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Rewrite analytical and numerical solvers in C
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mwshinn committed Nov 27, 2021
1 parent d5d7747 commit 53de23e
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Showing 6 changed files with 431 additions and 17 deletions.
18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions ddm/
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
# Please see LICENSE.txt in the root directory for more information.

import numpy as np
from . import csolve
except ImportError:

def analytic_ddm_linbound(a1, b1, a2, b2, teval):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +59,7 @@ def analytic_ddm_linbound(a1, b1, a2, b2, teval):
dist = dist*(dist>0) # make sure non-negative
return dist

def analytic_ddm(drift, noise, b, teval, shift=None, b_slope=0):
def analytic_ddm(drift, noise, b, teval, shift=None, b_slope=0, force_python=False):
Calculate the reaction time distribution of a Drift Diffusion model
Expand All @@ -67,6 +72,8 @@ def analytic_ddm(drift, noise, b, teval, shift=None, b_slope=0):
of total bound height 2*b, where 0.5 is the center.
b_slope : (Optional) If provided, then the upper boundary is B(t) = b + b_slope*t,
and the lower boundary is B(t) = -b - b_slope*t
force_python : Force PyDDM to use the pure Python solver instead of the C solver. Usually, the C
solver is about 30% faster.
dist_cor : Reaction time distribution at teval for correct trials
Expand All @@ -90,8 +97,13 @@ def analytic_ddm(drift, noise, b, teval, shift=None, b_slope=0):
# Get valid time points (before two bounds collapsed)
teval_valid = teval[b+b_slope*teval>0]

dist_cor = analytic_ddm_linbound(b_upper, -drift+b_slope, -b_lower, -drift-b_slope, teval_valid)
dist_err = analytic_ddm_linbound(b_lower, drift+b_slope, -b_upper, drift-b_slope, teval_valid)
if force_python or not HAS_CSOLVE:
dist_cor = analytic_ddm_linbound(b_upper, -drift+b_slope, -b_lower, -drift-b_slope, teval_valid)
dist_err = analytic_ddm_linbound(b_lower, drift+b_slope, -b_upper, drift-b_slope, teval_valid)
dt = teval_valid[1]-teval_valid[0]
dist_cor = csolve.analytic_ddm_linbound(b_upper, -drift+b_slope, -b_lower, -drift-b_slope, len(teval_valid), dt)
dist_err = csolve.analytic_ddm_linbound(b_lower, drift+b_slope, -b_upper, drift-b_slope, len(teval_valid), dt)

# For invalid time points, set the probability to be a very small number
if len(teval_valid) < len(teval):
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314 changes: 314 additions & 0 deletions ddm/csolve.c
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@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
#include <Python.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include <numpy/ndarrayobject.h>
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>

// This is really hacky, but... I only use two definitions from the lapacke.h
// file, and it is a pain in Python to make people install headers to compile,
// so I copied them here. Without the need for headers, I can directly link
// against whatever version of lapack scipy is using. Hopefully this should
// do...
#define LAPACK_COL_MAJOR 102
int LAPACKE_dgtsv(int matrix_layout, int n, int nrhs,
double* dl, double* d, double* du, double* b,
int ldb);

double* _analytic_ddm_linbound(double a1, double b1, double a2, double b2, int nsteps, double tstep);
int _implicit_time(int Tsteps, double *pdfcorr, double *pdferr, double* drift, double* noise, double *bound, double *ic, int Xsteps, double dt, double dx, uint drift_mode, uint noise_mode, uint bound_mode);

static PyObject* analytic_ddm_linbound(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) {
double a1, b1, a2, b2, tstep;
int nsteps;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ddddid", &a1, &b1, &a2, &b2, &nsteps, &tstep))
return NULL;
double *res = _analytic_ddm_linbound(a1, b1, a2, b2, nsteps, tstep);
npy_intp dims[1] = { nsteps };
PyObject *retarray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE, res);
PyArray_UpdateFlags((PyArrayObject*)retarray, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
return retarray;

static PyObject* implicit_time(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) {
double dt, dx;
double *drift, *noise, *bound, *ic;
PyArrayObject *_drift, *_noise, *_bound, *_ic;
PyObject *__drift, *__noise, *__bound, *__ic;
int T_dur, nsteps, len_x0;
int drifttype, noisetype, boundtype;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OiOiOiOidd", &__drift, &drifttype, &__noise, &noisetype, &__bound, &boundtype, &__ic, &T_dur, &dt, &dx))
return NULL;
nsteps = (int)(T_dur/dt)+1;
len_x0 = (int)(1/dx*2)+1;

