Convert Pug with Inky into html ready for CiviMail.
This repository contains the Civinky library; a simple web service based on this library; and a browserified version of the library.
You may also be interested in the CiviCRM Inky Compose extension that allows you to compose with Inky using the CiviMail's UI.
- Download Civinky from
to the downloaded directory andnpm install
- Run the service with
npm run service
Civinky is now ready to generate HTML in response to post requests on http://localhost:30649/generate.
You can specify a specific port with CIVINKY_PORT=N npm run service
where N is the number of the port you want to run it on.
You can run Civinky with PM2 - an 'advanced, production process manager for Node.js' - as follows:
- Download and install pm2
- Create a process.yml file.
# process.yml
- script: /var/www/civinky-service/service.js
CIVINKY_PORT: 30649 # optional, allows you to specific a port
- Start
pm2 start process.yml
- Make a post requests to http://localhost:3000/generate. Include your params as json in the request body (see below for details).
- You will recive response containing email friendly HTML.
Hello World using curl
on the command line:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"pug":"p Hello World"}' http://localhost:30649/generate`
Hint: Use something like Postman to experiment with requests.
Valid pug for example:
h1 Hello #{planet}!
Some tips on using Pug and inky to generate email friendly HTML for CiviMail:
- Use Inky tags rather than html tags when available to ensure that the generated HTML is email friendly.
- Insert values from the json object, use the following Pug syntax:
- Add smarty tokens as normal, e.g.
. - Remember that the entirety of Pug's syntax (control flow, etc.) is available for your use.
Valid CSS for example:
This CSS will be appended to Foundation's base CSS and inlined into the html.
A valid json object, for example:
This will be available for use in the Pug.
Boolean, defaults to false.
By default, Civinky wraps the Pug with appropriate HTML to ensure proper rendering across clients. Setting snippet to true will prevent the output being wrapped, which is useful, for example, if you want to use Civinky to generate HTML for a CiviMail token that will be included as part of another Civinky based email.
To see Civinky in action, visit
You might also be interested in this extension that implements tokens based on Civinky:
There is a browserified version of Civinky, which runs in the browser and can be found in dist/civinky.bundle.js
. This version is used in the CiviCRM Inky Compose extension.
The browserified version exports a promise (CRM.civinky) that can be used as follows:
CRM.civinky({pug: 'p hello world', css: "p {color:red}"})
.then(result => console.log(result))
Test out Civinky in the browser with the civinky-browserified.html
A gulp script to create the browserified version can be found in gulpfile.js
and can be run with gulp browserify
Beware that it the browserified version weighs it at a fairly hefty 1.1MB - help on trimming off some fat welcome.
The Civinky service has a simple suite of tests that also serve to test the library. Ensure that the service is running as outlined above and then run npm test
to execute the tests.
PRs are very welcome. Feel free to open an issue to discuss any improvements first if that would be helpful.
Please ensure all tests are passing and don't forget to write new tests as appropriate for any new functionality before submitting PRs.
Funding provided by eLife Sciences, a unique, non-profit collaboration between the funders and practitioners of research to improve the way important results are presented and shared.