What are the most important tools and materials to have available when doing a repair session?
- Screw drivers set
- Soldering Kit
- Soldering Wire
- Multimeter
Also check this out: https://wikifab.org/wiki/Repair_Cafe%27
- power source
- digital multimeter
- notebook, pens,
- trays for parts,
- headlamp or flashlight,
- magnifying glass,
- Torch / soldering iron(s) & sucker, solder,
- wires
- soldering oil/grease
- some few electrical components
- (resistors,diode,capacitors,etc)
- radio volume controllers
- mousepiece
- FM aerials to mention but a few
There are 64pieces of tools in the kit,these include:
Box sperners. 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12and13
Network cable crimping tool
Tape measure (3m)
Digital a/c/Dc tester
Radio set(6pieces)
phone set(10pieces)
Sole tape
Wire cutter
Soldering wire
Soldering gun (60wts)
Solder sucker
Soldering gun stand
Soldering gun
Radio set(05) pieces
phone set(12) pieces
Magnifying glass
Soldering wire
Digital multimetre
Wire strainer
Wire cutter
long nose
Allein key(5)pieces
Radio set(5)pieces
solder sucker
Digital multimetre
3metre tape measure
Phone set(6)pieces
Box sperners 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12and13
2computer blowers
1computer cleaner
3pen tester
1soldering gun
2rolls of soldering wire
1wire cutter
phone set(4)
Magnifying lens
Digital multimeter
Soldering gun(2) 30wts
Soldering paste
Head light
Wire cutter
2pen tester
Soldering wire (1roll)
Soldering gun stand
Tape measure(3metre)
Sole tape.