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sidward committed Nov 27, 2016
0 parents commit 8d035ab
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Showing 8 changed files with 250 additions and 0 deletions.
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# espirit-python

ESPIRiT implemented in Python.

## Prerequisites

ESPIRiT itself requires ```numpy```. ```matplotlib``` is needed to display images.

## Usage

Please see `````` for a usage example.

## References

- Uecker, M., Lai, P., Murphy, M. J., Virtue, P., Elad, M., Pauly, J. M., ... & Lustig, M. (2014). ESPIRiT—an
eigenvalue approach to autocalibrating parallel MRI: where SENSE meets GRAPPA. Magnetic resonance in medicine,
71(3), 990-1001.
- Data from [](
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# Copyright 2013-2015. The Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by
# a BSD-style license which can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Authors:
# 2013 Martin Uecker <[email protected]>
# 2015 Jonathan Tamir <[email protected]>

import numpy as np

def readcfl(name):
# get dims from .hdr
h = open(name + ".hdr", "r")
h.readline() # skip
l = h.readline()
dims = [int(i) for i in l.split( )]

# remove singleton dimensions from the end
n =
dims_prod = np.cumprod(dims)
dims = dims[:np.searchsorted(dims_prod, n)+1]

# load data and reshape into dims
d = open(name + ".cfl", "r")
a = np.fromfile(d, dtype=np.complex64, count=n);
return a.reshape(dims, order='F') # column-major

def writecfl(name, array):
h = open(name + ".hdr", "w")
h.write('# Dimensions\n')
for i in (array.shape):
h.write("%d " % i)
d = open(name + ".cfl", "w")
array.T.astype(np.complex64).tofile(d) # tranpose for column-major order
Binary file added data/knee.cfl
Binary file not shown.
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# Dimensions
1 320 256 8 1
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import numpy as np

fft = lambda x, ax : np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.ifftshift(x, axes=ax), axes=ax, norm='ortho'), axes=ax)
ifft = lambda X, ax : np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(X, axes=ax), axes=ax, norm='ortho'), axes=ax)

def espirit(X, k, r, t, c):
Derives the ESPIRiT operator.
X: Multi channel k-space data. Expected dimensions are (sx, sy, sz, nc), where (sx, sy, sz) are volumetric
dimensions and (nc) is the channel dimension.
k: Parameter that determines the k-space kernel size. If X has dimensions (1, 256, 256, 8), then the kernel
will have dimensions (1, k, k, 8)
r: Parameter that determines the calibration region size. If X has dimensions (1, 256, 256, 8), then the
calibration region will have dimensions (1, r, r, 8)
t: Parameter that determines the rank of the auto-calibration matrix (A). Singular values below t times the
largest singular value are set to zero.
c: Crop threshold that determines eigenvalues "=1".
maps: This is the ESPIRiT operator. It will have dimensions (sx, sy, sz, nc, nc) with (sx, sy, sz, :, idx)
being the idx'th set of ESPIRiT maps.

sx = np.shape(X)[0]
sy = np.shape(X)[1]
sz = np.shape(X)[2]
nc = np.shape(X)[3]

sxt = (sx//2-r//2, sx//2+r//2) if (sx > 1) else (0, 1)
syt = (sy//2-r//2, sy//2+r//2) if (sy > 1) else (0, 1)
szt = (sz//2-r//2, sz//2+r//2) if (sz > 1) else (0, 1)

# Extract calibration region.
C = X[sxt[0]:sxt[1], syt[0]:syt[1], szt[0]:szt[1], :].astype(np.complex64)

# Construct Hankel matrix.
p = (sx > 1) + (sy > 1) + (sz > 1)
A = np.zeros([(r-k+1)**p, k**p * nc]).astype(np.complex64)

idx = 0
for xdx in range(max(1, C.shape[0] - k + 1)):
for ydx in range(max(1, C.shape[1] - k + 1)):
for zdx in range(max(1, C.shape[2] - k + 1)):
# numpy handles when the indices are too big
block = C[xdx:xdx+k, ydx:ydx+k, zdx:zdx+k, :].astype(np.complex64)
A[idx, :] = block.flatten()
idx = idx + 1

# Take the Singular Value Decomposition.
U, S, VH = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=True)
V = VH.conj().T

# Select kernels.
n = np.sum(S >= t * S[0])
V = V[:, 0:n]

kxt = (sx//2-k//2, sx//2+k//2) if (sx > 1) else (0, 1)
kyt = (sy//2-k//2, sy//2+k//2) if (sy > 1) else (0, 1)
kzt = (sz//2-k//2, sz//2+k//2) if (sz > 1) else (0, 1)

# Reshape into k-space kernel, flips it and takes the conjugate
kernels = np.zeros(np.append(np.shape(X), n)).astype(np.complex64)
kerdims = [(sx > 1) * k + (sx == 1) * 1, (sy > 1) * k + (sy == 1) * 1, (sz > 1) * k + (sz == 1) * 1, nc]
for idx in range(n):
kernels[kxt[0]:kxt[1],kyt[0]:kyt[1],kzt[0]:kzt[1], :, idx] = np.reshape(V[:, idx], kerdims)

