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preprocessing script
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SevenLJY committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent eb8d815 commit d862969
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Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d
## Data
We share the training data ([here]( preprocessed from [PartNet-Mobility]( dataset. Once downloaded, extract the `data` and put it directly in the project folder. The data root can be configured with `system.datamodule.root=<path/to/your/data/directory>` in `configs/cage.yaml` file. If you find it slow to download the data from our server, please try this alternative link on [OneDrive](

The preprocessing script can be found in ``. We use this script to process the selective categories of objects used in our experiments.

## Quick Demo
We share the pretrained model ([here]( so you can try our demo real quick. Once downloaded, extract the zip file and put it under `<project folder>/exps` folder. Since our part retrieval relies on the meshes in the dataset, the data should be already downloaded and put under the project folder by default. Run `python` to start the demo (with a single GPU is preferred). Please see `` for further instructions on the script arguments.

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@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
import os
import json
import argparse
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
import networkx as nx
from copy import deepcopy

def _load_part_meshes(node_i, info):
if 'children' not in node_i: # leaf node
if 'objs' in node_i:
info[node_i['id']] = [f'textured_objs/{file}.obj' for file in node_i['objs']]
for child in node_i['children']:
_load_part_meshes(child, info)

def _convert_joint(src_node, dst_node):
if src_node['joint'] in ['free', 'heavy', 'static']:
dst_node['joint']['type'] = 'fixed'
dst_node['joint']['range'] = [0., 0.]
dst_node['joint']['axis'] = {'origin': [0., 0., 0.], 'direction': [0., 0., 0.]}
elif src_node['joint'] == 'hinge':
if src_node['jointData']['limit']['noLimit']:
dst_node['joint']['type'] = 'continuous'
dst_node['joint']['range'] = [0., 0.]
dst_node['joint']['type'] = 'revolute'
dst_node['joint']['range'] = [src_node['jointData']['limit']['a'], src_node['jointData']['limit']['b']]
dst_node['joint']['axis'] = src_node['jointData']['axis'] # [origin, direction]
elif src_node['joint'] == 'slider':
if "rotates" in src_node['jointData']['limit'] and src_node['jointData']['limit']['rotates']:
dst_node['joint']['type'] = 'screw'
dst_node['joint']['type'] = 'prismatic'
dst_node['joint']['range'] = [src_node['jointData']['limit']['a'], src_node['jointData']['limit']['b']]
dst_node['joint']['axis'] = src_node['jointData']['axis'] # [origin, direction]
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported joint type: {src_node['joint']}")

def _get_meshes(src_node, dst_node, part_meshes):
parts = src_node['parts']
dst_node['objs'] = []
dst_node['parts'] = []
for part in parts:
my_part = {}
my_part['id'] = part['id']
my_part['name'] = part['name']
my_part['objs'] = part_meshes[part['id']]

def _R_axis_angle(axis, angle):
Rodrigues' rotation formula
* axis: direction unit vector of the axis to rotate about
* angle: the (degree) angle to rotate with
* 4x4 rotation matrix
theta = np.deg2rad(angle)
k = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
kx, ky, kz = k[0], k[1], k[2]
cos, sin = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
R = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
R[0, 0] = cos + (kx**2) * (1 - cos)
R[0, 1] = kx * ky * (1 - cos) - kz * sin
R[0, 2] = kx * kz * (1 - cos) + ky * sin
R[1, 0] = kx * ky * (1 - cos) + kz * sin
R[1, 1] = cos + (ky**2) * (1 - cos)
R[1, 2] = ky * kz * (1 - cos) - kx * sin
R[2, 0] = kx * kz * (1 - cos) - ky * sin
R[2, 1] = ky * kz * (1 - cos) + kx * sin
R[2, 2] = cos + (kz**2) * (1 - cos)
return R

def _transform_to_matrix(joint):
if joint['type'] == 'revolute':
center = np.array(joint['axis']['origin'], dtype=np.float32)
axis = np.array(joint['axis']['direction'], dtype=np.float32)
R = _R_axis_angle(axis, angle=joint['range'][0])
Tr = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
Tr[:3, 3] = -center
Tl = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
Tl[:3, 3] = center
H = np.matmul(Tl, np.matmul(R, Tr))
elif joint['type'] == 'prismatic' or joint['type'] == 'screw':
dist = joint['range'][0]
axis_d = np.array(joint['axis']['direction'])
axis_d = axis_d / np.linalg.norm(axis_d) # normalize
H = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
H[:3, 3] = dist * axis_d
raise NotImplementedError
return H

def _apply_transform(transforms, src_dir, dst_dir):
'''Apply the transformation to the meshes and save them to the output directory.'''
out_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'plys')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
for obj_file, transform in transforms.items():
fname = obj_file.split('/')[1][:-4]
mesh =, obj_file))
if transform['flag']:
mesh.compute_vertex_normals(), f'{fname}.ply'), mesh)

