In October 2017 the Shared Data Hub reported that the proportion of EU nationals leaving jobs in the NHS is rising, while the share of those joining is shrinking.
The figures do not include data for GPs and practice staff or Clinical Commissioning Groups, and concern headcount rather than full-time equivalent posts.
The Shared Data Hub makes data journalism available to news organisations across the media industry, as part of a partnership between the BBC and the News Media Association. Stories generated by the partnership included:
- The Bolton News: More EU staff leaving NHS after Brexit vote but Bolton defiant against changes
- Bournemouth Echo: Brexit fears: More nurses and doctors from the EU leaving their jobs in Dorset than ever before
- Brighton Argus: Hospitals feel the impact of Brexit vote as number of EU nationals leaving the NHS rise
- Cumbria: The Mail: Hospitals in Cumbria keep EU doctors and nurses - despite Brexit
- Hertfordshire Mercury: Number of EU staff quitting jobs at Hertfordshire hospitals has almost doubled since Brexit vote
- Lancashire Telegraph: Brexit means fewer EU nurses in East Lancashire
- Mix 96: Higher percentage of EU staff leaving Bucks' NHS
- Portsmouth: The News: Brexit effect blamed as growing number of nurses leave QA Hospital
- Southern Daily Echo: Percent of EU staff joining a Southampton NHS trust falling annually
- Line chart: EU nationals and the NHS: Workers as a share of all staff leaving and joining each year 2015-17
- Bar chart: Where the share of EU staff joining increased the most
- Bar chart: Where the share of EU staff joining decreased the most