_drift = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_FROMANY(__drift, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1, NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS);
_noise = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_FROMANY(__noise, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1, NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS);
_bound = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_FROMANY(__bound, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1, NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS);
_ic = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_FROMANY(__ic, NPY_DOUBLE, 1, 1, NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS);
if (!_drift || !_noise || !_bound || !_ic)
return NULL;
if (PyArray_SIZE(_ic) != len_x0)
return NULL;
drift = (double*)PyArray_DATA(_drift);
noise = (double*)PyArray_DATA(_noise);
bound = (double*)PyArray_DATA(_bound);
ic = (double*)PyArray_DATA(_ic);

double *pdfcorr = (double*)malloc(nsteps*sizeof(double));
double *pdferr = (double*)malloc(nsteps*sizeof(double));
_implicit_time(nsteps, pdfcorr, pdferr, drift, noise, bound, ic, len_x0, dt, dx, drifttype, noisetype, boundtype);
npy_intp dims[1] = { nsteps };
PyObject *corrarray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE, pdfcorr);
PyObject *errarray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE, pdferr);
PyArray_UpdateFlags((PyArrayObject*)corrarray, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
PyArray_UpdateFlags((PyArrayObject*)errarray, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
PyObject *ret = Py_BuildValue("(OO)", corrarray, errarray);
return ret;

/* define functions in module */
static PyMethodDef DDMMethods[] =
{"analytic_ddm_linbound", analytic_ddm_linbound, METH_VARARGS, "DDM with linear bound"},
{"implicit_time", implicit_time, METH_VARARGS, "DDM with implicit method"},

static struct PyModuleDef module =
"csolve", "Some documentation",

PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&module);
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "CONSTANT_TX", 0);
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "CHANGING_T", 1);
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "CHANGING_X", 2);
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "CHANGING_TX", 3);
return mod;

// Methods

double* _analytic_ddm_linbound(double a1, double b1, double a2, double b2, int nsteps, double tstep) {
const int nMax = 100; // Maximum numbe of loops
const double errbnd = 1e-10; // Error bound for looping
double* suminc;
double* tmp;
int checkerr = 0;

// Prepare suminc
suminc = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*nsteps);
memset(suminc, 0, nsteps*sizeof(double));

// Prepare tmp
tmp = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*nsteps);
for (int i=1; i<nsteps; i++)
tmp[i] = -2.*((a1-a2)/(i*tstep)+b1-b2);
double maxval;
double toadd;
double na1a2;
double coef1, coef2, coef3, coef4;
checkerr = 0;
for (unsigned int n=0; n<nMax; n++) {
maxval = 0;
// V2: na1a2 = n*(a1-a2);
na1a2 = n*(a1-a2);
coef1 = n*(a1+na1a2);
coef2 = a1+2*na1a2;
coef3 = (n+1)*(na1a2-a2);
coef4 = a1-2*a2+2*na1a2;
for (unsigned int i=1; i<nsteps; i++) {
toadd = exp(tmp[i]*coef1)*coef2-
if (toadd > maxval*suminc[i])
maxval = toadd/suminc[i];
suminc[i] += toadd;
if (maxval < errbnd)
if (++checkerr >= 3)
//const double sqrtpi = sqrt(2*M_PI);
const double oneoversqrtpi = 1/sqrt(2*M_PI);
//float itstep;
for (unsigned int i=1; i<nsteps; i++) {
//suminc[i] *= exp(-pow((a1+b1*i*tstep),2)/(i*tstep)/2)/sqrtpi/pow(i*tstep, 1.5);
//itstep = i*tstep;
suminc[i] *= oneoversqrtpi*exp(-.5*(a1+b1*i*tstep)*(a1+b1*i*tstep)/(i*tstep))*pow(i*tstep, -1.5);
suminc[0] = 0;
return suminc;

int _implicit_time(int Tsteps, double *pdfcorr, double *pdferr, double* drift, double* noise, double *bound, double *ic, int Xsteps, double dt, double dx, uint drift_mode, uint noise_mode, uint bound_mode) {
int dmultt=-1, dmultx=-1, nmultt=-1, nmultx=-1, bmultt=-1;
int j;
double dxinv = 1/dx;
double dtinv = 1/dt;
double bound_shift, weight_outer, weight_inner;
int shift_outer, shift_inner;
double *DU = (double*)malloc((Xsteps-1)*sizeof(double));
double *D = (double*)malloc(Xsteps*sizeof(double));
double *DL = (double*)malloc((Xsteps-1)*sizeof(double));
double *DU_copy = (double*)malloc((Xsteps-1)*sizeof(double));
double *D_copy = (double*)malloc(Xsteps*sizeof(double));
double *DL_copy = (double*)malloc((Xsteps-1)*sizeof(double));
double *pdfcurr = (double*)malloc(Xsteps*sizeof(double));
double *pdfcurr_copy = (double*)malloc(Xsteps*sizeof(double));
memset(pdfcorr, 0, Tsteps*sizeof(double));
memset(pdferr, 0, Tsteps*sizeof(double));
memset(pdfcurr, 0, Xsteps*sizeof(double));
for (int i=0; i<Xsteps; i++) pdfcurr[i] = ic[i];
// The different modes define whether we are using a constant
// drift/noise/bound, or one which changes over time, space, or both. We want
// to store the drift/noise/bound in a single array regardless, so we use
// these to define indexing constants (via the switch statements below) which
// tell us how to access a given element of the array. This allows us to be
// memory-efficient (passing only a single value if they are constant, but
// still allowing it to vary based on time or space if you are okay with that
// memory usage) without splitting into multiple functions.
switch (drift_mode) {
case 0: // Constant drift
dmultt = 0; // Multiplier for time
dmultx = 0; // Multiplier for space
case 1: // Drift varies over time
dmultt = 1;
dmultx = 0;
case 2: // Drift varies over space
dmultt = 0;
dmultx = 1;
case 3: // Drift varies over time and space
dmultt = Xsteps;
dmultx = 1;
switch (noise_mode) {
case 0: // Constant noise
nmultt = 0; // Multiplier for time
nmultx = 0; // Multiplier for space
case 1: // Noise varies over time
nmultt = 1;
nmultx = 0;
case 2: // Noise varies over space
nmultt = 0;
nmultx = 1;
case 3: // Noise varies over time and space
nmultt = Xsteps;
nmultx = 1;
switch (bound_mode) {
case 0:
bmultt = 0;
case 1:
bmultt = 1;
double bound_max = bound[0];
for (int i=1; i<Tsteps*bmultt; i++)
if (bound[i] > bound_max)
bound_max = bound[i];
for (int i=0; i<Tsteps-1; i++) {
// Sum the current pdf and exit if it is small
double sumpdfcurr = 0;
for (int j=0; j<Xsteps; j++)
sumpdfcurr += pdfcurr[j];
//printf("%i %f\n", i, sumpdfcurr);
if (sumpdfcurr < .0001)
// Make a copy of the current pdf
for (int j=0; j<Xsteps; j++)
pdfcurr_copy[j] = pdfcurr[j];
// Compute bound indices
bound_shift = bound_max - bound[i*bmultt];
// Rounding here is to avoid numerical issues which would cause shift_outer
// to be different from shift_inner, forcing the solver to run twice even
// when we don't have collapsing bounds.
shift_outer = (int)floor(1e-10*round(bound_shift*dxinv*1e10));
shift_inner = (int)ceil(1e-10*round(bound_shift*dxinv*1e10));
weight_inner = (bound_shift - shift_outer*dx)*dxinv;
weight_outer = 1 - weight_inner;

