This README file is not for AlphaImpute. This README file is for the AlphaImpute manuals.
Manuals are written in Markdown.
For printable editions, manuals are compiled using pandoc and LaTeX.
Pandoc requires some additional extensions.
and pandoc-fignos
for ennumerating figure and table captions.
Organization: / - scripts for compiling various versions of the manuals. /chapters/ - each chapter can be found as a separate file. /examples/ - examples used in the manuals, complete with input data and spec files. /figures/ - figures for manuals.
To set a caption for a table:
Table: Caption {#tbl:lbl}
is mandatory (I believe). Curly brackets must appear at end.
To reference the table use @tbl:lbl
To set a caption for a figure:
To reference the figure use @fig:lbl
Run python installers as root / administrator:
pip install pandoc-tablenos
pip install pandoc-fignos
- pandoc-fignos:
- pandoc-tablenos: