About Project End to End NO STD, WASM supported, platform independent RSA encryption and decryption library for High Level Usage Icon Item 🥳 Upcoming ⚖️ License Usage (rust) Implementation Cargo cargo add encrypto_rsa RSA Documentation will be published soon at our website You can try: use encrypto_rsa::keystore::EncryptoRSA; fn main() { use encrypto_rsa::EncryptoRSA; let mut key_store = EncryptoRSA::init(2048).unwrap(); let msg = "Alo"; let encrypted = key_store.encrypt(msg).unwrap(); let decrypted = key_store.decrypt(&encrypted).unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.as_bytes(), decrypted.as_slice()); } Please raise an issue here for bug/feature report or documentation error Upcoming Supported Languages Status Flutter WIP Java WIP JavaScript WIP Amazing encrypto with prevention against man in the middle attacks and AES-CBC with RSA key exchange for multiple language License Click here