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Release v2.5.1

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@github-actions github-actions released this 26 Feb 02:26

Docker: altinity/clickhouse-sink-connector:2.5.1-lt

What's new:

error.max.retries: All the clickhouse database calls will be retried based on the configuration variable.
Hikari connection pool: All the clickhouse db calls will be routed through Hikari connection pool. The number of connections are configurable.

What's Changed

Postgres Numeric -> BigDecimal exception
Resolved an exception occurring when mapping PostgreSQL NUMERIC data types to Java's BigDecimal, enhancing compatibility with PostgreSQL sources.
Issue #980

DateTime64 truncation limit behavior different from ClickHouse
Addressed inconsistencies in DateTime64 truncation behavior between the connector and ClickHouse, ensuring uniform data handling.
Issue #971

DDL Translation error: modify column datatype with DEFAULT NULL
Fixed errors in Data Definition Language (DDL) translation when modifying column data types with DEFAULT NULL constraints, improving schema evolution support.
Issue #965

Hikari Connection Pool
​The pull request #893 introduces the integration of the HikariCP connection pool. This enhancement aims to efficiently manage ClickHouse connections, addressing potential connection leaks identified in issue #867. By implementing HikariCP, the connector benefits from improved performance and reliability through effective connection pooling.

Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.5.1