is an intelligent Minecraft bot based on Finite State Machine and some Machine Learning
Algorithms, such
as DB-Scan and Single Layer Perceptron.
I am new to TypeScript and mineflayer
, so some unexpected behaviours of bot still exist, and may be
fixed in later versions (or not ///>_</// ).
Just think of your bot as a Cute Neko Musume to nurture but not a Cold Dumb Machine to oppress.
The logo and the illustration of Koneko are all designed by AkagawaTsurunaki. Doya?
- 🛡️ Protect players from being attacked by hostiles around.
- 👠 Follow players and move together.
- 🥕 Harvest corps and sow with players.
- 🪵 Collect woods with players.
- 🍽️ Automatically eat food when feeling hungry.
- 🛏️ Find the bed to sleep to spend the night.
- 💭 Follow some built-in instructions.
- 🏊🏻♀️ Swim or float to avoid drowning.
- 🔥 Look for water when on fire or stuck in lava.
- 🎣 Fish with rod when lake or river is found.
- 😡 Attack the players who provoke it.
- 📺️ View all states of FSM in your local browser.
- 🧩 Implement your own skills, states, algorithms, FSM to create a bot!
- Implement more states: FishState, CollectDroppedItemsState, StorageState...
- Use neural network to remember the region of the player gathering place, structure of buildings, terrain around...
- Advanced cognitive-behavioral, may connect to some Large Language Models.
Download Minecraft in your computer and start the server.
Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2 and 1.20.6 are supported.
To support other version of Minecraft, you should download registry_data.json
from here (click the link and scroll down to the bottom of page)
and put the JSON file in ./resource/protocol/{VERSION}/register_data.json
Then implement the code how process the DamageEventEmitter
in this version.
Suppose that Node.js (20.17.0) and npm (10.8.2) have been installed properly.
Use command
npm install
It will download all dependencies KonekoMinecraftBot
Find the config file ./resource/config/botConfig.json
and edit it.
"host": "",
// Minecraft server host.
"port": 25565,
// Minecraft server port.
"username": "Koneko",
// Your bot name.
"version": "1.20.1",
// Minecraft version. Default to 1.20.1 if null is given.
"masterName": "Akagawa"
// The name of the master of your bot.
Run the command.
By click the link and open your browser. You will see the whole dynamically updating state diagram of
by visiting the link http:
by default.
Purple indicates the current active state, blue indicates states that are connected to the current state,
and gray indicates states that are not connected to the current state.
classDef activateState fill: #e2d0f8, color: #7030a0, stroke: #af7eec
classDef nextState fill: #c1e5f5, color: #156285, stroke: #46b1e1
classDef deactivateState fill: #d9d9d9, color: #404040, stroke: #7f7f7f
state "IdleState<br>0.18268286794901034" as IdleState
state "AttackHostilesState<br>1" as AttackHostilesState
state "AttackPlayerState<br>0" as AttackPlayerState
state "DiveState<br>0" as DiveState
state "FollowPlayerState<br>0" as FollowPlayerState
state "SleepState<br>0" as SleepState
state "HarvestState<br>0" as HarvestState
state "LoggingState<br>0" as LoggingState
state "InLavaState<br>0" as InLavaState
state "OnFireState<br>0" as OnFireState
state "InstructionState<br>0" as InstructionState
state "FishingState<br>0" as FishingState
IdleState --> AttackHostilesState
IdleState --> AttackPlayerState
IdleState --> DiveState
IdleState --> FollowPlayerState
IdleState --> SleepState
IdleState --> HarvestState
IdleState --> LoggingState
IdleState --> InLavaState
IdleState --> OnFireState
IdleState --> InstructionState
IdleState --> FishingState
AttackHostilesState --> IdleState
AttackHostilesState --> FollowPlayerState
AttackHostilesState --> InstructionState
AttackPlayerState --> IdleState
AttackPlayerState --> AttackHostilesState
AttackPlayerState --> InstructionState
DiveState --> IdleState
DiveState --> FollowPlayerState
DiveState --> InstructionState
FollowPlayerState --> IdleState
FollowPlayerState --> DiveState
FollowPlayerState --> AttackHostilesState
FollowPlayerState --> InstructionState
SleepState --> IdleState
SleepState --> InstructionState
HarvestState --> IdleState
HarvestState --> AttackPlayerState
HarvestState --> InstructionState
LoggingState --> IdleState
LoggingState --> InstructionState
InLavaState --> IdleState
InLavaState --> OnFireState
InLavaState --> InstructionState
OnFireState --> IdleState
OnFireState --> InstructionState
InstructionState --> IdleState
FishingState --> IdleState
FishingState --> AttackHostilesState
FishingState --> DiveState
FishingState --> FollowPlayerState
FishingState --> SleepState
FishingState --> InLavaState
FishingState --> OnFireState
FishingState --> InstructionState
npx tsx ./index.ts
Your bot will join the game later if everything goes well. Enjoy Minecraft time together!
This state diagram show the relation between different states.
Each state
Currently, FSM implementation does not really transition state on
probability distribution, but just on value comparison, for development and test stability. I will test this trick in future releases, but using it or not depends on the final performance.
