This is a simple C++ console application designed to manage a student database. It allows users to add new student records, display all student records, and search for students by their ID. The system uses a fixed-size array to store student information, making it suitable for learning purposes and small-scale applications.
- Add Student: Enter details for a new student including ID, name, and age.
- Display All Students: View a list of all students currently in the database.
- Search for Student by ID: Find and display student details based on their ID.
- Exit: Quit the application.
- Data Structure: Utilizes a
struct to hold individual student records. - Functions:
: Adds a new student to the database.displayStudents()
: Lists all students.searchStudent()
: Searches for a student by ID.
- Main Menu: Provides a text-based interface for user interaction.
- Compile the Program:
Use a C++ compiler to compile the source code.
g++ -o student_management student_management.cpp