Official JavaScript wrapper for the public API.
Developers or Paspartout site owners who want to create widgets, use public Paspartout data externally or extend behavior.
Include the file in your page:
<script src="paspartout.api.public.v2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Before you perform any Paspartout related action define the site api id of the site you want to approach:
Paspartout.config.siteId = 'ppt-123456789';
The site api id can be found under 'settings' > 'Paspartout API'. Note that the length of the key can vary from site to site.
success: function(site) {
... your code ...
failure: function(error) {
The object passed as the first argument in the success callback the site object including the following fields:
- title (meta title)
- description (meta description)
- subdomain (e.g.
- host
- url
- icon (the site icon in all available sizes: apple_touch_icon, favicon, original)
- page (the homepage, including its children in case of a portfolio, lookbook, blog, news or shop page)
- menu (array with pages and their basic fields: description, id, name, permaname, short_url, title, type, url)
- footer (full Paspartout footer info)
Paspartout.Api.Page.load(page_id_or_permaname, {
success: function(page) {
... your code ...
failure: function(error) {
The object passed as the first argument in the success callback the page object including the following (possible) fields:
- type
- id
- name
- permaname (except for external page or a blog that is used externally)
- url
- target (only for external page or a blog that is used externally)
- short_url (except for external page or a blog that is used externally)
- created_at
- updated_at
- body (only project or product; about, sheet and post have their body in one or more blocks)
- published_at
- allow_comments (only for post)
- number_of_comments (only for post)
- categories (project, product and post)
- keywords (project, product and post)
- comments (only for post)
- blocks (about, sheet and post)
- children (portfolio, lookbook, blog, news and shop)
- price (only for product)
- big_shipment (only for product)
- sold (only for product)
- promotion_id (only for product)
- thumb (project and product)
- collections (only for product)
- genders (only for product)
- materials (only for product)
- variations (only for product)
- images (only for product)
The field sets vary for each page type.
success: function(pages) {
... your code ...
failure: function(error) {
The first argument in the success callback is an array with all active pages.
success: function(comments) {
... your code ...
failure: function(error) {
The first argument in the success callback is an array with approved comments.
Optionally you can provide the 'pageId' option to scope comments to a given page:
pageId: page_id_or_permaname,
success: function(comments) {
... your code ...
failure: function(error) {
By default a basic page object is included for each comment.
success: function(comments) {
... your code ...
failure: function(error) {
The first argument in the success callback is an array with images.
Like comments you can optionally provide the 'pageId' option to scope images to a given page:
pageId: page_id_or_permaname,
success: function(comments) {
... your code ...
failure: function(error) {
When loading a portfolio page for example its children (the projects) are included by default. You can prevent that by passing the following option:
Paspartout.Api.Page.load(page_id_or_permaname, {
include: {
children: false
When loading a blog post on the other hand, comments are not included. To include them:
Paspartout.Api.Page.load(page_id_or_permaname, {
include: {
comments: true
This also works when loading a blog page. The comments for every post will then be included.
Other options are:
- order: (the position order in which the records are loaded; options per record type are listed below)
- project: name, position, created_at, updated_at or random
- post: name, created_at, updated_at, published_at or random
- product: name, position, price, created_at, updated_at or random
- comment: name, created_at, updated_at or random
- image: title, position, color, created_at, updated_at or random
- way: (the direction of the order; only asc and desc are possible)
- per_page: (the amount of records that are loaded; defaults to 30 if no value found in the paspartout settings)
- page: (the page in pagination; for example if you have 40 projects and 30 per_page, project 32 will be on page 2)
Data you load will be cached. The second time you request the same url you will get the cached data returned. To get a fresh version of the url pass this option:
- cache: false (false will prevent caching and force the data to be reloaded)
The Paspartout API is currently in beta. As the API evolves this library will be updated as well.
This library is framework agnostic. If any problems arise, please let me know.
The included specs test the basic functionality. Tests are performed against a Paspartout Biz test site (
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Copyright (c) 2011 Wout Fierens. See LICENSE.txt for further details.