// Set up the arguments for lapack. DL and DU are lower and upper,
// respectively, and D is diagonal.
for (int j=0; j<Xsteps; j++) {
D[j] = 1 + noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx] * dt * dxinv * dxinv;
D_copy[j] = D[j];
for (int j=0; j<Xsteps-1; j++) {
DU[j] = .5*drift[i*dmultt+j*dmultx]*dt * dxinv - .5*noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx] * dt * dxinv * dxinv;
DL[j] = -.5*drift[i*dmultt+j*dmultx]*dt * dxinv - .5*noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx] * dt * dxinv * dxinv;
DU_copy[j] = DU[j];
DL_copy[j] = DL[j];
if (shift_outer == shift_inner) { // Bound falls on a grid here
// See, e.g.:
j = Xsteps-shift_outer-1; // For convenience
LAPACKE_dgtsv(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, Xsteps-2*shift_outer, 1, DL+shift_outer, D+shift_outer, DU+shift_outer, pdfcurr+shift_outer, Xsteps-2*shift_outer);
pdfcorr[i+1] += (0.5*dt*dxinv * drift[i*dmultt+j*dmultx] + 0.5*dt*dxinv*dxinv * noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx])*pdfcurr[j];
pdferr[i+1] += (-0.5*dt*dxinv * drift[i*dmultt+shift_outer*dmultx] + 0.5*dt*dxinv*dxinv * noise[i*nmultt+shift_outer*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+shift_outer*nmultx])*pdfcurr[shift_outer];
//printf("%f %f ", pdfcurr[Xsteps-shift_outer-1], pdfcurr[shift_outer]);
} else {
j = Xsteps-shift_outer-1; // For convenience
LAPACKE_dgtsv(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, Xsteps-2*shift_outer, 1, DL+shift_outer, D+shift_outer, DU+shift_outer, pdfcurr+shift_outer, Xsteps-2*shift_outer);
pdfcorr[i+1] += (0.5*dt*dxinv * drift[i*dmultt+j*dmultx] + 0.5*dt*dxinv*dxinv * noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx])*pdfcurr[j]*weight_outer;
pdferr[i+1] += (-0.5*dt*dxinv * drift[i*dmultt+j*dmultx] + 0.5*dt*dxinv*dxinv * noise[i*nmultt+shift_outer*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+shift_outer*nmultx])*pdfcurr[shift_outer]*weight_outer;
j = Xsteps-shift_inner-1; // For convenience
LAPACKE_dgtsv(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, Xsteps-2*shift_inner, 1, DL_copy+shift_inner, D_copy+shift_inner, DU_copy+shift_inner, pdfcurr_copy+shift_inner, Xsteps-2*shift_inner);
pdfcorr[i+1] += (0.5*dt*dxinv * drift[i*dmultt+j*dmultx] + 0.5*dt*dxinv*dxinv * noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+j*nmultx])*pdfcurr_copy[j]*weight_inner;
pdferr[i+1] += (-0.5*dt*dxinv * drift[i*dmultt+j*dmultx] + 0.5*dt*dxinv*dxinv * noise[i*nmultt+shift_inner*nmultx]*noise[i*nmultt+shift_inner*nmultx])*pdfcurr_copy[shift_inner]*weight_inner;
for (int j=shift_outer; j<Xsteps-shift_outer; j++)
pdfcurr[j] *= weight_outer;
for (int j=shift_inner; j<Xsteps-shift_inner; j++)
pdfcurr[j] += pdfcurr_copy[j]*weight_inner;

// Normalize pdfcorr and pdferr
double sumcorrerr = 0;
for (int i=0; i<Tsteps; i++)
sumcorrerr += pdfcorr[i] + pdferr[i];
if (sumcorrerr > 1) {
for (int i=0; i<Tsteps; i++) {
pdfcorr[i] /= sumcorrerr;
pdferr[i] /= sumcorrerr;
// Scale the output to make it a pdf, not a pmf
for (int i=0; i<Tsteps; i++) {
pdfcorr[i] *= dtinv;
pdferr[i] *= dtinv;
// Free memory
return 0;

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