FSM updates transition values of all states registered per second (or 20 physical tick in Minecraft). If you think the
frequency is too low, just set a value you want.
But remember, some updates of transition value of specific states may depend on EventEmitter
defined by
and mineflayer
, which are not fully controlled by FSM.
You should consider memory leak when implementing your custom states or FSM.
Bot enter different states to take actions when specific condition held.
The state diagram is generated from source code.
IdleState --> AttackHostilesState
IdleState --> AttackPlayerState
IdleState --> DiveState
IdleState --> FollowPlayerState
IdleState --> SleepState
IdleState --> HarvestState
IdleState --> LoggingState
IdleState --> InLavaState
IdleState --> OnFireState
IdleState --> InstructionState
IdleState --> FishingState
AttackHostilesState --> IdleState
AttackHostilesState --> FollowPlayerState
AttackHostilesState --> InstructionState
AttackPlayerState --> IdleState
AttackPlayerState --> AttackHostilesState
AttackPlayerState --> InstructionState
DiveState --> IdleState
DiveState --> FollowPlayerState
DiveState --> InstructionState
FollowPlayerState --> IdleState
FollowPlayerState --> DiveState
FollowPlayerState --> AttackHostilesState
FollowPlayerState --> InstructionState
SleepState --> IdleState
SleepState --> InstructionState
HarvestState --> IdleState
HarvestState --> AttackPlayerState
HarvestState --> InstructionState
LoggingState --> IdleState
LoggingState --> InstructionState
InLavaState --> IdleState
InLavaState --> OnFireState
InLavaState --> InstructionState
OnFireState --> IdleState
OnFireState --> InstructionState
InstructionState --> IdleState
FishingState --> IdleState
FishingState --> AttackHostilesState
FishingState --> DiveState
FishingState --> FollowPlayerState
FishingState --> SleepState
FishingState --> InLavaState
FishingState --> OnFireState
FishingState --> InstructionState
The detail of all states are shown here.
Sometimes, bot will take weird or bad actions (break your house, dig a hole in your way, or trample your farmland). Therefore, please be careful when you are on a multiplayer server so as not to cause trouble to other players.
The state form is generated from source code.
State ID | Description | Issues |
IdleState | Do nothing. It is also an entry node for other states. | - |
AttackHostilesState | Attack hostiles approaching robots. | Probably not dodge from hostiles, but rather lunge aggressively |
AttackPlayerState | Players who has maximum angry value will be attacked first. Player who has dead or has angry value below the threshold of attacking will be forgiven.All players will be forgiven when the bot dead. | - |
DiveState | Bot should surface or sink if in water. Oxygen level and health are also considered. | It may also oscillate up and down in shallow water. |
FollowPlayerState | Follow the nearest player until the bot thinks it is close enough. | - |
SleepState | Based on information such as time and nearest bed, look for a bed to spend the night. | Instead of going through the door, it is possible to enter the room in search of a bed by breaking blocks. |
HarvestState | If a player harvesting nearby, bot will also try to help harvest the crop. | - |
LoggingState | If a player broke some log blocks nearby, bot will also try to help collect the wood with the axe equipped. | - |
InLavaState | The robot panics in the lava and will randomly jump around. | - |
OnFireState | Bot is on fire or in fire, trying to touch the nearest water block. | May take a very strange path to get close to the water block, resulting in being burned to death. |
InstructionState | When the master chat a instruction keyword, try to execute this skill first. | - |
FishingState | If bot has a fishing rod in the inventory and thinks it is close to a certain size of water, it will throw the rod tat where it is facing. | Bot may throw the fishing rod onto the surface of ground instead of the water. |
Chat with bot in Minecraft, the bot will prioritize the execution of your instruction.
The instructions form is generated from source code.
Instruction | Description | Usage |
Quit Game | quit | Ask bot to quit from the game. |
Stop | stop | Ask bot to stop current instruction executing. Note that it will not shutdown the FSM. |
Sow Corps | sow <itemName:string> | Ask bot to sow. |
Harvest Corps | harvest | Ask bot to harvest. |
Behaviors are usually not controlled by FSM and are autonomous and unconscious. You are UNABLE to force the robot from taking these behaviours with instructions.
The behaviours form is generated from source code.
Name | Description |
FaceToSoundSourceBehaviour | Bot will face to the sound source that made by players, hostiles or mobs. |
AutoEatBehaviour | Thanks to mineflayer-auto-eat , auto eat supported. |
To search around log blocks and classify them as many clusters to identify the tree.
To consider as many as possible situations that affect the behaviours of bot, many weight parameters involved in the calculation. Most of the parameters can be adjusted manually because it has some interpretability.
Player with the same name of your bot has joined the game, so your bot can not login.
Some servers need a player to input your password. Login using Minecraft client and try again.
Many situations will crash the bot, such as network connection or some bugs in my code. You can create an issue if your problem can be reproduced.
See ./src/fsm/impl
for more details.
Feel free to create your own bot!
Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004
- Github: AkagawaTsurunaki
- Bilibili: 赤川鹤鸣_Channel
- E-mail: Outlook