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Julien, "NoCMS" built for folks like you and me. It gets the job done without any headache.

Why create yet another cms?

I was trying to get a web page up over the weekend, with a simple contact us form, but it required using a php wordpress plugin and start maintaining a yet another php stack, or using hugo and signing up for a subscription service to collect the form data

Most of my clients want a simple webpage and maybe some react with a simple form without needing to signup for yet another subscription service or data collection site just for collecting contact us form data or other simple forms on their respective sites

Though static site generators like Hugo with a mailto, will meet needs of most users, I find myself reaching out to other third party services when I needed a simple form, most of which are moving towards a subscription model or clients/users have to pay with their data(Google forms) and I can only subscribe to so many services before i go bankrupt.

What is NoCMS

NoCMS, just like other BS words like serverless, nosql, etc...

Why Julien?

Julien is the Lemur King in the Animation series All Hail King Julien who sought freedom for himself and other lemurs in his kingdom though he wasn't very bright on how he went about doing this, his intentions were noble.

Start serving requests

Run dev

go run . --config=example-julien.yaml --site=example/

Run julien

julien --config=julien.yaml
  • --host= webserver host default localhost
  • --port=8080 webserver port default 1234
  • Site file default ''
  • --config=julien.yaml julien config file default 'julien.yaml'
How to configure Julien

Julien keeps things clean and simple with YAML for configuration. There are five mount location. Here's the lowdown on the essential settings and how to bend them to your will:

# julien.yaml
    path: static # Where your static files like images, CSS, and JS hang out

    ext: "md" # File extension for your content files (Markdown is the way to go!)
    path: "content" # The lair of your website's content
    index: "index" # The default filename for index pages (e.g.,
    driver: "yaml-md" # How Julien reads and writes your content (stick with the default for now)
    assets: [png, jpg, jpeg, gif] # Allowed image file types within your content directories

    ext: "md" # Same as content, but for storing submitted form data
    path: "data" # Where Julien stashes the goods from your forms
    index: "index" 
    driver: "yaml-md" 

    ext: "md" # You guessed it, Markdown for forms too!
    path: "forms" # The command center for your website's forms
    index: "index" 
    driver: "yaml-md" 

    path: templates # The directory where your website's templates reside
    name: julien # The chosen one - the template that will bring your website to life

File Structure

Think of file structure as the blueprint for your website. Here's a breakdown of the key locations and what they do:

  1. content: This is where you keep your site page contents usually a markdown document with frontmatter for per page configuration, assets are the static files allowed to be served from the page location
  • content/
    ├── articles/
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └── all-hail-king-julien/
    │       ├──
    │       └── kings_porait.jpg
  1. forms: This is where you define your website's forms. Each Markdown file in this directory represents a form.

  2. data: This is where Julien stores the data submitted through your forms. Each form submission gets its own file in this directory

  3. static: This is the home for all your site static assets, like images, CSS files, and JavaScript files

  4. template: This is where you store your website's templates. Templates define the look and feel of your website and how your content is displayed

That's it for locations

content files

the contents directory should have and file which will serve as the contents for the home or root page at / get request path are direct mappings to the filenames and other directries within the content directory

content view

views for specific pages can be defined in the frontmatter by the view key if you need to handle the views for a list of files in a directory that can be defined in the directory frontmatter as

# contents/articles/
title: Articles
view: articles
layout: main
    view: article
    layout: main

The page: directive in a directory file defines default view and layout for all other markdown documents and sub directories within the current directory. This can be overwritten by the frontmatter of individual page be defining them in the frontmatter of the page like

# contents/
view: about-us
layout: main

Each sub directory inherits the view and layout of its parent directory by default if the page: directive is not found in the parent index file


Forms in Julien are defined in Markdown files within the /forms directory. Here's an example of a simple contact form (

# forms/
title: Contact Us
driver: yaml-md # Keep it simple, stick with YAML
name: $timestamp # Each submission gets a unique timestamped filename
redirect: /thank-you # Redirect to a thank-you page after successful submission

    ip: ip # Include the user's IP address in the submission data
    hostname: hostname # Include the user's hostname
    referer: Referer # Include the referring URL
    useragent: User-Agent # Include the user's browser information

    name: required,min=1,max=32 # Validation rules for the 'name' field
    email: required,email # Validation rules for the 'email' field
    message: required,min=10 # Validation rules for the 'message' field

content: message # Optional content field to be extracted from the form and used as the markdown document content

Contact me now!
Why wait when we could be building all sort of ideas
Don't wait!
Write your articles in markdown with an editor of your choice. place them in a folder and
thats all to it
  • title: defines the title of the form

  • driver: defines the driver used to dump the contents to the filesystem (stil WIP)

  • name: the file name for each document $timestamp uses the request constant timestamp used as the filename

  • redirect: The URL to redirect to after a successful form submission.

