npm i && (cd cdk && npm i)
create .env file and put there vars from env.example file. Replace values as needed
apply migrations to the database
npm run knex:migrate:latest
npm run build && (cd cdk && cdk synth && cdk deploy)
To create user and get basic auth token via cli run
generate empty migration
npm run knex:migrate:make your-new-migration-name
run migrations
npm run knex:migrate:latest
generate empty seed migration
npm run knex:seed:make
run seed migrations
npm run knex:seed:run
Before running test run postgres in docker container
docker compose up -d
npm run test
npm run test:e2e
- Install AWS SAM
- create .env file and put there vars from env.example file. Replace values as needed
- install dependencies with command
npm i && (cd cdk && npm i)
- Run database in docker
docker compose up -d
- Apply migrations
npm run knex:migrate:latest