]
Gets a specific subscription by its ID.
handler this.createSubscription(parameters: String): Possible[String]
Creates a subscription.
The parametes of the subscription in the form: "customer=customerID&line_items=planID".
Returns Subscription id.
handler this.createSubscription(
items: Map[String, Int],
customerId: String
): Possible[String]
This version of createSubscription
receives detailed parameters instead of the raw parameters
in the previous version.
: A map whose key is the price ID from Stripe, and whose value is the quantity wanted for that price ID.
: The id of the customer.
Returns subscription id.
handler this.updateSubscription(subscriptionId: String, parameters: String): Possible[String];
Updates the subscription having the given ID.
: The parameters to assign to this subscription. It should have the following format:
handler this.cancelSubscription(subscriptionId: String): SrdRef[Error];
Cancels the subscription having the given ID.
handler this.createBillingPortalSession(parameters: String): Possible[String]
Creates a billing portal session.
The parametes of the billing portal session in the form: "customer=customerID&return_url=returnUrl".
Returns customer account url.
handler this.createBillingPortalSession(
customerId: CharsPtr,
returnUrl: CharsPtr
): Possible[String]
This version of createBillingPortalSession
receives detailed parameters instead of the raw parameters
in the previous version.
: The id of the customer.
: The URL to redirect the user to after close the portal session .
Returns customer account url.
handler this.getPaymentMethods(customerId: String): Possible[Array[SrdRef[PaymentMethod]]];
Returns the payment methods of the customer with the given ID.
handler this.getPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId: String): Possible[SrdRef[PaymentMethod]];
Returns the payment method having the given ID.
handler this.getPromotionCodes(code: String): Possible[Array[SrdRef[PromotionCode]]];
Gets the promotion codes matching the provided code.
The Errors
submodule contains error codes for all errors that can be returned by this library.
: Returned when calling Stripe with an invalid key.Errors.CONNECTION
: Returned when connection fails.Errors.UNEXPECTED
: Returned when receiving unexpected response from Stripe.Errors.NOT_FOUND
: Returned when the requested record is not found.Errors.INVALID_PARAM
: Returned when the operation fails due to an invalid param.
class InvalidParamError {
def paramName: String;