Due to the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle, the main functions of the application have been created, which allows you to keep a food diary, as well as keep statistics.
The main functions of the application
- Registration/Authorization
- Accounting for calories from food
- Keeping a food and physical activity diary
- Viewing statistics
- Preparation of the food menu
Registration To register, the user must enter:
- Password
- Name
- Height (profile)
- Weight (profile)
- Age (profile)
Authorization To log in, the user must enter:
- Password
Counting calories from food
- Product selection:
- Choose a product
- Specify the weight
- Multiple products can be selected
- Information is displayed (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates) for each product
Food Diary Available after authorization.
- Nutrition
- The user fills in the products that he ate during the day
- User's weight
- The user indicates his weight (necessary for statistics)
Statistics Available after authorization.
- Viewing statistics (graph X = days, Y=...) per week/month :
- calories consumed
- user's weight
Power menu Available after authorization.
- Choose:
- day of the week
- products/dishes
- specify the weight
- All data specified by the user is saved
For demonstration, queries from the Postman collection from the \postman folder can be run. The my_fit_droplet collection is intended for droplet requests on the digitalocean server (the server is temporarily stopped, demonstration on request).