Project 'tibian', also known as the 'TIcket Birthday Announcer', is a project to announce tickets that it's birthday today. That means it announces ticket titles and summaries that were created a few years ago and are still open to a number of channels that you specified before. For example, the Jira tickets of a project can be published to a Teams channel regularly and make some people happy (or angry).
Right now, the project is in a very early stage and it's not fully functional.
To install the package, simply do:
pip install tibian
which will install the package locally.
Then, configure the credentials and endpoints for your ticket and announcement system as described in Configuration.
Afterwards, you can start the project by running the tibian command:
Afterwards, it should announce the birthdays of tickets of the current date as specified.
The configuration file for the project must be located in the working directory of the executed command. A short (any maybe not complete) description of the configuration file is given in config.example.yaml on GitHub.
Copy this to a file config.yaml in the current directory, add your credentials and remove parts you don't need.
Detailed information about all config options will be given soon, but for this version most of the configuration should be self-explanatory.
'type' is the type of source or target you have, 'name' is an internal used name for the source/target, and 'config' is a type-dependant dictionary of types as shown.
We use semantic versioning to version the project. As we are in some sort of 'beta', we may (but try not to) do some breaking changes between minor versions to fix some obvious misbehavior of the project. For example, we may change the configuration file format or add new options to the configuration file. As we try to prevent this and add a backlog how to upgrade to newer versions, you maybe want to check the changelog before updating to new versions.
We are always happy about active support. If you want to actively develop on tibian, follow the next few commands. We use poetry for the development of tibian. You can install it with the following command:
pip install poetry
To install all development dependencies, run:
poetry install --with dev
Afterwards, you have all dependencies (including dev dependencies) installed in a virtualenv, and are able to develop.
To add new dependencies, run:
poetry add <package>
To activate your virtualenv, run:
poetry shell
Afterwards, you can run all following commands in the virtualenv. In case you don't, you have to add 'poetry run' before each of the next commands to execute it in the virtualenv, or you will get missing requirements errors.
Additionally, we use pre-commit as our tool to enforce some styling and lint rules. To install pre-commit, run:
pre-commit install
This will install all hooks and run them automatically on a commit. You can also run these rules manually by doing:
pre-commit run --all
To run the tests and get some coverage information, run: