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Releases: zcobell/MetOceanViewer


19 Dec 21:16
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Fixing two bugs:

  1. Fixing USGS behavior when USGS transitioned to https from http
  2. Fixing NOAA no-data behavior


06 Dec 17:19
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This update fixes an issue retrieving NOAA CO-OPS station data. All previous versions of MetOceanViewer will not be able to use the NOAA CO-OPS interface.


WARNING: This update also introduces the Qt Installer framework, which can be used on all platforms. It requires that you manually uninstall previous installations of MetOceanViewer. Mac support no longer included in pre-built binaries since I no longer have a development environment for it. It should be fairly straightforward if someone wants to tackle this task.


21 May 02:02
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Version 2.6.1 provides the ability to plot the data using the enter key. Other changes are mostly from a coding perspective whereby many pieces of code have been refactored. Finally, a number of bugs were fixed.


  1. Add ability for users to plot selected using Enter key
  2. Fix crash when USGS server does not correctly return parameter names
  3. Fix bug when writing .mvs file on Linux
  4. Fix bug for USGS data when no station is selected but user starts plotting routines
  5. Create class for session files
  6. Create class for colors
  7. Create class for imeds format
  8. Move legend marker click handling into mov_qchartview


16 May 01:06
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Version 2.6.0 adds an interface to XTide. XTide is a tidal database which calculates water surface elevations based upon harmonics and provides an additional 4200 stations for comparison to model data within the United States.


12 May 04:48
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Version 2.5.3 uses a new method for generating the Windows installer which should resolve issues related to missing dependencies.

Note: I'm hopeful that the Mac and Linux packages work. If they do not, please let me know.


11 May 22:36
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Version 2.5.2 upgrades libraries to Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 and Qt 5.6


22 Feb 21:45
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Version 2.5 is a major rewrite of the code base.

Major Updates Include:

  • Removal of QtWebkit and replacement with QtWebEngine to match plan for long term Qt development since QtWebkit will no longer be supported
  • Removal of HighCharts javascript plotting and replacement with QtCharts. QtCharts should be able to handle much more data without slowing the code down and causing crashes
  • Minor updates to the user interface that include allowing user to select hours/minutes/seconds/days to be added to shift a time series input file
  • Added some default colors to be selected when adding time series data to the program
  • Added automatic version updating
  • Added the ability to select multiple stations when using user defined time series data


16 Feb 03:46
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v2.5.0-beta.1 Pre-release

This is an beta release of version 2.5. Version 2.5 is a major rewrite of the code base. This version should be used carefully as it may contain bugs.

Major Updates Include:

  • Removal of QtWebkit and replacement with QtWebEngine to match plan for long term Qt development since QtWebkit will no longer be supported
  • Removal of HighCharts javascript plotting and replacement with QtCharts. QtCharts should be able to handle much more data without slowing the code down and causing crashes
  • Minor updates to the user interface that include allowing user to select hours/minutes/seconds/days to be added to shift a time series input file
  • Added some default colors to be selected when adding time series data to the program


15 Feb 08:34
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v2.5.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

This is an alpha release of version 2.5. Version 2.5 is a major rewrite of the code base. This version should be used carefully as it may contain bugs.

Major Updates Include:

  • Removal of QtWebkit and replacement with QtWebEngine to match plan for long term Qt development since QtWebkit will no longer be supported
  • Removal of HighCharts javascript plotting and replacement with QtCharts. QtCharts should be able to handle much more data without slowing the code down and causing crashes
  • Minor updates to the user interface that include allowing user to select hours/minutes/seconds/days to be added to shift a time series input file
  • Added some default colors to be selected when adding time series data to the program


22 Jan 07:27
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This release accomplishes the following:

  1. Highcharts has been upgraded to 4.2.1
  2. Highcharts will now use offline export of SVG graphics
  3. NOAA interface can now plot predictions and observations on the same plot
  4. NOAA interface can now plot tidal predictions into the future
  5. Bugs regarding the use of OpenSSL under MSVC 64bit have been resolved