make sure to install this packages
- i3
- i3-gaps
- rofi
- pywal
- compton
- polybar
git clonne
cd i3-nebula
! The Colors depends your wallpaper colors OK 😉
$USER is your username folder in /home
now choose your wallpaper with or use the default in .config/i3/wall02.jpg
wal -i ~/.config/i3/wall02.jpg #default wallpaper
wal -i /path/to/wall.png # eny error istall pywal Ok
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh $USER # make sure that zsh is installed
cp .zshrc ~/.zshrc
cp .xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
cp .config/* ~/.config/ -r
chmod +x ~/.config/polybar/
by @0xtz