- This setup is preferred for local development only. A docker instance will be created as part of setup. If you have existing Keycloak instance go to Server Keycloak setup.
- For docker based installation Docker needs to be installed.
- Make sure you have a Docker machine up and running.
- Make sure your current working directory is forms-flow-ai/forms-flow-idm/keycloak.
- Optional: Rename the file sample.env to .env. Skip this step if you want to use the default values as mentioned in the table below.
- Optional: Modify the environment variables in the newly created .env file if needed. Environment variables are given in the table below,
Skip this for default setup
Variable name | Meaning | Possible values | Default value |
keycloak database name | Used on installation to create the database.Choose your own | keycloak |
keycloak database postgres user | Used on installation to create the database.Choose your own | postgres |
keycloak database postgres password | Used on installation to create the database.Choose your own | changeit |
Skip this for default setup
Variable name | Meaning | Possible values | Default value |
keycloak admin user name | Choose your own | admin |
keycloak admin password | Choose your own | changeme |
- Keycloak server uses port 8080, make sure the port is available.
cd {Your Directory}/forms-flow-ai/forms-flow-idm/keycloak
- Run
docker-compose up -d
to start.
NOTE: Use --build command with the start command to reflect any future .env changes eg : docker-compose -f docker-compose-windows.yml up --build -d
- Run
docker-compose stop
to stop.
The application should be up and available for use in http://localhost:8080
Login Credentials
User Name : admin
Password : changeme
- Default User credentials are generated when keycloak started for the first time, you can modify the values on your keycloak service.
User Role | User Name | Password | User Group |
Designer |
formsflow-designer |
changeme |
formsflow-designer |
Client |
formsflow-client |
changeme |
formsflow-client |
Reviewer |
formsflow-reviewer |
changeme |
formsflow-reviewer |
Clerk |
formsflow-clerk |
changeme |
formsflow-reviewer |
Approver |
formsflow-approver |
changeme |
formsflow-reviewer |
All the default configurations are imported to keycloak during the startup, so no manual changes are required at this stage. Redirect uri's are configured as localhost in the default setup, you can configure the ip address (if required) as the redirect uri for the clients by logging into Keycloak.
Local keycloak set up is successfully completed now. You can skip the remaining sections in this page and continue with other installation steps.
- Make sure you downloaded and installed Keycloak.
- To setup a remote keycloak server either download and import the formsflow-ai-realm.json to keycloak ( Applicable only for keycloak version 11.0.0 and above ) or follow the manual steps below.
Create a realm forms-flow-ai
- Login to keycloak with admin privileges
- Click the button "Create Realm" to add new realm forms-flow-ai
- Click Create.
- Login to KeyCloak Realm with admin privileges
- Configure > Clients > Create
- Client ID = forms-flow-web
- Client Protocol = openid-connect
- Click Save
- Settings Tab
- Name = forms-flow-web
- Description = React based FormIO web components
- Access Type = public
- Valid Redirect URIs eg. http://localhost:3000/*
- Valid Web Origins = *
- Click Save
- Roles Tab
- Click Add Role
- Role Name = formsflow-client
- Click Save
- Click Add Role
- Role Name = formsflow-reviewer
- Click Save
- Click Add Role
- Role Name = formsflow-designer
- Click Save
- Click Add Role
- Configure > Clients Scope > Roles > Mappers > Create
- Name = Role
- Mapper Type = User Client Role
- Client ID = forms-flow-web
- Token Claim Name = role
- Click Save
- Configure > Clients
- Select forms-flow-web Client
- Select Mappers tab
- Click Create
- Name = flowsflow-web-mapper
- Mapper Type = Audience
- Included Client Audience = forms-flow-web
- Click Save
- Click Create
- Name = dashboard-mapper
- Mapper Type = User Attribute
- User Attribute = dashboards
- Token Claim Name = dashboards
- Add to ID Token = ON
- Add to access token = ON
- Add to userinfo = ON
- Multivalued = ON
- Aggregate attribute values = ON
- Click Save
- Click Create
- Login to KeyCloak Realm with admin privileges
- Configure > Clients > Create
- Client ID = forms-flow-analytics
- Client Protocol = saml
- Click Save
- Settings Tab
- Name = forms-flow-analytics
- Description = Redash-Analytics
- Sign Assertions = ON
- Signature Algorithm = RSA_SHA256
- SAML Signature Key Name = KEY_ID
- Canonicalization Method = EXCLUSIVE_WITH_COMMENTS
- Name ID Format = email
- Valid Redirect URIs eg. http://localhost:7000/*
- Master SAML Processing URL = http://localhost:7000/saml/callback?org_slug=default
- Note: All other settings like Force POST BINDING, Client Signature Required, Front Channel Logout should be turned off and empty.
