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Debugging |
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Debugging in Visual Studio Code |
8/4/2016 |
One of the great things in Visual Studio Code is debugging support. Set breakpoints, step-in, inspect variables and more. |
Visual Studio Code的一个很重要的特性是他很棒的调试支持。VS Code的内置调试器帮助加速你的编辑,编译和调试循环。
One of the key features of Visual Studio Code is its great debugging support. VS Code's built-in debugger helps accelerate your edit, compile and debug loop.
VS Code内置一个支持Node.js运行时的调试,可以调试JavaScript,TypeScript和其他可以编译到JavaScript的语言。
VS Code has built-in debugging support for the Node.js runtime and can debug JavaScript, TypeScript, and any other language that gets transpiled to JavaScript.
为了调试其他语言和运行时(包括 PHP, Ruby, Go, C#, Python 和其他),请到我们的 VS Code 市场寻找调试器
For debugging other languages and runtimes (including PHP, Ruby, Go, C#, Python and many others), please look for Debuggers
extensions in our VS Code Marketplace.
Below are several popular extension which include debugging support:
提示: 上边展示的插件是动态查询的。单击插件的标题来阅读他们的描述,决定哪个插件最适合你。
Tip: The extensions shown above are dynamically queried. Click on an extension tile above to read the description and reviews to decide which extension is best for you.
## 开始调试
The following documentation is based on the built-in Node.js debugger, but most of the concepts and features are applicable to other debuggers as well.
在阅读关于调试的部分前创建一个简单的Node.js应用是很有帮助的。你可以跟随Node.js walkthrough来安装Node.js和创建一个简单的"Hello World"JavaScript应用(app.js
)。一旦你搭建完成一个简单的一个应用,这一节将给你介绍VS Code调试的方方面面。
It is helpful to first create a sample Node.js application before reading about debugging. You can follow the Node.js walkthrough to install Node.js and create a simple "Hello World" JavaScript application (app.js
). Once you have a simple application all set up, this page will take you through VS Code debugging features.
为了把调试视图放在最前,单击VS Code侧边的视图栏中的调试图标。
To bring up the Debug view, click on the Debugging icon in the View Bar on the side of VS Code.
The Debug view displays all information related to debugging and has a top bar with debugging commands and configuration settings.
为了在VS Code中调试你的应用,你首先需要创建你的运行配置文件 - launch.json
。单击最上方面板调试视图中的齿轮图标,选择你的调试环境,然后VS Code将在你的工作空间的 .vscode
To debug your app in VS Code, you'll first need to set up your launch configuration file - launch.json
. Click on the Configure gear icon on the Debug view top bar, choose your debug environment and VS Code will generate a launch.json
file under your workspace's .vscode
Here is the one generated for Node.js debugging:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/app.js",
"stopOnEntry": false,
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"preLaunchTask": null,
"runtimeExecutable": null,
"runtimeArgs": [
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "development"
"externalConsole": false,
"sourceMaps": false,
"outDir": null
"name": "Attach",
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"port": 5858,
"address": "localhost",
"restart": false,
"sourceMaps": false,
"outDir": null,
"localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",
"remoteRoot": null
Please note that the attributes available in these launch configurations vary from debugger to debugger. You can use IntelliSense to find out which attributes exist for a specific debugger. In addition, hover help is available for all attributes. If you see green squigglies in your launch configuration, hover over them to learn what the problem is and try to fix them before launching a debug session.
在VS Code中我们支持用调试模式启动你的应用,或者连接到一个已经运行的应用。取决于不同的要求(attach
In VS Code, we support launching your app in debug mode or attaching to an already running app. Depending on the request (attach
or launch
) different attributes are required and our launch.json
validation and suggestions should help with that.
Review the generated values and make sure that they make sense for your project and debugging environment. You can add additional configurations to the launch.json
(use hover and IntelliSense to help).
