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File metadata and controls

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A library system (ALS) is required to keep records of books and provide services for library members to borrow, return, and reserve books. The library is not a typical library that you may be aware of. It only has 50 books available for loan. It intends to increase the number of books for circulation in twelve months’ time, but you are told this is not a concern for this project.

To facilitate the construction of ALS, the following functions have been gathered from the library administrators:

  1. Membership Creation • To be able to use the library facilities (such as borrowing or reserving books), an individual must become a library member.
    • Information required to be a member includes membership id (a unique alphanumeric id that distinguishes every member e.g., A101A, A901I, etc.), name (e.g., Tan Jia Yu, Joan Lim, Simon Li Thales, etc.), faculty (e.g., Computing, Engineering, Science, etc.), phone number (e.g., 91234567, 81093487, 92054981, etc.), email address (e.g., [email protected], [email protected], etc.). • A member can borrow (i.e., number of books borrowable) a maximum of 2 books at any time. • The membership id is assigned when a membership is created. • Members are distinguished by membership id and not by name i.e., two member records with the same name “Tan Jia Yu” are considered distinct if the membership ids are different, and two member records are the same even with different member names if the membership ids are the same. • The database cannot have two member records with the same membership id.

  2. Membership Deletion • An individual membership with the library can be terminated at any time.
    • When this happens, the membership record is deleted.
    • All books loaned to members must be returned prior to the deletion. • All outstanding fines must be paid prior to the deletion. • All reservations requested by members will be cancelled.

  3. Membership Update • Membership record details can be updated at any time. • Information that can be updated include member’s name, faculty, phone number, and email address. • Membership id, the number of books borrowable, and the number of books reservable cannot be changed.

  4. Book Acquisition • Library acquires new books for use by library members. • Each book has the following details: accession number (used to identify an instance of book), title, authors (there can be multiple authors for a book), isbn, publisher, and publication year. • All books have unique accession number. • Books may have the same isbn but not the same accession number since there can be multiple copies of the same text.

  5. Book Withdrawal • Library books that are outdated will be withdrawn from circulation. • The book record is deleted from the database. • Only books that are currently not borrowed can be withdrawn from circulation. • Any book on reservation can be withdrawn after the book has been removed from all reservations.

  6. Book Borrowing • A book can be borrowed if it is not on reservation or already on loan to another member. • Each book loan is valid for 2 weeks. The due date is therefore a date 14 days after the borrow date (or loan date). When the 14 days are up, the book on loan must be returned. There is no renewal service. • A member can borrow a book if he/she does not have an outstanding fine (i.e., the fine has not been paid). • Information captured for a book loan includes accession number, borrow date (taken from the system), due date (a derived attribute), and membership id.

  7. Book Returning • A book on loan must be returned to the library on the due date.
    • A member has a fine when a book is returned later than the due date. A penalty of $1 per book per day is imposed as a fine to the member. • The fine amount is cumulative if more than one book is returned late. • A book returned can be borrowed by the same or another member. • Information captured for a book return includes accession number and return date.

  8. Book Reservation • If a book is currently not available (because it is on loan to a member), a member can request for the book to be reserved. • When a reserved book becomes available (because it has been returned), it can be loaned only to the member who reserved it. When the reservation is fulfilled (i.e., the book is loaned to the member who reserved it), the reservation is deleted. • A member can only reserve a book if he/she does not have an outstanding fine. • A member can reserve (i.e., number of books reservable) a maximum of 2 books at any time. • Information captured for a book reservation includes accession number, reserve date, and membership id.

  9. Reservation Cancellation • A reservation on a book on loan can be cancelled at any time before the book is available for loan. • When it is cancelled, the reservation record is deleted.
    • Information captured for cancelling a book reservation includes accession number and membership id.

  10. Book Search • A member can perform a basic search on the collection of books. No sophistication on the search is required. • Search can be done by specifying ONE word in the title, authors, isbn, publisher, publication year field.
    • A searchable word is a single distinct element of writing e.g., “man” is a word but “man” in “batman” is not a word; however, “batman” is a word. • The search field will only accept one word for each search and on any of the book attributes e.g., a search for word like “Batman” on title, “2011” on publication year, “Isaac” on author, etc. It does not take in more than one word for any search field/attribute. • The search results will display information on the book including accession number, title, authors, isbn, publisher, and publication year.

  11. Fine Payment • Fines must be completely paid. No partial payment is allowed. For example, if the fine amount is $4, only $4 payment is allowed; any payment less than or more than $4 will be rejected. • Information captured for fine payment includes accession number, member id, payment date, payment amount. • This function does not facilitate the actual collection of the payment. It merely records the payment amount, date and indicate the fine has been fully paid e.g., update the fine amount to 0. • No further action is required after the fine has been paid.

  12. Display books on loan • This function displays all the books currently on loan to members. • The information on the books displayed include accession number, title, authors, isbn, publisher, and publication year.

  13. Display books on reservation • This function displays all books on reservation to members. • The information on the reservation displayed include accession number, title, membership id, name.

  14. Display members who have outstanding fines • This function displays all members who have outstanding fines. • The information on the members displayed include membership id, name, faculty, phone number, and email address.

  15. Display the books on loan to a member given the membership id • This function displays all the books a member identified by the membership id has borrowed. • The information on the books displayed include accession number, title, authors, isbn, publisher, and publication year.