This repository contains a concept for a infrastructure tracking ruleset schema written for Yamale.
While this repository does not implement software for querying various services, the goal is to have a common rule schema that allows querying a variety of services and chaining those queries together. An example rule could look like this:
title: Example Rule
uuid: 11d0a892-b2eb-4df5-8b04-3a1272da6eed
author: Nils Kuhnert
status: experimental
created: 2020-10-09
- type: tlp
value: white
- AND:
- type: "shodan"
query: "HTTP/1.1 200 X-Super-Suspicious-Header: Honk!"
- type: "passivedns"
query: "regex:^\\w-\\w\\.site$"
Various services and their queries can be implemented in your own tooling in your own way. The key idea is to combine multiple data sources right from the start and to have a (mostly) readable ruleset. The complex example rule shows all currently possible rule keys implemented in the schema.