在调试视图中选择名为 Launch
的配置使用 Configuration dropdown。一旦你完成运行配置的创建,使用kb(workbench.action.debug.start)
Select the configuration named Launch
using the Configuration dropdown in the Debug view. Once you have your launch configuration set, start your debug session with kb(workbench.action.debug.start)
To launch a task before the start of each debug session, set the preLaunchTask
to the name of one of the tasks specified in tasks.json (located under the workspace's .vscode
VS Code支持和配置tasks.json相同字符串中的的变量替换。
VS Code supports variable substitution inside strings in launch.json
the same way as for tasks.json.
除了调试一个程序,VS Code支持运行一个程序。运行动作被 `kb(workbench.action.debug.run)触发,并且使用当前选中的运行配置。'运行'模式支持很多运行配置属性。当程序正在运行时VS Code维护一个调试会话,按下停止按钮来终止这个程序。
In addition to debugging a program, VS Code supports running the program. The Run action is triggered with kb(workbench.action.debug.run)
and uses the currently selected launch configuration. Many of the launch configuration attributes are supported in 'Run' mode. VS Code maintains a debug session while the program is running and pressing the Stop button terminates the program.
请注意:运行动作一直可用,但是调试扩展需要“选择进入”来支持"运行"。如果一个调试扩展没有被更新,"运行"将会退化到"调试"(内置的Node.js调试器和Mono 调试器已经支持"运行"了)
Please note: The Run action is always available, but a debugger extension has to 'opt-in' in order to support 'Run'. If a debugger extension has not been updated, 'Run' will fall back to 'Debug' (the built-in Node.js Debug and Mono Debug already support 'Run').
Breakpoints can be toggled by clicking on the editor margin. Finer breakpoint control (enable/disable/reapply) can be done in the Debug view's BREAKPOINTS section.
Breakpoints in the editor margin are normally shown as red filled circles.
Disabled breakpoints have a filled gray circle.
When a debugging sessions starts, breakpoints that cannot be registered with the debugger change to a gray hollow circle.
``命令再次设置所以断点到它们最初的位置。如果你的调试环境是"lazy"这很有用,并且源码中"错位"的断点 还没有被执行的。(更多的细节参考下面的__Node调试:断点__)
The Reapply All Breakpoints
command sets all breakpoints again to their original location. This is helpful if your debug environment is "lazy" and "misplaces" breakpoints in source code that has not yet been executed. (For details see below under Node Debugging: Breakpoint Validation)
Variables can be inspected in the VARIABLES section of the Debug view or by hovering over their source in the editor. Variables and expression evaluation is relative to the selected stack frame in the CALL STACK section.
Variables and expressions can also be evaluated and watched in the Debug view WATCH section.
Expressions can be evaluated in the Debug Console. To open the Debug Console, use the Open Console action at the top of the Debug pane or using the Command Palette (kb(workbench.action.showCommands)
Once a debug session starts, the Debug actions pane will appear on the top of the editor.
继续 / 暂停
Continue / Pause
Step Over
Step Into
Step Out
The following sections are specific to the Node.js debugger.
默认情况下,Node.js调试会话运行内置的VS Code调试控制台。既然调试控制台不支持需要从控制台接收输入的程序,你可以在运行配置的属性中设置externalConsole
By default, Node.js debug sessions launch the target in the internal VS Code Debug Console. Since the Debug Console does not support programs that need to read input from the console, you can enable an external, native console by setting the attribute externalConsole
to true
in your launch configuration.
为了表现的原因, Node.js懒惰的在第一次进入时解析JavaScript文件中的函数。结果是,断点不会在Node.js没有看到(解析)的源代码附近的区域生效。
For performance reasons, Node.js parses the functions inside JavaScript files lazily on first access. As a consequence, breakpoints don't work in source code areas that haven't been seen (parsed) by Node.js.
