Example of how to integrate recording of incoming calls to Soundcloud.
1 Rename local.py.template to local.py
2 Fill out data in local.py
3 Start server.py
4 Enter json for accoring to your needs on your 46elks number 'voice_start':
a. json code for recording a call after playing a sound:
"connect": "+46700000000",
"recordcall": "http://your.server.com:8989"
b. json code for recording a call direclty, practical for outgoing calls:
"connect": "+46700000000",
"recordcall": "http://your.server.com:8989"
c. json code for voicemail style recording:
"play": "http://myserver.se/entervoicemail.wav",
"next": {
"record": "http://your.server.com:8989"
5 Call your number or make outgoing phonecall.