def _collect_transform(data, node, transforms):
Collect the transformation matrix for each node in the tree.
* data: the data dictionary
* node: the current node
* transforms: the dictionary to store the transformation matrix for each node
# leaf node
if len(node['children']) == 0:
if node['joint']['range'][0] == 0:
for obj_file in node['objs']:
transforms[obj_file] = {
'flag': False,
'transform': np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32),
H = _transform_to_matrix(node['joint'])
for obj_file in node['objs']:
transforms[obj_file] = {
'flag': True,
'transform': H,
# internal nodes
for child_id in node['children']:
_collect_transform(data, data['arti_tree'][child_id], transforms)
if node['joint']['range'][0] == 0:
for obj_file in node['objs']:
if obj_file not in transforms:
transforms[obj_file] = {
'flag': False,
'transform': np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32),
H = _transform_to_matrix(node['joint'])
for obj_file in node['objs']:
if obj_file not in transforms:
transforms[obj_file] = {
'flag': True,
'transform': H,
transforms[obj_file]['flag'] = True
transforms[obj_file]['transform'] = np.matmul(transforms[obj_file]['transform'], H)

def _reset_state(data, root_node, src_dir, dst_dir):
# collect the transformation matrix for each node
reset_transforms = {}
_collect_transform(data, root_node, reset_transforms)
# apply the transformation to the meshes and save them to the output directory
_apply_transform(reset_transforms, src_dir, dst_dir)
# update the joint range to [0, ..]
for node in data['arti_tree']:
l,r = node['joint']['range']
node['joint']['range'] = [0, r-l]

def _clean_extend_tree(data):
'''Clean the arti_tree and extend the actionable parts to the diffuse_tree.'''
arti_idx = data['arti_tree'][-1]['id'] + 1
for arti_node in data['diffuse_tree']:
if arti_node['joint']['type'] != 'fixed':
# clean: discard prismatic buttons from the articulation tree
if arti_node['joint']['type'] == 'prismatic' and 'button' in arti_node['name']:
parent_id = arti_node['parent']
for node in data['diffuse_tree']:
if node['id'] == parent_id:
if 'attach_objs' not in node.keys():
node['attach_objs'] = [obj.replace('textured_objs', 'plys')[:-3]+'ply' for obj in arti_node['objs']]
node['attach_objs'] += [obj.replace('textured_objs', 'plys')[:-3]+'ply' for obj in arti_node['objs']]
arti_node['id'] = -1
# clean: merge parts for the wheel
elif arti_node['name'] in ['caster_mounting_plate', 'caster_stem', 'brake']:
parent_id = arti_node['parent']
children_ids = arti_node['children']
for node in data['diffuse_tree']:
if node['id'] == parent_id:
node['children'] += children_ids
if 'attach_objs' not in node.keys():
node['attach_objs'] = [obj.replace('textured_objs', 'plys')[:-3]+'ply' for obj in arti_node['objs']]
node['attach_objs'] += [obj.replace('textured_objs', 'plys')[:-3]+'ply' for obj in arti_node['objs']]
elif node['id'] in children_ids:
node['parent'] = parent_id
arti_node['id'] = -1
# extend: append "handle" parts if any
if len(arti_node['parts']) > 1:
for part in arti_node['parts']:
if 'handle' == part['name']:
new_node = {}
new_node['id'] = arti_idx
new_node['parent'] = arti_node['id']
if arti_idx not in arti_node['children']:
new_node['name'] = part['name']
new_node['children'] = []
new_node['joint'] = {'type': 'fixed', 'range': [0., 0.]}
new_node['objs'] = part['objs']
# remove the part obj from the parent node
arti_node['objs'] = list(set(arti_node['objs']) - set(part['objs']))
# append the new node to the diffuse_tree
arti_idx += 1

arti_node['objs'] = [obj.replace('textured_objs', 'plys')[:-3]+'ply' for obj in arti_node['objs']]

if 'parts' in arti_node.keys():

# remove the nodes that are not in the articulation tree
data['diffuse_tree'] = [i for i in data['diffuse_tree'] if i['id'] != -1]

def _compute_AABB(data, dst_dir):
for diff_node in data['diffuse_tree']:
# load the meshes
meshes = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh()
for obj_file in diff_node['objs']:
fname = obj_file.split('/')[1][:-4] + '.ply'
mesh =, 'plys', fname))
meshes += mesh
# compute the AABB
aabb = meshes.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box()
size = aabb.get_max_bound() - aabb.get_min_bound()
center = aabb.get_center()
diff_node['aabb'] = {
'center': center.tolist(),
'size': size.tolist(),

