The Docker Container Health Check Script is a bash script that monitors the health status of Docker containers and automatically restarts them if they are unhealthy. This script runs in the background as a systemd service and logs its activities to journalctl.
- Linux-based operating system
- Docker installed and configured
- You need to create a chealth.conf file and put the desired container names in each line of the file.
- Now you can use following docker run command to start the healthchecker container. Remember to replace the /etc/chealth.conf with your chealth.conf file address on your machine in docker run command.
docker run -d --name=CHealth -v /etc/chealth.conf:/usr/local/bin/chealth.conf -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro zwsq/chealth:14
Note: Since the container need to know the status of the host containers, acess to the docker.sock file of the host is required.
- Clone the repository to your desired location:
git clone
- Go to the downloaded directory:
cd CHealth
- Make the script executable:
sudo chmod +x
- Add the names of the Docker containers you want to monitor, one per line in the chealth.conf file.
- Open the chealth.service file in an editor and modify
according to the location of file on your machine.
sudo nano chealth.service
- Copy
file you/etc/systemd/system
and reload systemd daemon.
sudo cp /etc/systemd/system && sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- Now you can enable and start the service.
sudo systemctl enable --now chealth.service
Changing the Check Interval: If you want to modify the check interval, you can edit the sleep duration in the script. For example, to check every 60 seconds, change sleep 30 to sleep 60.
Adding/Removing Containers: To add or remove containers to be monitored, simply edit the containers.txt file, adding or removing container names as needed. The script will automatically pick up the changes during its next iteration.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.