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A library for creating HTTP servers using Alusus Language. This library is based on civetweb.

Adding to the Project

You can add it to the project using APM:

import "Apm.alusus";


import "Srl/Console.alusus";
import "Srl/String.alusus";
import "Srl/Memory.alusus";
import "Apm.alusus";

module TestModule {
    use Srl;

    func start() {
        // define a pointer to the context of the server.
        // the server is executing the given function on the port 8080
        def context: ptr[Http.Context] = Http.startServer(callbackRequest~ptr, "8080");

        Console.print("Server is listening on port 8080\nhttp://localhost:8080/\nPress enter to close server.");
        // wait for a key press from the user to stop the server
        // when we reach here the user was pressed a key
        // so we should close the server

        Console.print("Server closed.\nPress enter to exit.");

    // the function we want the server to execute
    func callbackRequest(connection: ptr[Http.Connection]): Int {
        // define a variable for holding connection request information.
        def requestInfo: ptr[Http.RequestInfo] = Http.getRequestInfo(connection);
        // define a variable to store the content we want to show
        def content: array[Char, 1024];

        // store a simple html code in `content`
        String.assign(content~ptr, "<h1>Welcome from Alusus</h1><p> you are in \"%s\"", requestInfo~cnt.localUri);

        // write the data through the given connection
        // this data represent some information about the request in addition to the content.
        Http.print(connection, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
        Http.print(connection, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
        Http.print(connection, "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", String.getLength(content~ptr));
        Http.print(connection, content~ptr);

        return 1;


Functions and Types


class Context{
    def stopFlag: int;

This class holds the information about the context.

stopFlag: Whether to stop the event loop.


class Callbacks{
    def beginRequest: RequestCallback;
    def endRequest: ptr[func (connection: ptr[Connection], replyStatusCode: Int)];
    def logMessage: ptr[func (connection: ptr[Connection], message: CharsPtr): Int];
    def logAccess: ptr[func (connection: ptr[Connection], message: CharsPtr): Int];
    def initSsl: ptr[func (sslContext: ptr[Void], userData: ptr[Void]): Int];
    def connectionClose: ptr[func (connection: ptr[Connection]): Void];
    def httpError: ptr[func (connection: ptr[Connection], status: Int, msg: ptr[array[Char]]): Int];
    def initContext: ptr[func (context: ptr[Context]): Void];
    def exitContext: ptr[func (context: ptr[Context]): Void];
    def initThread: ptr[func (context: ptr[Context], threadType: Int): Void];

This class holds the main callbacks that can be used with http protocol. Each callback is a poiner to a function that server execute.

beginRequest: The server calls it when starting a request.

Return value:

  • 0: if the request was not processed.

  • 1 ~ 99: server let the function process the request

endRequest: Called by the server when a request on a given connection ends.

logMessage: Used to log a message on a given connection.

Return value:

  • 0: The server should call the default routine to log the message.

  • Non-zero value: Message logging is done by the callback and default logger shouldn't be called.

logAccess: Used to log an access message on a given connection.

Return value:

  • 0: The server should call the default logger.

  • Non-zero value: The server should not call the default logger.

initSsl: Called when initializing SSL.

Return value:

  • 0: Server should configure SSL certificate.

  • 1: SSL certificate is configured and the server should do nothing.

  • -1: SSL initialization failed.

connectionClose: CAlled when a given connection is closed.

httpError: Called when an error occurs on a given connection with the status and a message.

Return value:

  • 0 when the function sends the error page.

  • Non-zero value when the function does not send the error page and server should do that instead.

initContext: Called to initialize the context of a given thread.

exitContext Called to exit the context.

initThread Called to intialize a thread with a given context, for a given type.


class RequestInfo {
    def requestMethod: CharsPtr;
    def requestUri: CharsPtr;
    def localUri: CharsPtr;
    def httpVersion: CharsPtr;
    def queryString: CharsPtr;
    def remoteUser: CharsPtr;
    def remoteAddr: array[Char, 48];
    def contentLength: Int[64];
    def remotePort: Int;
    def isSsl: Int;
    def userData: ptr[Void];
    def connData: ptr[Void];
    def numberHeaders: Int;
    def httpHeaders: array[Header, 64];

This class holds the information about a request.

requestMethod: Request type, for example: GET.

requestUri: The URI of the request.

localUri: The local URI of the request, used for requests on the same server.

httpVersion: HTTP protocol version used in the request.

queryString: Request parameters in the request.

remoteUser: The remote user we deal with.

remoteAddr: IP address of the remote user.

contentLength: Request body length in bytes, -1 if nothing specified.

remotePort: The port used on the remote user machine.

isSsl: Whether the connection uses SSL.

userData: Data specific to the user.

connData: Data specific to the connection.

numberHeaders: Request headers number.

httpHeaders: Request headers.


class Header {
    def name: CharsPtr;
    def value: CharsPtr;

This class holds the information about request header.

name: Header name, which is the key.

value: Header value under the key name.


class Connection {
    def requestInfo: ptr[RequestInfo];
    def context: ptr[Context];
    def ssl: ptr;
    def clientSslContext: ptr;
    def client: ptr;
    def connectionBirthTime: Int;
    def requestTime: Int;
    def numberBytesSent: int[64];
    def contentLen: int[64];
    def consumedContent: int[64];
    def isChunked: int;
    def chunkRemainder: word[64];
    def buf: CharsPtr;
    def pathInfo: CharsPtr;
    def mustClose: int;
    def inErrorHandler: int;
    def internalError: int;
    def bufSize: int;
    def requestLen: int;
    def dataLen: int;
    def statusCode: int;
    def throttle: int;
    def lastThrottleTime: int;
    def lastThrottleBytes: int[64];
    def mutex: int[64];

This class holds the information about the connection.

requestInfo: Information about the request sent with the connection.

context: Information about connection context.

ssl: SSL descriptor.

clientSslContext: Client context on SSL.

client: The client connected to this connection.

connectionBirthTime: The time of creating the connection (wall time).

requestTime: The time of creating the connection (server time).

numberBytesSent: Number of bytes sent to the client.

contentLen: The value of "Content-length" header.

consumedContent: Number of bytes read from content.

isChunked: Is data transfering chuncked? Takes one of those values:

  • 0: Transfer is not chuncked.

