All URIs are relative to https://localhost:8080/activiti-app
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createDefaultReports | POST /app/rest/reporting/default-reports | Create the default reports |
getReportList | GET /app/rest/reporting/reports | Retrieve the available report list. |
getReportParams | GET /app/rest/reporting/report-params/{reportId} | Retrieve the parameters referring to the reportId. |
getProcessDefinitions | GET /app/rest/reporting/process-definitions | Retrieve the process definition list for all the apps. |
getTasksByProcessDefinitionId | GET /app/rest/reporting/report-params/{reportId}/tasks | Retrieves all tasks that refer to the processDefinitionId |
getReportsByParams | GET /app/rest/reporting/report-params/{reportId} | Generate the reports |
updateReport | PUT /app/rest/reporting/reports/{reportId} | Update the report |
exportToCsv | POST /app/rest/reporting/reports/{reportId}/export-to-csv | Export a report as csv |
saveReport | POST /app/rest/reporting/reports/{reportId} | Save the report |
deleteReport | DELETE /app/rest/reporting/reports/{reportId} | Delete a report |
Create the default reports
No parameters required.
null (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
[ReportParametersDefinition] getReportList()
Retrieve the available report list.
No parameters required.
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
ReportParametersDefinition getReportParams(reportId)
Retrieve the parameters referring to the reportId.
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
ParameterValueRepresentation getProcessDefinitions()
Retrieve the process definition list for all the apps.
No parameters required.
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
['String'] getTasksByProcessDefinitionId(reportId, processDefinitionId)
Retrieves all tasks that refer to the processDefinitionId
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var processDefinitionId = "1"; // String | processDefinitionId
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.getTasksByProcessDefinitionId(reportId, processDefinitionId);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
processDefinitionId | String | process definition id |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
ReportCharts getReportsByParams(reportId, paramsQuery)
Generate the reports based on the input parameters
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var paramsQuery = {status: 'ALL'}; // Object | paramsQuery
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.getReportsByParams(reportId, paramsQuery);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
paramsQuery | Object | Query parameters |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
updateReport(reportId, name)
Update the report details
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var name = "new Fake name"; // String | name
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.updateReport(reportId, name);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
name | String | The report name |
null (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
exportToCsv(reportId, queryParams)
Export a report as csv
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var queryParams = {
'processDefinitionId': 'TEST:99:999',
'dateRange': {
'startDate': '2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
'endDate': '2017-01-24T23:59:59.999Z',
'rangeId': 'currentYear'
'slowProcessInstanceInteger': 10,
'status': 'All',
'__reportName': 'FAKE_REPORT_NAME'
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.exportToCsv(reportId, queryParams);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
queryParams | Object | Query parameters |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
saveReport(reportId, queryParams)
Save a report
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var queryParams = {
'processDefinitionId': 'TEST:99:999',
'dateRange': {
'startDate': '2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
'endDate': '2017-01-24T23:59:59.999Z',
'rangeId': 'currentYear'
'slowProcessInstanceInteger': 10,
'status': 'All',
'__reportName': 'FAKE_REPORT_NAME'
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.saveReport(reportId, queryParams);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
queryParams | Object | Query parameters |
null (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Delete a report
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId |
null (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json