This is a Java client library, used to communicate with the AElf API.
- Make sure Oracle Jdk is installed.
- Execute
mvn clean package
andmvn compile
to build AElfClient (used by test cases).
- JDK1.8+
- Log4j2.6.2
private static final String httpUrl="";
// get client instance
AElfClient AElfClient = new AElfClient(httpUrl);
long blockHeight = client.getBlockHeight();
public AElfClient(String url);
public AElfClient(String url,String version);
public TransactionDto generateTransaction(String from, String to, String methodName, String params) throws Exception;
public TransactionDto signTransaction(String privateKeyHex,TransactionDto transaction);
public String getGenesisContractAddress() throws Exception;
public String getAddressFromPrivateKey(String privateKey);
public String GetSignatureWithToHex(String privateKey, byte[] txData) throws Exception;
public boolean isConnected();
public BlockDto getBlockByHash(String blockHash, boolean includeTransactions) throws Exception;
public BlockDto getBlockByHeight(long blockHeight, boolean includeTransactions) throws Exception;
public BlockStateDto getBlockState(String blockHash) throws Exception;
public ChainstatusDto getChainStatus() throws Exception;
public byte[] getContractFileDescriptorSet(String address) throws Exception;
public List<TaskQueueInfoDto> getTaskQueueStatus() throws Exception;
public TransactionPoolStatusOutput getTransactionPoolStatus() throws Exception;
public KeyPairInfo generateKeyPairInfo() throws Exception;
public String executeTransaction(ExecuteTransactionDto input) throws Exception;
public CreateRawTransactionOutput createRawTransaction(CreateRawTransactionInput input) throws Exception;
public String executeRawTransaction(ExecuteRawTransactionDto input) throws Exception;
public SendRawTransactionOutput sendRawTransaction(SendRawTransactionInput input) throws Exception;
public SendTransactionOutput sendTransaction(SendTransactionInput input) throws Exception;
public List<String> sendTransactions(SendTransactionsInput input) throws Exception;
public TransactionResultDto getTransactionResult(String transactionId) throws Exception;
public List<TransactionResultDto> getTransactionResults(String blockHash, int offset,int limit) throws Exception;
public MerklePathDto getMerklePathByTransactionId(String transactionId) throws Exception;
public List<TransactionResultDto> getTransactionResults(String blockHash) throws Exception;
public BlockDto getBlockByHeight(long blockHeight) throws Exception;
public BlockDto getBlockByHash(String blockHash) throws Exception;
public int getChainId() throws Exception;
public Boolean addPeer(AddPeerInput input) throws Exception;
public Boolean removePeer(String address) throws Exception;
public List<PeerDto> getPeers(Boolean withMetrics) throws Exception;
public NetworkInfoOutput getNetworkInfo() throws Exception;
Default classes defined in the "protobuf/protos" are available in the directory named "protobuf/generated".
You can add new types in protos and generate them by using the scripts in "resources" folder.
- Windows :
- Linux Or Mac:
This module contains tests for all services provided by AElfClient. You can learn how to properly use services provided by sdk here.
You need to firstly set necessary parameters to make sure tests can run successfully.
Set baseUrl to your target url.
String httpUrl="";
Give a valid privateKey of a node.
String privateKey="09da44778f8db2e602fb484334f37df19e221c84c4582ce5b7770ccfbc3ddbef";
You need to run a local or remote AElf node to run the unit test successfully. If you're not familiar with how to run a node or multiple nodes, please see Running a node / Running multiple nodes for more information.