既然这种行为对调试不理想,VS Code自动给Node.js传递了--nolazy
Since this behavior is not ideal for debugging, VS Code passes the --nolazy
option to Node.js automatically. This prevents the delayed parsing and ensures that breakpoints can be validated before running the code (so they no longer "jump").
Since the --nolazy
option might increase the start-up time of the debug target significantly, you can easily opt out by passing a --lazy
as a runtimeArgs
当这么做时你将发现一些你设置的断点并不"停止"在需要的行,而是"跳"到了下一个可能已经解析的代码中的行。为了避免这个疑惑,VS Code永远在Node.js认为断点在的地方展示断点。在断点区域中,这些断点在请求的行号与实际的行号之间显示为一个箭头。
When doing so you will find that some of your breakpoints don't "stick" to the line requested but instead "jump" for the next possible line in already-parsed code. To avoid confusion, VS Code always shows breakpoints at the location where Node.js thinks the breakpoint is. In the BREAKPOINTS section, these breakpoints are shown with an arrow between requested and actual line number:
当一个会话开始并且断点注册到Node.js时,或者一个回话已经在运行但是设置一个新的断点时发生断点检测。在这个例子中,主要的断点可能"跳"到一个不同的位置。 在Node.js完成解析所有的代码(e.g. 通过运行它)后,断点可以很轻松的使用断点区域头部的重新应用被重新应用到请求的位置。这可能使断点"向后跳"到请求的位置。
This breakpoint validation occurs when a session starts and the breakpoints are registered with Node.js, or when a session is already running and a new breakpoint is set. In this case, the breakpoint may "jump" to a different location.� After Node.js has parsed all the code (e.g. by running through it), breakpoints can be easily re-applied to the requested locations with the Reapply button in the BREAKPOINTS section header. This should make the breakpoints "jump back" to the requested location.
Instead of placing breakpoints directly in source code, the Node.js debugger now supports creating breakpoints by specifying a function name. This is useful in situations where source is not available but a function name is known.
A 'function breakpoint' is created by pressing the + button in the BREAKPOINTS section header:
请注意: Node.js 的函数断点支持是受限的,因为:
Please note: Node.js support for function breakpoints is limited because:
function breakpoints only work for global, non-native functions and
function breakpoints can only be created if the function has been defined (seen by Node.js).
VS Code中的Node.js调试器支持用来调试编译型语言的JavaScript源码映射,比如TypeScript或者最小化/丑化的JavaScript。有了源码映射,可以在源码中单步调试或者设置断点。如果没有源代码的源码映射,或者源码映射已经损坏并且不能成功映射源代码到生成的JavaScript,这些断点背展现为灰色突起的圆。
The Node.js debugger of VS Code supports JavaScript Source Maps which help debugging of transpiled languages, e.g. TypeScript or minified/uglified JavaScript. With source maps, it is possible to single step through or set breakpoints in the original source. If no source map exists for the original source or if the source map is broken and cannot successfully map between the source and the generated JavaScript, the breakpoints are shown as gray hollow circles.
属性来指定一个源码文件(e.g. app.ts)。如果生成的JavaScript文件不在源文件的同一目录下而是在一个单独的目录,你可以设置outDir
属性来帮助VS Code调试器确定它们的位置。当你在源代码中设置一个断点时,VS Code尝试在outDir
The source map feature is enabled by setting the sourceMaps
attribute to true
in the launch configuration. With that you can now specify a source file (e.g. app.ts) with the program
attribute. If the generated (transpiled) JavaScript files do not live next to their source but in a separate directory, you can help the VS Code debugger locate them by setting the outDir
attribute. Whenever you set a breakpoint in the original source, VS Code tries to find the generated source, and the associated source map, in the outDir
Since source maps are not automatically created, you must configure the TypeScript compiler to create them:
tsc --sourceMap --outDir bin app.ts
This is the corresponding launch configuration for a TypeScript program:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch TypeScript",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"program": "app.ts",
"sourceMaps": true,
"outDir": "bin"
Source maps can be generated with two kinds of inlining:
内联源码: 生成的源码映射包含最初的源码(而不是通过路径引用源码)
Inlined source maps: the generated JavaScript file contains the source map as a data URI at the end (instead of referencing the source map through a file URI).