def _clean_semantic_label(data):
tree = data['diffuse_tree']
for node in tree:
if node['parent'] == -1: # base part
node['name'] = 'base'
elif node['joint']['type'] != 'fixed': # artiuclated parts
# merge the node name
if node['joint']['type'] == 'revolute':
if any(keyword in node['name'] for keyword in ['door', 'mirror', 'glass', 'board', 'countertop', 'control_panel', 'display_panel', 'other_leaf']):
node['name'] = 'door'
elif 'shelf' in node['name']:
node['name'] = 'shelf'

elif node['joint']['type'] == 'prismatic':
if any(keyword in node['name'] for keyword in ['drawer', 'display_panel']):
node['name'] = 'drawer'
elif any(keyword in node['name'] for keyword in ['door', 'mirror', 'glass']):
node['name'] = 'door'
elif 'tray' in node['name']:
node['name'] = 'tray'
elif 'shelf' in node['name']:
node['name'] = 'shelf'

elif node['joint']['type'] == 'continuous':
if 'button' in node['name']:
node['name'] = 'knob'
elif 'tray' in node['name']:
node['name'] = 'tray'
elif 'wheel' in node['name']:
node['name'] = 'wheel'

def _renumber(data):
'''Renumber the nodes so that the node id is same as the index in the list.'''
tree = data['diffuse_tree']
mapping = {-1: -1}
i = 0
for node in tree:
old_id = node['id']
mapping[old_id] = i
i += 1
for node in tree:
node['id'] = mapping[node['id']]
node['parent'] = mapping[node['parent']]
node['children'] = [mapping[c] for c in node['children']]
# remove the arti_tree

def _get_tree_hash(data):
tree = data['diffuse_tree']
G = nx.DiGraph()
for node in tree:
if node['parent'] != -1:
G.add_edge(node['id'], node['parent'])
hashcode = nx.weisfeiler_lehman_graph_hash(G)
return hashcode

def process_model(model_id, src_dir, dst_dir):
src_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, model_id)
assert os.path.exists(src_dir), f"Model directory does not exist: {src_dir}."
# result.json
with open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'result.json'), 'r') as f:
result = json.load(f)
# meta.json
with open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'meta.json'), 'r') as f:
meta = json.load(f)
category = meta['model_cat']
# mobility_v2.json
with open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'mobility_v2.json'), 'r') as f:
mobility = json.load(f)
# save directory
dst_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, category, model_id)
os.makedirs(dst_dir, exist_ok=True)
# step 0: find meshes for parts
part_meshes = {}
_load_part_meshes(result[0], part_meshes)
# step 1: parse articulation
new_data = {'meta': {'obj_cat': category}, 'arti_tree':[]}
for node in mobility:
my_node = {}
# basic info
my_node['id'] = node['id']
my_node['parent'] = node['parent']
my_node['name'] = node['name']
my_node['children'] = []
# convert to joint types: [fixed, revolute, continuous, prismatic, screw]
my_node['joint'] = {}
_convert_joint(node, my_node)
# merge geometry info to my_node
_get_meshes(node, my_node, part_meshes)
# append to new_data
# step 2: update children relations
root_node = None
for node in new_data['arti_tree']:
if node['parent'] != -1:
children = new_data['arti_tree'][node['parent']]['children']
if node['id'] not in children:
root_node = node
# step 3: "reset" the parts to the resting state
_reset_state(new_data, root_node, src_dir, dst_dir)
# step 4: clean and extend the tree with actionable parts
new_data['diffuse_tree'] = deepcopy(new_data['arti_tree'])
# step 5: compute AABB for each node
_compute_AABB(new_data, dst_dir)
# step 6: clean semantic labels
# step 7: renumber the nodes
# save the json file
with open(os.path.join(dst_dir, 'train.json'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(new_data, f, indent=4)
if __name__ == '__main__':
This script is used to preprocess the PartNet-Mobility data into the data format used in CAGE.
* model_id: The model id of the PartNet-Mobility data.
* src_dir: we will look for the model data in <src_dir>/<model_id>.
* dst_dir: we will save the processed data in <dst_dir>/<object_category>/<model_id> with the following files:
* train.json: the json file recording the part hierarchy and articulation information.
* plys: the directory containing the processed mesh files in .ply format.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--model_id', type=str, required=True, help='The model id of the PartNet-Mobility data.')
parser.add_argument('--src_dir', type=str, required=True, help='The source directory of the PartNet-Mobility data.')
parser.add_argument('--dst_dir', type=str, required=True, help='The destination directory to save the processed data.')
args = parser.parse_args()

model_id = args.model_id
src_dir = args.src_dir
dst_dir = args.dst_dir

assert os.path.exists(src_dir), f"The source directory does not exist: {src_dir}"
os.makedirs(dst_dir, exist_ok=True)

process_model(model_id, src_dir, dst_dir)

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