Welcome to Qanunji-AI, a repository where I present the source code and complete instructions to create a legal specialist using artificial intelligence. In this project, I've developed a chatbot with legal expertise, utilizing provided legal files for learning. The chatbot's knowledge is powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 API. 🧠
I utilized the flet library, which offers a straightforward interface for creating Flutter applications using Python. Additionally, I incorporated the Google API GooglePalmEmbeddings to enhance the functionality. Below, you'll find a video demonstrating how this code operates. 🎥
Feel free to explore the codebase and delve into the world of legal AI. 🚀
- langchain==0.0.268
- faiss==1.7.4
- google.generativeai==0.1.0
- flet==0.10.3
- python==3.9.13
You can reach out to me via:
- Facebook: Mustafa Mohammad
- Telegram: Mustafa Mohammad
Happy coding! 😊