Inlined source: the source map contains the original source (instead of referencing the source through a path).
VS Code支持内联源码映射和内联源码。
VS Code supports both the inlined source maps and the inlined source.
如果你想把VS Code调试器连接到一个Node.js程序,像下面这样运行Node.js程序:
If you want to attach the VS Code debugger to a Node.js program, launch Node.js as follows:
node --debug program.js
node --debug-brk program.js
With the --debug-brk
option Node.js stops on the first line of the program.
The corresponding launch configuration looks like this:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Attach to Node",
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"address": "localhost",
"port": 5858,
"restart": false
The restart
attribute controls whether the Node.js debugger automatically restarts after the debug session has ended. This feature is useful if you use nodemon to restart Node.js on file changes. Setting the launch configuration attribute restart
to true
makes node-debug automatically try to re-attach to Node.js after Node.js has terminated.
On the command line, start your Node.js program server.js
with nodemon:
nodemon --debug server.js
在VS Code中,设置'链接'运行配置的restart
In VS Code, set the restart
attribute to true
in the 'attach' launch configuration.
Tip: Pressing the Stop button stops the debug session and disconnects from Node.js, but nodemon (and Node.js) will continue to run. To stop nodemon, you will have to kill it from the command line.
提示: 当有拼写错误时,nodemon将不会成功启动Node.js,直到错误被修复。在这种情况下,VS Code将持续上齿链接到Node.js但是最后会放弃(在10秒后)。为了避免这种情况,你可以把
Tip: In case of syntax errors, nodemon will not be able to start Node.js successfully until the error has been fixed. In this case, VS Code will continue trying to attach to Node.js but eventually give up (after 10 seconds). To avoid this, you can increase the timeout by adding a
attribute with a larger value (in milliseconds).
Node.js调试器支持最近版本(>= 4.x)的远程调试。通过address
The Node.js debugger supports remote debugging for recent versions of Node.js (>= 4.x). Specify a remote host via the address
默认情况下,VS Code将调试源码从远程Node.js文件夹流到本地的VS Code,然后在一个只读编辑器中显示它。你可以单步跳过这些代码,但是不能修改它。如果你希望VS Code从你的工作目录中打开一个可以修改的源码,你可以安装一个远程和内部位置的映射。attach
属性,可以被用来映射本地VS Code工程和(远程)Node.js文件夹。这在本地基于同一个操作系统和跨越不同的操作系统时都有效。当一个文件路径需要被转换从本地VS Code路径到远程Node.js文件夹时,remoteRoot
By default, VS Code will stream the debugged source from the remote Node.js folder to the local VS Code and show it in a read-only editor. You can step through this code, but cannot modify it. If you want VS Code to open the editable source from your workspace instead, you can setup a mapping between the remote and local locations. The attach
launch configuration supports a localRoot
and a remoteRoot
attribute that can be used to map paths between a local VS Code project and a (remote) Node.js folder. This works even locally on the same system or across different operating systems. Whenever a code path needs to be converted from the remote Node.js folder to a local VS Code path, the remoteRoot
path is stripped off the path and replaced by localRoot
. For the reverse conversion, the localRoot
path is replaced by the remoteRoot
在Linux和OS X中,VS Code中的Mono调试器支持需要Mono版本3.12或更新。如果你想要使用VS Code构建.NET Core应用,我们推荐你先跟随.NET Core and Visual Studio中的步骤。
On Linux or OS X, the Mono debugging support of VS Code requires Mono version 3.12 or later. If you intend to build .NET Core applications with Visual Studio Code, we recommend you first follow the steps in .NET Core and Visual Studio.
