Releases: zviadm/celoterminal
Releases · zviadm/celoterminal
3167ff1 [app/governance] add simple governance voting app (#42)
4a31429 [app/mento] market price based on buckets not oracle rates (#41)
4a3f40a [core] cleanup logging (#39)
31cdb9b [app/locker] fix typo in text
d2ede41 [core] less verbose auto updater log (#38)
283d7a4 [app/mento] add recent trades list (#37)
ca56123 [core] create simple icon for Terminal (#36)
21178fd [app/mento] use explicit gas of 300000 (#35)
64157e7 [app/mento] add simple trading app using Mento protocol (#34)
7bfdaf2 [core] only check blockNumber for network status (#33)
[app/locker] check if account is voting in governance (#24)
[core] make sure second instance quits without doing anything (#32)
b19fe1f [core] improve window lifecycle for windows platform (#23)
e7ac7c3 [ui] add a very simple splash screen (#22)
ba7dc07 [ci] publish windows releases (not signed) (#19)
c3126e2 actually use roboto font as material ui wants it (#18)
cd7da96 [core/autoupdater] no need to call relaunch (#13)
73bfadd [core/autoupdater] set force quit before relaunch (#12)
[app/locker] implement revoke and unlock (#11)
[core] improvements to TXRunner when running multiple transactions
[app/celovote] implement example Celovote application (#10)
[app/accounts] improve password setup ux (#9)
[ci/windows] setup windows build (#8)
[app/appstore] add support for optional apps (#7)
[autoupdate] switch to ledgerhq fork of electron-updater
[app/locker] fix pending withdraw times
[autoupdate] check for ready update right away
- fix auto update UI
- enable beta channel for pre-release