  • 1: Transfer is not chuncked, and there is still some data to read.

  • 2: Transfer is not chuncked, and no data left to read.

chunkRemainder: Data no have been read yet from the last chunck.

buf: Buffer for recieved data.

pathInfo: Path info part of the URI.

mustClose: Should we close the connection?

inErrorHandler: Whether the errors are being handled.

internalError: Whether an error occured while processing the request.

bufSize: Buffer size.

requestLen: Total size in bytes of the request and the headers in the buffer.

dataLen: Total size in bytes of the data in the buffer.

statusCode: Reply status code of the HTTP protocol.

throttle: Throttle value.

lastThrottleTime: Last time throttled data was sent.

lastThrottleBytes: The bytes recieved in this second.

mutex: Used for locking when we need to access synced data safely.


func startServer(callbacks: ptr[Callbacks], user_data: Int, options: ptr[CharsPtr]): ptr[Context];

This function is used for initializing and starting the server.

The behaviour of the server is controlled by a list of callbacks and a list of options that the user gives.

In case that one of the callbacks is not present in the list, the server will use a default one.


callbacks: The list of callback that used to determine the behaviour of the server, and how it processes the requests.

user_data: Optional user data.

options: A list of options used in server initialization.

Return value:

A pointer to server's context, or a null in case of initialization failure.

func startServer (callback: RequestCallback, options: ref[Srl.Array[CharsPtr]]): ptr[Context];


callback: callback that server will execute when receiving a request.

options: options related to server initialization, like port number.

func startServer (callback: RequestCallback, optsCount: Int, opts: ...CharsPtr): ptr[Context];


callback: Callback that server will execute when receiving a request.

optsCount: Number of options in opts.

opts: Options related to server initialization, like port number.

func startServer(callback: RequestCallback, port: CharsPtr): ptr[Context];

callback: Callback that server will execute when receiving a request.

port: Port number that server listens to.


func stopServer(context: ptr[Context]): Void;

This function is used for closing the server and release any accquired resources, it waits until all threads finished, and only then it release resources and close the server.


context: Pointer to server's context that we want to close.


func read(connection: ptr[Connection], buffer: ptr, bufferSize: Int): Int;

This function read the data from the connection given by connection parameter. Data is considered in binary format and stored in buffer.


connection: Connection we want to read data from it.

buffer: The buffer to store data in it.

bufferSize: Max size in bytes of data we can store in buffer.

Return value:

On success: Number of bytes it read.

When connection is closed from a peer: 0.

When there is no more data to read: negative value.


func write(connection: ptr[Connection], buffer: CharsPtr, bufferSize: Int): Int;

This function is used to send data through a given connection


connection: Connection we want to send through it.

buffer: Buffer holding the data we want to send.

bufferSize: The size in bytes of buffer

Return value:

Number of sent bytes in case of success, or -1 in case of failure.


func print(connection: ptr[Connection], format: CharsPtr, ...any): Int;

This function is used for sending formatted messages through a given connection


connection: Connection we want to send through it.

format: Message's format.

Var args: Arguments needed to fill format.

Return value:

When connection is closed: 0.

When an error occurs: -1.

On success: Number of bytes sent.


func sendFile(connection: ptr[Connection], fileName: CharsPtr): Void;

This function is used to send a file through a connection. It adds the required headers automatically.


connection: The connection we want to send through it.

fileName: The name of the file we want to send.


func getCookie(
    cookiesString: CharsPtr, cookieName: CharsPtr, outCookieContent: CharsPtr, outCookieSize: Word[64]
): Int;

This function is used to get the value of a specific variable from a specific cookie.


cookiesString: Cookie name.

cookieName: Name of the variable in cookiesString.

outCookieContent: Buffer to store the content of the variable in it.

outCookieSize: The size in bytes of outCookieContent.

Return value:

On success: The size of the cookie in bytes.

When cookie is not found: -1.

On failure to store in the buffer: -2.


func getHeader(connection: ptr[Connection], headerName: CharsPtr): CharsPtr;

This function is used to get a header from a given connection.


connection: The connection we want to get a header from it.

headerName: The name of header we want.

Return value:

A pointer to the header value or null in case of failure.


func getRequestInfo(connection: ptr[Connection]): ptr[RequestInfo];

This function is used to get the information about a request through a given connection.


connection: The connection we want to get request information from it.

Return value:

A pointer to request information.


func getVariable(
    data: CharsPtr, dataSize: Int, variableName: CharsPtr, outVariable: CharsPtr, outVariableSize: Int
): Int;

This function is used to get the value of a given variable from the server.

This variable is passed to the server through POST (in the body), or GET (in the URI) request.


data: The data we passed the variable through it (POST body, or GET URI).

dataSize: Size in bytes of data.

variableName: The name of the variable we want.

outVariable: Output buffer to store the value of the variable in it.

outVariableSize: The size in bytes of outVariable.

Return value:

On success: The size in bytes of the variable value.

When variable is not found: -1.

On failure to store in the buffer: -2.


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