如果你只想尝试VS Code的Mono调试,你可以从Mono project下载最新的Linux和OS X的Mono,或者你可以使用你自己的包管理器。
If you just want to try VS Code Mono debugging, you can either download the latest Mono version for Linux or OS X at Mono project or you can use your package manager.
在OS X中:
brew install mono
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
On OS X:
brew install mono
On Linux:
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
VS Code的Mono调试集成从VS Code市场的'Mono Debug'中来
VS Code Mono debugging integration comes from the 'Mono Debug' extension on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
如果你已经有了一个基于mono你可以使用VS Code的扩展:安装扩展命令
You can either install the Mono Debug extension with the VS Code Extensions: Install Extension command or if you already have a Mono based project with a mono
launch configuration, simply by starting a debug session. VS Code will then prompt you to download and install Mono Debug.
To enable debugging of Mono based C# (and F#) programs, you have to pass the -debug
option to the compiler:
mcs -debug Program.cs
如果你想链接VS Code调试器到一个Mono程序,传递这些额外的参数给Mono运行时:
If you want to attach the VS Code debugger to a Mono program, pass these additional arguments to the Mono runtime:
mono --debug --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address= Program.exe
The corresponding launch configuration looks like this:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Attach to Mono",
"request": "attach",
"type": "mono",
"address": "localhost",
"port": 55555
在VS Code extensions有很多其他语言的调试器,包括Go, Powershell, Python, PHP,还有很多。
Debugging many other languages is supported by VS Code extensions. These include Go, PowerShell, Python, PHP, ...
In case you didn't already read the Node.js section, take a look at:
Node.js - End to end Node scenario with a sample application
Node.js - End to end Node scenario with a sample application
To see a tutorial on the basics of Node.js debugging, check out:
Intro Video - Debugging - 介绍调试器的基础的介绍视频。
Intro Video - Debugging - Introductory video showcasing the basics of debugging.
为了学习VS Code的任务支持,参阅:
To learn about VS Code's task running support, go to:
任务 - 运行使用Gulp, Grunt 和 Jake的任务,显示错误和警告。
Tasks - Running tasks with Gulp, Grunt and Jake. Showing Errors and Warnings
To write your own debugger extension, visit:
Debuggers - 从一个mock样例创建一个VS Code调试器的步骤。
Debuggers - Steps to create a VS Code debug extension starting from a mock sample
问: 有哪些支持的语言脚本?
Q: What are the supported debugging scenarios?
**答:**Linux,OS X和Windows都支持调试基于Node.js的应用。Linux和OS X支持调试运行在Mono上的C#。.Net Core的程序是使用Roslyn编译器编译的,而不是Mono编译器。.Net Core调试器可以通过一个VS Code扩展得到。很多其他的脚本语言被VS Code extensions支持。
A: Debugging of Node.js based applications is supported on Linux, OS X, and Windows. Debugging of C# applications running on Mono is supported on Linux and OS X. .NET Core applications are compiled using the Roslyn compiler, not the Mono compiler. .NET Core debugging will be available through a VS Code extension. Many other scenarios are supported by VS Code extensions.
问: 在调试视图中我没有看到任何运行配置,出错了吗?
Q: I do not see any launch configurations in the debug view drop down, what is wrong?
答: 最普遍的问题是你没有设置launch.json
A: The most common problem is that you did not set up launch.json
yet or there is a syntax error in the launch.json
问: Node.js调试器支持哪些版本的Node.js?
Q: What Node.js version is required for Node.js debugging?
答: 我们推荐最新的LTS版本的Node.js。
A: The latest LTS version of Node.js is recommended.
问: Mono调试器支持WIndows吗?
Q: Is Mono debugging supported on Windows?
答: 不。现在Mono调试器只支持Mac和Linux。
A: No. Currently Mono debugging is only supported on Mac and Linux.