Reversing - 550 points
Can you find the flag using the following assembly source? WARNING: It is VERY long...
Hmm.. There must be an easier way than reversing the whole thing right?
There is a series of functions rrf*
which returns the respective ASCII value of the mentioned char.
For add() and sub() methods:
movsx ecx, byte [esp+4H] ; ecx = (int8) param1; // copy with sign bit
sub ecx, 48 ; ecx -= 48;
add ecx, dword [esp+8H] ; ecx += (int32) param2;
mov edx, 3524075731 ; edx = 3524075731;
mov eax, ecx ; eax = ecx;
imul edx ; edx:eax = edx * eax;
add edx, ecx ; edx += ecx;
sar edx, 6 ; edx >>= 6
mov eax, ecx ; eax = ecx
sar eax, 31 ; eax >>= 31
sub edx, eax ; edx -= eax
imul edx, edx, 78 ; edx = edx * 78
sub ecx, edx ; ecx -= edx
lea eax, [ecx+30H] ; return [ecx+48]
// Psuedocode
c = (param1 + param2 - 48)
edx:eax = 3524075731 * c;
edx:eax += (c << 32)
edx >>= 6
edx -= (c >> 31)
edx *= 78
c -= edx
return x+48
// Condensed
c = (param1 + param2 - 48)
d = (3524075731 * c) >> 32
d += c
d >>= 6
d -= (c >> 31)
d *= 78
return c-d+48
The hint is telling us to compile it
$ nasm -f elf comp.nasm
$ gcc -m32 comp.o -o comp
$ ./comp
If your flag does not work, EITHER replace the trailing '3's at the end with a '}' OR change '2390040222' to '2350040222' and change '70u' to 'y0u'