MWEnhancements 3.8
Bug Fixes Following Mega Walls update (click for details)
- fix not detecting that you are in a mw game wich breaks every mega walls feature
- fix feature hiding the hunger message in chat and on the screen
- fix the line number to inject information into the sidebar for wither death time and fks
- turn off final kill counter by default
- add digital final kill messages
- add new maps to the base location HUD
- use new thresholds for prestige 4 colors in /plancke commands
- compute classpoints properly in /plancke command
- delete colored prestige 5 tag feature
- Mega Walls :
- add
keybinds - make /squad addteam add only the party mates if you are in the pre game lobby
- fix renegade rend chat message not using formatted playernames
- add
- Hacker Detector :
- prevent typing auto-report if you are currently typing in the chat
- fix /report and /wdr commands following hypixel command update
Use /mwe
to open the config menu. To install the mod you need to use forge and drop the .jar file in your .minecraft\mods
See more information about installation here.
Send me a message on Discord if you have any crash, question or issue : Alexdoru