# Take the iucfft
axes = (0, 1, 2)
kerimgs = np.zeros(np.append(np.shape(X), n)).astype(np.complex64)
for idx in range(n):
for jdx in range(nc):
ker = kernels[::-1, ::-1, ::-1, jdx, idx].conj()
kerimgs[:,:,:,jdx,idx] = fft(ker, axes) * np.sqrt(sx * sy * sz)/np.sqrt(k**p)

# Take the point-wise eigenvalue decomposition and keep eigenvalues greater than c
maps = np.zeros(np.append(np.shape(X), nc)).astype(np.complex64)
for idx in range(0, sx):
for jdx in range(0, sy):
for kdx in range(0, sz):

Gq = kerimgs[idx,jdx,kdx,:,:]

u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(Gq, full_matrices=True)
for ldx in range(0, nc):
if (s[ldx]**2 > c):
maps[idx, jdx, kdx, :, ldx] = u[:, ldx]

return maps

def espirit_proj(x, esp):
Construct the projection of multi-channel image x onto the range of the ESPIRiT operator. Returns the inner
product, complete projection and the null projection.
x: Multi channel image data. Expected dimensions are (sx, sy, sz, nc), where (sx, sy, sz) are volumetric
dimensions and (nc) is the channel dimension.
esp: ESPIRiT operator as returned by function: espirit
ip: This is the inner product result, or the image information in the ESPIRiT subspace.
proj: This is the resulting projection. If the ESPIRiT operator is E, then proj = E E^H x, where H is
the hermitian.
null: This is the null projection, which is equal to x - proj.
ip = np.zeros(x.shape).astype(np.complex64)
proj = np.zeros(x.shape).astype(np.complex64)
for qdx in range(0, esp.shape[4]):
for pdx in range(0, esp.shape[3]):
ip[:, :, :, qdx] = ip[:, :, :, qdx] + x[:, :, :, pdx] * esp[:, :, :, pdx, qdx].conj()

for qdx in range(0, esp.shape[4]):
for pdx in range(0, esp.shape[3]):
proj[:, :, :, pdx] = proj[:, :, :, pdx] + ip[:, :, :, qdx] * esp[:, :, :, pdx, qdx]

return (ip, proj, x - proj)
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import cfl
from espirit import espirit, espirit_proj, ifft

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Load data
X = cfl.readcfl('data/knee')
x = ifft(X, (0, 1, 2))

# Derive ESPIRiT operator
esp = espirit(X, 6, 24, 0.01, 0.9925)
# Do projections
ip, proj, null = espirit_proj(x, esp)

# Figure code

esp = np.squeeze(esp)
x = np.squeeze(x)
ip = np.squeeze(ip)
proj = np.squeeze(proj)
null = np.squeeze(null)

print("Close figures to continue execution...")

# Display ESPIRiT operator
for idx in range(8):
for jdx in range(8):
plt.subplot(8, 8, (idx * 8 + jdx) + 1)
plt.imshow(np.abs(esp[:,:,idx,jdx]), cmap='gray')

dspx = np.power(np.abs(np.concatenate((x[:, :, 0], x[:, :, 1], x[:, :, 2], x[:, :, 3], x[:, :, 4], x[:, :, 5], x[:, :, 6], x[:, :, 7]), 0)), 1/3)
dspip = np.power(np.abs(np.concatenate((ip[:, :, 0], ip[:, :, 1], ip[:, :, 2], ip[:, :, 3], ip[:, :, 4], ip[:, :, 5], ip[:, :, 6], ip[:, :, 7]), 0)), 1/3)
dspproj = np.power(np.abs(np.concatenate((proj[:, :, 0], proj[:, :, 1], proj[:, :, 2], proj[:, :, 3], proj[:, :, 4], proj[:, :, 5], proj[:, :, 6], proj[:, :, 7]), 0)), 1/3)
dspnull = np.power(np.abs(np.concatenate((null[:, :, 0], null[:, :, 1], null[:, :, 2], null[:, :, 3], null[:, :, 4], null[:, :, 5], null[:, :, 6], null[:, :, 7]), 0)), 1/3)

print("NOTE: Contrast has been changed")

# Display ESPIRiT projection results
plt.subplot(1, 4, 1)
plt.imshow(dspx, cmap='gray')
plt.subplot(1, 4, 2)
plt.imshow(dspip, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Inner product')
plt.subplot(1, 4, 3)
plt.imshow(dspproj, cmap='gray')
plt.subplot(1, 4, 4)
plt.imshow(dspnull, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Null Projection')
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions index.html
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<center><h1 id="espirit-python">espirit-python</h1></center>
<h2 id="description">Description</h2>
<p>ESPIRiT implemented in Python.</p>
<h2 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites</h2>
<p>ESPIRiT itself requires <code>numpy</code>. <code>matplotlib</code> is needed to display images.</p>
<h2 id="usage">Usage</h2>
<p>Please see <code></code> for a usage example.</p>
<h2 id="references">References</h2>
<li>Uecker, M., Lai, P., Murphy, M. J., Virtue, P., Elad, M., Pauly, J. M., ... &amp; Lustig, M. (2014). ESPIRiT—an eigenvalue approach to autocalibrating parallel MRI: where SENSE meets GRAPPA. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 71(3), 990-1001.</li>
<li>Data from <a href=""></a></li>

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