Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated. But we are initiated, aren’t we, Bruce?
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Widevine implementation
I am offering bounty of 1000 USD for information about the Widevine L1 provision process. contact me privately if you know about this - I also offer a finders fee if you know someone with information
install Android Studio. then create Android virtual device:
- abi
- x86
- api level
- 24
- target
- Android 7.0 (Google APIs)
then download Widevine Dumper. Then install:
pip install -r requirements.txt
then download Frida server, example file:
then start Frida server:
adb root
adb push frida-server-15.1.17-android-x86 /data/frida-server
adb shell chmod +x /data/frida-server
adb shell /data/frida-server
then start Android Chrome and visit Shaka Player. click the green play button. if you receive this prompt: wants to play protected content. Your device’s identity will be verified by Google.
click ALLOW. then start dumper:
once you see "Hooks completed", go back to Chrome and click the green play button again. result:
2022-05-21 02:10:52 PM - Helpers.Scanner - 49 - INFO - Key pairs saved at
key_dumps\Android Emulator 5554/private_keys/4464/2770936375