await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Hello!',
text: 'This is a basic interactive message.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'button', display_text: 'Click Me', id: 'btn_1' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Visit Our Website',
text: 'Click the button below to visit our website.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'url', display_text: 'Visit', url: '' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Our Office Address',
text: 'Click the button to view our address.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'address', display_text: 'View Address', id: 'address_1' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Share Your Location',
text: 'Click the button to share your location with us.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'location', display_text: 'Share Location' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Copy This Code',
text: 'Click the button to copy the code.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'copy', display_text: 'Copy Code', id: 'copy_1', copy_code: 'ABC123' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Call Us',
text: 'Click the button to call us.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'call', display_text: 'Call', phone_number: '+1234567890' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Choose an Option',
text: 'Select an item from the list below.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'list', maintitle: 'Options', header: 'Header 1', title: 'Option 1', description: 'Description 1', id: 'opt_1' },
{ type: 'list', maintitle: 'Options', header: 'Header 2', title: 'Option 2', description: 'Description 2', id: 'opt_2' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Check this out!',
text: 'Here is an image for you.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
image: 'path/to/image.jpg',
buttons: [
{ type: 'button', display_text: 'Like', id: 'btn_like' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Watch this Video',
text: 'Here is a video for you.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
video: 'path/to/video.mp4',
buttons: [
{ type: 'button', display_text: 'Watch Again', id: 'btn_watch_again' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Multiple Actions',
text: 'Choose an action below.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'button', display_text: 'Simple Button', id: 'btn_simple' },
{ type: 'url', display_text: 'Visit Site', url: '' },
{ type: 'call', display_text: 'Call Us', phone_number: '+1234567890' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Select an Option',
text: 'Choose from the list below.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
image: 'path/to/image.jpg',
buttons: [
{ type: 'list', maintitle: 'Section 1', header: 'Header 1', title: 'Item 1', description: 'Description 1', id: 'item_1' },
{ type: 'list', maintitle: 'Section 2', header: 'Header 2', title: 'Item 2', description: 'Description 2', id: 'item_2' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Contact Us',
text: 'You can call us or visit our website.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'call', display_text: 'Call', phone_number: '+1234567890' },
{ type: 'url', display_text: 'Visit Site', url: '' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Get Details',
text: 'View our address or copy the code.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'address', display_text: 'View Address', id: 'address_1' },
{ type: 'copy', display_text: 'Copy Code', id: 'copy_1', copy_code: 'ABC123' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Actions',
text: 'Share your location or click the button.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'location', display_text: 'Share Location' },
{ type: 'button', display_text: 'Click Me', id: 'btn_1' }
await client.interactiveMessage(m.jid, {
title: 'Get Code or Visit Site',
text: 'Copy the code or visit our website.',
footer: 'Footer Text',
buttons: [
{ type: 'copy', display_text: 'Copy Code', id: 'copy_1', copy_code: 'ABC123' },
{ type: 'url', display_text: 'Visit Site', url: '' }