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Releases: zboszor/OpenCReports

0.2: Data handling complete

08 May 17:12
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Added formatting functions: format() and dtosf() for RLIB compatibility.
Added Swiss army knife formatting function printf().
fxpval() now accepts a number as the first argument.
Removed a debugging line from datetime handling.

0.1: Data handling almost complete

24 Apr 12:07
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  • Expression parsing and grammar with Flex/Bison
  • Datasource handling complete: memory arrays, CSV, JSON, XML, PostgreSQL, MariaDB and ODBC input
  • Precalculated variables and delayed expressions are implemented
  • Almost every RLIB functions are implemented. The missing functions are dtosf() and format().
  • Extra functions and operators not existing in RLIB
  • Initial documentation
  • Unit tests

There is no layout and output driver so it's not useful for end users yet.