  • includes: Request runtime values to include in the form data with the keys being the same key to be used and the value is a request value to be extracted and added to the form content before it is written to disk

  • schema: This is the form schema used to validate the form request see validator for other rules just keep it simple and restricted to map validation rules ONLY and you will be fine

  • content: Content key if defined the field will be extracted from the frontmatter and use as the content body in the markdown document and will NOT be in the frontmatter when dumped to disk


Each template directory must include the file at its root with information about the template and configuration Here is sample directory structure of a template named julien:

    ├── julien/
    │   ├──
    │   ├── public/
    │   │   ├── styles.css
    │   │   └── react.js
    │   ├── partials/
    │   │   ├── header.html
    │   │   └── footer.html
    │   ├── views/
    │   │   ├── 404.html
    │   │   ├── 500.html
    │   │   ├── index.html
    │   │   ├── contact-us.html
    │   │   ├── article.html
    │   │   └── articles.html
    │   └── layouts/
    │       ├── main.html
    │       └── mobile.html
    └── mytemplate/

Julien uses the four types of templating systems from which you can choose from or migrate and existing project

  1. html: golang official templating system template library and the default templating system

  2. pongo: Pongo 2 template engine in the fiber plugin library. I use this engine myself because i already have lost of experience with django templating systems

  3. mustache: Mustache templating system template engine

  4. jet: Jet templating system template engine

here is a sample template file

name: Julien
author: 2p4b 
layouts:  layouts #Path to templates views          default to layouts
public: public #Path to templates public assets     default to public
views: views #Path to templates views               default to views
type: pogo #Template engine to use                  default to html
ext: html #Templates file extensions                default to html
Julien Example Template

Data variables

These variables share a common interface e.g Page.Get("title") or Site.Get("title", "default") to get frontmatter data and Page.Content for the document body same is true for all data variables

  • Site Site document
  • Page Current page document
  • Post is the data submitted successfully by a form
    • Post.Form Post Form document
    • Post.Data Post Data document
    • Post.Timestamp is the unix timestamp of the submission
  • Template Current template document

Dealing with form submission errors

The FormData variable is populated after a post request with validation errors based on the form document schema field

# Example form schema /forms/
    name: required,min=1,max=32 # Validation rules for the 'name' field
    email: required,email # Validation rules for the 'email' field
    company: required,min=10 # Validation rules for the 'message' field
  • FormData Submitted form values with errors on POST requests
    • FormData.Name Form document name
    • FormData.Get("company") Get submitted form company value
    • FormData.Get("company", "default") Get submitted form company value or default value
    • FormData.HasErrors("company") returns boolean if submitted form company has errors
    • FormData.HasErrors("company", "min") returns boolean if submitted form company has error with tag min e.g For form schema name: required,min=1,max=32
    • FormData.HasErrors("company", "min", "max") returns boolean if submitted form company has error with tag min or max e.g For form schema name: required,min=1,max=32. can check multiple tags
    • FormData.GetErrors("company") Get form company error tags
    • Post.Timestamp is the unix timestamp of the submission

Mounts variables

  • Forms is the mount point for the forms
  • Pager is the mount point for the content

Mounts variables share the common interface of Forms.Find("contact-us") or Pager.Find("articles/my-article") and returns a pointer and error. I the document is not found nil/null is return with an error why. If the document is found a pointer to the document data is returned with error set to nil/null.

Another quick way to get a document if you don't need to know the error is to use the Open method like Forms.Open("contact-us") or Pager.Open("articles/my-article"). The Open method returns a pointer to the document if found or nil/null.


  • implement sqlite driver
  • Optional Frontend ui for the masses


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