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File metadata and controls

107 lines (72 loc) · 3.13 KB


README русский / english

PhpPrustect is a PHP encryption tool written in Rust. It allows you to protect your source code and distribute it encrypted. This project provides code to build .so/.dylib/.dll extensions to connect via php.ini, and a project_obfuscate.php script to obfuscate the entire PHP project.

The project is tested and compatible with Laravel controllers, models, etc.

Important points

Only full php files can be encrypted, inserting html or blade templates may cause an error.

It does not support include and require inside encrypted code, since the code is executed in memory via eval.

Since php-config is used when building, the built library becomes compatible only with the current environment, Therefore, for convenience, a Dockerfile is attached which will allow you to build an extension for your container environment.

Encryption logic

  1. Generation of file hash:

    • A hash is generated from each file by its name using the xxh3 algorithm.
  2. Creation of a “salted” password:

    • The password is XOR-ed with the file hash to create a unique key for encryption.
  3. Data Encryption:

    • The source php code is XOR-ed with the “salted” password.
  4. Result:

    • The encrypted data is converted to a hexadecimal string using bin2hex.

xxh3 is a fast hashing algorithm, using hex to store the code allows it to be converted to binary data faster, xor operations are also simple, reducing the overall decryption burden.

Build module

  1. Download the project from GitHub:

    git clone
    cd PhpPrustect
  2. Set your encryption key in src/ instead of SECRET_PASSWORD.

  3. Build the project using Cargo:

    rustup toolchain install nightly
    RUSTFLAGS="-Zlocation-detail=none" cargo +nightly build -Z build-std=std,panic_abort -Z build-std-features=panic_immediate_abort --release
  4. Reduce the file size if necessary:

    strip --strip-all target/release/
    llvm-objcopy --strip-unneeded target/release/

Encrypt the PHP project

To encrypt the project, perform these steps with the project_obfuscate.php file:

  • set your secret key in ENC_PASSWD;
  • specify the path to the project in MAIN_FOLDER;
  • specify the path where the encrypted project will be created in OBF_FOLDER;
  • enter the files to be encrypted into $FILES_OBF;
  • enter into $DO_NOT_COPY the files that are not needed in the encrypted project and should be skipped when copying;

After setting up, start the encryption process:

php prustect.php

The encrypted project will be in OBF_FOLDER.

To test it, run

php -d "extension=target/release/" demo/protected_website/index.php

Configure php.ini.

Plug the built module into the php.ini file and you're ready to use encryption!


This project is distributed under the MIT LICENSE.