The league comprises N football teams (N<=10), numbered 1 to N. There are total N stadiums (indexed 1 to N) and each stadium has a stadium manager. The ith stadium is the home ground of the ith team. Each team plays 2 games against every other team - One at its home ground and one away (home ground of opponent team). If a team wins a match, it gets 3 points. If it's a draw, both teams get 1 point. If a team loses, they won't get any points. At the end of the season, the team with the maximum points wins the premier league title. If some teams finish with the same number of points, their position in the League table is determined by the number of goals scored. If the teams have the same number of points and number of goals scored, then the team with lower team index gets a higher position.
We provide the league fixture in an input file. Each line of input consists of the ids of the teams playing the match (Refer inpuT.txt for input layout). The aim is to task is to schedule and simulate the matches according to the fixture given and display the final result of the league in the decreasing order of the points scored by each team (Refer output.txt)
- Run make command within the terminal which would create the executable file (final)
- After creating the executable file type: ./final filename.txt
./final input-filename.txt
- To use given input file:
./final input.txt
main.c : The driver file, initiates creation of stadium processes through stadium.c and displays the result table through result.c. Takes name of input file as command line argument. Shared memory is created for the storage of results.
FOOTBALL.h: Interface file
stadium.c: creates stadium processes, ensures each match runs for 3 seconds then stores the result in shared memory.
result.c: Creates a matrix from shared memory of the results obtained from stadium.c. Then sorts the matrix according to given conditions in questions and displays the final table.
- main.c creates the shared memory and takes filename as command line argument.
- It then initiates stadium.c which creates the stadium processes and conducts the input matches.
- The results are stored from the matches in the created shared memory.
- main.c then initiates result.c
- The shared memory results are first converted to a 2d matrix.
- The matrix is then sorted on the given conditions in question.
- The table is then finally displayed.