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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Quick Xamarin BLE

用於xamarin 上訪問藍芽


平台 限制
xamarin.forms API LEVEL>=18
xamarin.ios ios SDK>=7




Install-Package Quick.Xamarin.BLE -Version 1.0.0



您可以通過單擊文件資源管理器中的刪除按鈕來刪除當前文件。該文件將被移動到** Trash **文件夾中,並在7天不活動後自動刪除。




同步是StackEdit的最大特色之一。它使您可以將工作區中的任何文件與存儲在** Google Drive Dropbox GitHub **帳戶中的其他文件同步。這使您可以繼續在其他設備上書寫,與共享文件的人協作,輕鬆集成到您的工作流程中...同步機制在後台每分鐘進行一次,下載,合併和上傳文件修改。


  • 工作區同步將自動同步所有文件,文件夾和設置。這將允許您在任何其他設備上獲取工作區。 > 要開始同步工作區,只需在菜單中使用Google登錄即可。- 文件同步將使工作區的一個文件與** Google Drive Dropbox GitHub 中的一個或多個文件同步。 > 在開始同步文件之前,您必須在 Synchronize **子菜單中鏈接一個帳戶。


You can open a file from Google Drive, Dropbox or GitHub by opening the Synchronize sub-menu and clicking Open from. Once opened in the workspace, any modification in the file will be automatically synced.

Save a file

You can save any file of the workspace to Google Drive, Dropbox or GitHub by opening the Synchronize sub-menu and clicking Save on. Even if a file in the workspace is already synced, you can save it to another location. StackEdit can sync one file with multiple locations and accounts.

Synchronize a file

Once your file is linked to a synchronized location, StackEdit will periodically synchronize it by downloading/uploading any modification. A merge will be performed if necessary and conflicts will be resolved.

If you just have modified your file and you want to force syncing, click the Synchronize now button in the navigation bar.

Note: The Synchronize now button is disabled if you have no file to synchronize.

Manage file synchronization

Since one file can be synced with multiple locations, you can list and manage synchronized locations by clicking File synchronization in the Synchronize sub-menu. This allows you to list and remove synchronized locations that are linked to your file.


Publishing in StackEdit makes it simple for you to publish online your files. Once you're happy with a file, you can publish it to different hosting platforms like Blogger, Dropbox, Gist, GitHub, Google Drive, WordPress and Zendesk. With Handlebars templates, you have full control over what you export.

Before starting to publish, you must link an account in the Publish sub-menu.

Publish a File

You can publish your file by opening the Publish sub-menu and by clicking Publish to. For some locations, you can choose between the following formats:

  • Markdown: publish the Markdown text on a website that can interpret it (GitHub for instance),
  • HTML: publish the file converted to HTML via a Handlebars template (on a blog for example).

Update a publication

After publishing, StackEdit keeps your file linked to that publication which makes it easy for you to re-publish it. Once you have modified your file and you want to update your publication, click on the Publish now button in the navigation bar.

Note: The Publish now button is disabled if your file has not been published yet.

Manage file publication

Since one file can be published to multiple locations, you can list and manage publish locations by clicking File publication in the Publish sub-menu. This allows you to list and remove publication locations that are linked to your file.

Markdown extensions

StackEdit extends the standard Markdown syntax by adding extra Markdown extensions, providing you with some nice features.

ProTip: You can disable any Markdown extension in the File properties dialog.


SmartyPants converts ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities. For example:


You can render LaTeX mathematical expressions using KaTeX:

The Gamma function satisfying $\Gamma(n) = (n-1)!\quad\forall n\in\mathbb N$ is via the Euler integral

$$ \Gamma(z) = \int_0^\infty t^{z-1}e^{-t}dt,. $$

You can find more information about LaTeX mathematical expressions here.

UML diagrams

You can render UML diagrams using Mermaid. For example, this will produce a sequence diagram:

圖表愛麗絲 -  >>鮑勃:你好鮑勃,你好嗎?
鮑勃 -  >>約翰:約翰,你呢?
鮑勃 -  x愛麗絲:我很感謝!
Bob-x John:我很感謝!
注意約翰的權利:鮑勃認為很長很長一段時間,因為文本不適合連續。鮑勃 - >愛麗絲:和約翰一起檢查......愛麗絲 - > 約翰:是的......約翰,你好嗎?```


A [方形矩形]  - 鏈接文字 - > B((圓圈))
A  - > C(圓形矩形)
B  - > D {菱形} 
C  - > D```


just test






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