- Click Save
- Mappers Tab
- Click Add Builtin
- Click the Add checkbox for X500 surname and X500 givenName
- Click Add selected
- Go Back to Mappers
- Click Edit on X500 surname
- Change Friendly Name to LastName
- Click Save
- Go Back to Mappers
- Click Edit on X500 givenName
- Change Friendly Name to FirstName
- Click Save
- Click Add Builtin
- Login to KeyCloak Realm with admin privileges
- Configure > Clients > Create
- Client ID = forms-flow-bpm
- Client Protocol = openid-connect
- Click Save
- Settings Tab
- Name = forms-flow-bpm
- Description = Camunda Process Engine Components
- Access Type = confidential
- Service Accounts Enabled = ON
- Valid Redirect URIs eg. http://localhost:8000/camunda/*
- Web Origins = *
- Click Save
- Mappers Tab
- Click Create, and provide in below properties
* Name = username
* Mapper Type =User Property
* Property = username
* Token Claim Name = preferred_username
* Claim JSON Type = String
* Click Save
- Click Create, and provide in below properties
- Service Accounts Tab
- Select Client roles as "realm-management"
- Map the listed "Available Roles" to "Assigned Roles"
a. query-groups
b. query-users
c. view-users
- Configure > Client Scopes > Create
- Name = camunda-rest-api
- Click Save
- Client Scopes > camunda-rest-api
- Mappers Tab
- Click Create
- Name = camunda-rest-api
- Mapper Type = Audience
- Included Custom Audience = camunda-rest-api
- Click Save
- Mappers Tab
- Configure > Clients > forms-flow-bpm
- Client Scopes Tab
- Default Client Scopes
- Select camunda-rest-api
- Click Add selected
- Client Scopes Tab
- Configure > Clients
- Select forms-flow-bpm Client
- Select Mappers tab
- Click Create
- Name = flowsflow-api-mapper
- Mapper Type = Audience
- Included Custom Audience = forms-flow-web
- Click Save
- Click Create
Create groups to support operations
- Create Main group by Clicking New
- Name = formsflow
- Click Save
- Create Sub group by Clicking on Main group created on step-1 i.e. formsflow, and then click New
- Name = formsflow-client
- Click Save
- Create Sub group by Clicking on Main group created on step-1 i.e. formsflow, and then click New
- Name = formsflow-designer
- Click Save
- Create Sub group by Clicking on Main group created on step-1 i.e. formsflow, and then click New
- Name = formsflow-reviewer
- Click Save
- Create Main group by Clicking New
- Name = camunda-admin
- Click Save
- Default Groups Tab (Assign Default Group to self-registering users)
- From available groups; map the group "formsflow-client" to "Default Groups".
- Create Main group by Clicking New
- Name = formsflow-analytics
- Click Save
- Create Sub group by Clicking on Main group created on step-1 i.e. formsflow-analytics, and then click New
- Name = group1
- Click Save
- Create Sub group by Clicking on Main group created on step-1 i.e. formsflow-analytics, and then click New
- Name = group2
- Click Save
You can create as many sub-groups as you want for dashboard authorization feature
Mapping different roles to group/subgroups:
- Login to KeyCloak Realm with admin privileges
- Manage > Groups > select a subgroup say "formsflow-client" from the list of groups
- Select tab Role Mappings
- Select forms-flow-web from the list of Client Roles selection
- Select formsflow-client role and click add selected
- The selected role will appear in assigned roles for that subgroup.
- Repeat the step 2 and 3 for subgroups formsflow-designer, formsflow-reviewer and choose the respective roles for them according to the table :
Group | Roles | Description |
camunda-admin | Able to administer Camunda directly and create new workflows | |
formsflow-designer | formsflow-client, formsflow-designer, formsflow-reviewer | Able to access all elements of the formsflow UI including forms design, task list and forms access |
formsflow-reviewer | formsflow-reviewer | Able to access task list and forms access of formsflow UI |
formsflow-client | formsflow-client | Able to access form fill-in only |
- Open Postman
- Create new Request
- Name = forms-flow-web-validation
- Authorization Tab
- Type = OAuth 2.0
- Get New Access Token
- Token Name = forms-flow-web-password-token
- Grant Type = Password Credentials
- Access Token URL (example) = {KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth/realms/{realm name}/protocol/openid-connect/token
- Username = ?
- Password = ?
- Client ID = forms-flow-web
- Scope = openid
- Client Authentication = Send as Basic Auth header
- Click Request Token
- Copy Access Token
- Paste in jwt.io, and examine token
- Should see resource_access[] > roles[] > list of Effective Roles
- Open Postman
- Create new Request
- Name = forms-flow-bpm-validation
- Authorization Tab
- Type = OAuth 2.0
- Get New Access Token
- Token Name = forms-flow-bpm-admin-token
- Grant Type = Client Credentials
- Access Token URL (example) = {KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth/realms/{realm name}/protocol/openid-connect/token
- Client ID = forms-flow-bpm
- Client Secret = saved from Credentials Tab in Keycloak
- Scope = openid
- Client Authentication = Send as Basic Auth header
- Click Request Token
- Copy Access Token
- Paste in jwt.io, and examine token
- Should see resource_access[] > roles[] > list of Effective Roles
Server keycloak set up is successfully completed now. You can skip the remaining sections in this page and continue with other installation steps.
- Go to http://localhost:8080 in the browser
- Login to KeyCloak Realm with admin privileges
- Configure > Clients >
- Click on Client ID = forms-flow-bpm
- Got to Credentials Tab
- Copy the secret value if present else click on Regenerate secret button and copy the value