diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst index 49cfd0b..3c7f263 100644 --- a/CHANGES.rst +++ b/CHANGES.rst @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ 4.4 (unreleased) ================ -- Nothing changed yet. +- Extend boolean html attribute list to include all html5 boolean attributes. 4.3 (2024-02-01) diff --git a/src/z3c/pt/pagetemplate.py b/src/z3c/pt/pagetemplate.py index 7345ab9..8de71cd 100644 --- a/src/z3c/pt/pagetemplate.py +++ b/src/z3c/pt/pagetemplate.py @@ -43,18 +43,40 @@ # form , as required by XML 1.0. # From https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_10 and # https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.5 + # Updated to also include html5 attributes as listed on + # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/indices.html#attributes-3 + "allowfullscreen", + "async", + "autofocus", + "autoplay", + "checked", "compact", - "nowrap", - "ismap", + "controls", "declare", - "noshade", - "checked", + "default", + "defer", "disabled", - "readonly", + "formnovalidate", + "inert", + "ismap", + "itemscope", + "loop", "multiple", - "selected", + "muted", + "nomodule", "noresize", - "defer", + "noshade", + "novalidate", + "nowrap", + "open", + "playsinline", + "readonly", + "required", + "reversed", + "selected", + "shadowrootclonable", + "shadowrootdelegatesfocus", + "shadowrootserializable", ] )