Git directory for reviewing warnings fix patches in the openjdk.
- Fork the main repository (AdoptOpenJDK/PatchReview)
- Patches to be reviewed should be committed to the unreviewed directory.
- Review a patch, following the guidelines at
- Feel free to make trivial changes if that helps get the patch through (although still note down the author of the patch to tell them what you changed and why).
- If approved, move the reviewed patch to the reviewed directory
- If the patch has already been applied to the OpenJDK codebase by someone else, move it to the beaten directory
- If the patch is inappropriate for some reason, move it to the rejected directory with a comment as to why you rejected the patch.
- Commit, writing a comment in the git commit message, comment should either be "Approved" or "2nd opinion requested".
- If you need a second review on a patch then put it in the 'further_review_needed' directory
- Rinse and repeat per patch (you can group patch reviews in a single commit, but make sure that this is grouped sensibly, try to to mix rejected with approved etc)
- Submit a pull request so that someone else can double check your work