Tpay payment gateway Magento2 extension
Go to Magento2 root folder
Copy plugin files to app/code/tpaycom/magento2basic
If you have already installed the magento2cards module, you can skip this step.
Download and copy depending library tpay-php to app/code folder. In the result your should have 2 folders in app/code - tpaycom and tpayLibs. -
Enter following commands to enable module:
php bin/magento module:enable tpaycom_magento2basic php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Enable and configure module in Magento Admin under Stores/Configuration/Payment Methods/
Enter following commands to download module:
composer require tpaycom/magento2basic
Enter following commands to enable module:
php bin/magento module:enable tpaycom_magento2basic php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Enable and configure module in Magento Admin under Stores/Configuration/Payment Methods/
tpaycom works with PLN only!** If PLN is not your base currency, you will not see this module on checkout pages.