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⚡️ Next Static Utils ⚡️
Utilities to host your next.js app as a static site wherever your heart desires
Including dynamic routes and app router support


Check out the example repo and the live demo site.


Next.js offers an option for static site generation, which allows you to export your site as raw html, js, etc... and host it statically on a CDN, or however you like! This reduces the infra overhead of your application, if you are willing to sacrifice SSR features.

But SSG does not work with dynamic routes unless you generate all pages at build time. There are some discussions around this issue here and here, which the Vercel team will hopefully resolve soon. But even so, most static hosting providers outside of Vercel don't know how to handle the way next.js does code splitting out of the box, which can lead to unwanted 404 errors.

Next Static Utils aims to provide workarounds and utilities to address some of these issues and make hosting your next.js site statically anywhere you darn well please a bit more enjoyable.

Starting with support for AWS S3 + Cloudfront, but can presumably add other providers relatively easily.

Set Up

Installation And CLI

pnpm install next-static-utils
# Generates edge function for re-routing to a fallback page for dynamic params
pnpm next-static-utils generate [cloudfront|serve]


On your dynamic page:

import { withDynamicParams } from 'next-static-utils';

// creates fallback parameter page
export const generateStaticParams = withDynamicParams();

To use the dynamic paramaters:

'use client';

import { useDynamicParams } from 'next-statis-utils';

export default function Component() {
  // pulls params from the url, e.g. /users/:id
  const { id } = useDynamicParams();

  return (

Recommended Next Config

export default (phase) => {
  const nextConfig = {
    output: phase === 'phase-production-build' ? 'export' : 'standalone',
  return nextConfig;

Who its for

  • If you want to host your next.js app statically, particularly using AWS S3 and Cloudfront and still use app router
  • If you have a separate backend and don't want high infra overhead or vendor lock-in for your front end hosting
  • If you are not concerned about SEO, or powerful rich previews and open graph
  • If you tend to fetch data client side after the initial page load and do not intend to utilize Next.js's SSR features

Private / auth gated applications, admin dashboards, simple tools, blogs & content sites with a relatively small catalog can all work.

How it works

For every dynamic route, next static utils generates a fallback page which is served for dynamic routes, this also satisfies next.js's requirement to generate static params when using the output: export option.

Instead of using useParams which is not supported in SSG mode, the params are provided with a new hook useDynamicParams

The CLI also generates a cloudfront function to properly handle re-routing at an edge function level in AWS.

Other Cool / Related Projects

  • next-nginx-routes helps host your next.js static site using nginx routes
  • SSG is great if you want to host on AWS, but with a more robust infrastructure


  • support partial static generation at build time
  • GCloud support?
  • terraform script to deploy via cli
  • S3 static hosting rewrites support
  • Move to using routes.manifest instead of iterating over app directory?
  • Github pages support?