Kingsage Conquer - Eroberungsmanagement für Kingsage
- 15.08.2011 - add - added player, ally to allyRes table
- 15.08.2011 - change - on settlement info after booking, the delete link pops up without refresh and vice versa
- 16.08.2011 - fix - reset last viewed settlement on map refresh
- 16.08.2011 - fix - own settlements are not displayed as free on map any longer
- 16.08.2011 - change - getBookings Button on Map is gone, bookings are fetched every load and scroll
- 17.08.2011 - fix - fixed behaviour for abandoned settlements and players without an alliance
- 24.08.2011 - add - delete reservations via allypage
- 13.09.2011 - add - you can now view reservations for an alliance via the alliances page
- 14.10.2011 - change - redesigned the planner tab completely, now we have subtabs for own-, allyreservations and administration
- 15.10.2011 - add - added some eycandy (fadeIn, fadeOut) on the planner page when switching between tabs
- 22.10.2011 - add - you can now see reservations of confederate alliances in the planner tab and on every alliances page
- 08.11.2011 - fix - ud 2.0.0 caused username problems
- 17.02.2012 - fix - ud 2.1.0 caused map problems
- 24.05.2012 - fix - calling planner page multiple times kept rebinding events
- 31.10.2012 - change - complete rewrite
- 05.11.2013 - fix - kingsage changed domains, adapted includes
- 09.01.2013 - fix - map walker bug