Fork of EthanVann's EthanApiPlugin
RuneLite Automation Plugins
Free Plugins:
- Piggy Guardians Of The Rift
- Piggy Auto Tithe Farm
- Piggy PVP Helper
- Piggy Vardorvis Auto Prayer
- Piggy Item Combiner
- Piggy Jad Auto Prayers
- Piggy Speed Dart Marker
- Piggy Humidify Jugs
- Piggy Power Skiller
- Piggy Herb Cleaner
- Piggy Drop Party
- Piggy Auto Aerial Fishing
- Piggy Auto Boner
- Piggy Auto Chompy
- Piggy Auto Firemaking
- Piggy Auto Smither
- Piggy Butterfly Catcher
- Piggy Dialogue Continuer
- Piggy Kitten Feeder
- Piggy Lava Runecrafter
- Piggy Nightmare Helper
- Piggy Auto Tele
- Piggy PrayerFlickerPlugin
- Piggy GauntletFlickSwitch
- Piggy Calvarion Helper
- Piggy Run Enabler
- Piggy Super Glass Maker
- Piggy Sword Fish 2 Tick
- Piggy Upkeep Plugin (Auto Eater)
- Piggy Clue Puzzle Solver
Ported Plugins
- Owain's Chinbreakhandler
- Illumine's Rooftops
- xKylee's PrayAgainstPlayer
- xKylee's LeftClickBlackjack
- SpoonLite's Hotkey Walker Under
Simply double click your free Piggy Plugins jar.
You will be prompted by Piggy Plugins Installer then click Install Sideloader.
If you already have Piggy Plugins/EthanInstaller on your RuneLite and the Piggy Installer shows as installed go into .runelite and drag the plugins in externalplugins or sideloaded-plugins make sure all outdated versions are removed from your client.
If it shows up as installed and you do not have a sideloaded-plugins or externalplugins folder or you can have any other issues you can use one of the links below.