This is Team 619's 2019 FRC robot code for Armstrong. The code is written in Java and is based off of WPILib's Java control system.
The code is divided into several pacakges that correlate to a specific function of Armstrong.
Used Tervay's EasyPath library to score hatches during sandstorm period.
8 Autonomous modes to place a hatch on either side of the cargoship, a hatch on either front bay of the cargoship, a hatch on the front bay of either rocket, and two hatches on each corresponding side and front bay of the cargoship.
Custom PID algorithm to position the arm in the optimal position for collection and scoring of cargo.
Used OpenCV library to align to retroreflective tape placed on the ship, rocket, and loading station.
Handles the execution of autonomous
Contains the control for the West Coast drive.frc.robot.hardware
Contiains custrom hardware classes such as the controller and limit switches.frc.robot.helper
Contains miscellaneous functions that assist other functions of the robot.frc.robot.maps
Contains all variables and controller key mapping.frc.robot.subsystems
Contains susbsystem for each manipulator. Arm, climb, grabber, hatch, intake, and lift are handled within this package.frc.robot.teleop
Contains main teleop thread.frc.robot.threading
Contains the thread manager and robot
Contains the vision pipeline and vision processing to locate and align to retroreflective tape placed on the ship, rocket, and loading station.