- FlightMechanicsUtils.jl: core functionality
- FlightMechanicsSimulator.jl: simulation
This package is intended to provide utils for Flight Mechanics computations. It runs on julia ≥ 1.0
- International Standard Atmosphere: get pressure, temperature, density, sound velocity for a given altitude.
- Conversion between different coordinate systems:
- body
- horizon
- wind
- llh (latitude, longitude, height) over various ellipsoid models
- Quaternion and euler angles conversions
- Anemometry:
- conversion between tas, cas, eas.
- velocity calculation from airspeed indicator (ASI) pressure difference
- dynamic pressure calculation (compressible and incompressible cases)
- tas, alpha, beta from body velocity
- 6 DOF Dynamic fixed mass models:
- Flat Earth Euler angles
- Flat Earth quaternions
- Ellipsoidal Earth ECEF model quaternion
- An experimental version of the simulator has been started. At the moment it comprises:
- C310 aerodynamics model obtained from JSBSim with an oversimplified engine model.
- F16 aerodynamics and engine (except for engine lag) model from ([1]).
- A preliminary version of the trimmer able to trim both aircrafts and validated for F16 with text book examples.
- Some base models serving as a for the development of the simulator: state, position, attitude, aerostate, mass, propulsion...
> [1] Stevens, B. L., Lewis, F. L., & Johnson, E. N. (2015). Aircraft control and simulation: dynamics, controls design, and autonomous systems. John Wiley & Sons. (page 715)
You can install this package cloning it:
Pkg> add [email protected]:AlexS12/FlightMechanics.jl.git
or if you want the dev version:
Pkg> dev [email protected]:AlexS12/FlightMechanics.jl.git
and run the tests:
Pkg> test FlightMechanics
If this package is useful for you and want to join efforts don't hesitate to let me know.