It was a challenge given by Microsft to build a replica of MS Team with a mandatory feature where atleast 2 people can join a room and have video call. On my way of building this I used MERN stack for building its frontend and backend. I tried and added more featrues by myself to make it user-friendly
This project containns 2 folder 📁 "client" and "server"
Client conatins frontend part and server contains backend part for this website
In client's .env.local file
Deploy your backend on heroku and save the URL or write http://localhost:5000
if your are running it locally
In server's .env file
Create a database in Mongo Atlas and note the secret and url of the cluster
✔️1. Clone this repository
git clone
✔️2. cd into client and then run
cd client
npm install
✔️3. cd into server and then run
cd server
npm install
This will install all the dependencies required and your are good to go 💯
For frontend I used React to build components like form teams and other things. React is a go to option for projects like this where you have multiple repeating components and lot of rendering of components is required. Frontend was supported by lots of other NPM packages too to make the work easy and nice.
Here is a list of those NPM packages 📝
📍 Material UI core
📍 Material UI icons
📍 Axios
📍 React Avatar
📍 React Chat Engine
📍 React Scroll To Bottom
📍 Use Animations
📍 Twilio
For backend I used NodeJS for creating servers and routes. I used node for backend because it has support from a big community for its packages and twilio and chat Engine is very easy to integrate. For database I used MongoDB Atlas which is cloud based data storage.
Here is a list of those NPM packages 📝
📍 Axios
📍 Twilio
📍 Cors
📍 Express
📍 Mongoose
📍 Nodemon
📍 SHA256
Chat Engine helps you to build chat app. You dont have to write all the componets from scratch and every part of it is customizable. In this project I reconfigured most of the components like created own form to send message, created own custom styled chat messages and added functionality like sending pictures and starting a video call with memebers of chat room and many more. It also has its REST API with which you can interact with teh database it has.
Twilio is a very superb tool for communication. It has various feature like bulk message sender, audio and video call and many more. I used its video calling API which is a wrapper around WebRTC. It provide you support at both frontend and backend to listend various activity like people joining and leaving call, their tracks like audio and video and many more. It gives you a JWT token which is used for sessions to add people in a video conference.