diff --git a/bindings/php/opencreport.c b/bindings/php/opencreport.c
index 5818626c..30959a62 100644
--- a/bindings/php/opencreport.c
+++ b/bindings/php/opencreport.c
@@ -5239,6 +5239,18 @@ PHP_METHOD(opencreport_barcode, set_value_delayed) {
ocrpt_barcode_set_value_delayed(bco->bc, expr_string ? ZSTR_VAL(expr_string) : NULL);
+PHP_METHOD(opencreport_barcode, set_suppress) {
+ zval *object = ZEND_THIS;
+ php_opencreport_barcode_object *bco = Z_OPENCREPORT_BARCODE_P(object);
+ zend_string *expr_string = NULL;
+ Z_PARAM_STR_EX(expr_string, 1, 0);
+ ocrpt_barcode_set_suppress(bco->bc, expr_string ? ZSTR_VAL(expr_string) : NULL);
PHP_METHOD(opencreport_barcode, set_type) {
zval *object = ZEND_THIS;
php_opencreport_barcode_object *bco = Z_OPENCREPORT_BARCODE_P(object);
@@ -5307,6 +5319,10 @@ ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_WITH_RETURN_TYPE_INFO_EX(arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_value_de
ZEND_ARG_TYPE_INFO(0, expr_string, IS_STRING, 1)
+ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_WITH_RETURN_TYPE_INFO_EX(arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_suppress, 0, 1, IS_VOID, 0)
+ZEND_ARG_TYPE_INFO(0, expr_string, IS_STRING, 1)
ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_WITH_RETURN_TYPE_INFO_EX(arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_type, 0, 1, IS_VOID, 0)
ZEND_ARG_TYPE_INFO(0, expr_string, IS_STRING, 1)
@@ -5330,6 +5346,7 @@ ZEND_END_ARG_INFO()
static const zend_function_entry opencreport_barcode_class_methods[] = {
PHP_ME(opencreport_barcode, set_value, arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_value, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_FINAL)
PHP_ME(opencreport_barcode, set_value_delayed, arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_value_delayed, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_FINAL)
+ PHP_ME(opencreport_barcode, set_suppress, arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_suppress, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_FINAL)
PHP_ME(opencreport_barcode, set_type, arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_type, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_FINAL)
PHP_ME(opencreport_barcode, set_width, arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_width, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_FINAL)
PHP_ME(opencreport_barcode, set_height, arginfo_opencreport_barcode_set_height, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_FINAL)
diff --git a/doc/c-api-reference.sgm b/doc/c-api-reference.sgm
index 1e4b78c2..b8c3e693 100644
--- a/doc/c-api-reference.sgm
+++ b/doc/c-api-reference.sgm
@@ -2733,6 +2733,21 @@ ocrpt_barcode_set_value_delayed(ocrpt_barcode *bc,
const char *expr_string);
+ Set barcode suppression
+ Set the barcode's suppression value from
+ an expression string. The expression
+ must evaluate to a boolean value.
+ void
+ocrpt_barcode_set_suppress(ocrpt_barcode *bc,
+ const char *expr_string);
+ Default value is false,
+ i.e. no suppression.
Set barcode type
diff --git a/doc/php-api-reference.sgm b/doc/php-api-reference.sgm
index ccbf94cb..f0f68bca 100644
--- a/doc/php-api-reference.sgm
+++ b/doc/php-api-reference.sgm
@@ -3672,6 +3672,21 @@ OpenCReport\Barcode::set_value_delayed(
?string $expr_string = null): void;
+ Set the barcode suppression
+ Set the barcode's suppression value from
+ an expression string. The expression
+ must evaluate to a boolean value.
+ public final
+ ?string $expr_string = null): void;
+ Default value is false,
+ i.e. no suppression.
Set the barcode type
diff --git a/doc/xmldescription.sgm b/doc/xmldescription.sgm
index 2a8a9513..df70cf28 100644
--- a/doc/xmldescription.sgm
+++ b/doc/xmldescription.sgm
@@ -3698,6 +3698,28 @@ report_height_after_last="no"
Barcode element attributes
+ Suppress
+ <Barcode> elements
+ in <Output> may be
+ suppressed.
+ <Line>
+ <Barcode suppress="yes" ... />
+ Default value is false,
+ i.e. no suppression.
+ The expression for suppress
+ must be a constant expression. An environment
+ variable (since it can't - or shouldn't - change
+ during the report execution) is considered
+ constant. See .
diff --git a/include/opencreport.h b/include/opencreport.h
index 301e52d3..526f3297 100644
--- a/include/opencreport.h
+++ b/include/opencreport.h
@@ -966,6 +966,7 @@ ocrpt_barcode *ocrpt_line_add_barcode(ocrpt_line *line);
void ocrpt_barcode_set_value(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const char *expr_string);
void ocrpt_barcode_set_value_delayed(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const char *expr_string);
+void ocrpt_barcode_set_suppress(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const char *expr_string);
void ocrpt_barcode_set_type(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const char *expr_string);
void ocrpt_barcode_set_width(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const char *expr_string);
void ocrpt_barcode_set_height(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const char *expr_string);
diff --git a/libsrc/common-output.c b/libsrc/common-output.c
index 01df886e..02f40617 100644
--- a/libsrc/common-output.c
+++ b/libsrc/common-output.c
@@ -268,7 +268,16 @@ void ocrpt_common_get_text_sizes(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *
w *= l->font_width;
} else if (ocrpt_list_length(l->elements) == 1) {
w = total_width;
- w -= output->current_image_width;
+ double diff;
+ if (output->current_image)
+ diff = output->current_image->image_width;
+ else if (output->current_barcode)
+ diff = output->current_barcode->barcode_width;
+ else
+ diff = 0.0;
+ w -= diff;
} else {
PangoRectangle logical_rect;
@@ -279,7 +288,15 @@ void ocrpt_common_get_text_sizes(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *
if (last && w < total_width - le->start)
w = total_width - le->start;
- w -= output->current_image_width;
+ double diff;
+ if (output->current_image)
+ diff = output->current_image->image_width;
+ else if (output->current_barcode)
+ diff = output->current_barcode->barcode_width;
+ else
+ diff = 0.0;
+ w -= diff;
le->width_computed = w;
diff --git a/libsrc/html-output.c b/libsrc/html-output.c
index 63389ce9..abb54bfb 100644
--- a/libsrc/html-output.c
+++ b/libsrc/html-output.c
@@ -84,7 +84,16 @@ static void ocrpt_html_start_data_row(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_
static void ocrpt_html_end_data_row(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *pr, ocrpt_part_column *pd, ocrpt_report *r, ocrpt_break *br, ocrpt_output *output, ocrpt_line *l) {
+ html_private_data *priv = o->output_private;
ocrpt_mem_string_append(o->output_buffer, "
+ /*
+ * Cheat a little in accounting for line heights.
+ * Lines (despite everything is in "pt") have gaps between them.
+ * Add two pt for every line finished.
+ */
+ priv->curr_pos_from_last_image += l->line_height + 2.0;
static void ocrpt_html_add_new_page_epilogue(opencreport *o) {
@@ -179,9 +188,16 @@ static void ocrpt_html_draw_text(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *
if (pd && (le->start > pd->real_width))
+ if (l->elements->data == le && priv->image_indent > 0.0 && priv->curr_pos_from_last_image >= priv->image_height)
+ ocrpt_mem_string_append_printf(o->output_buffer,
+ "margin-left: %.2lfpt; ",
+ priv->image_indent);
if (le->width) {
bool text_fits = (pd && (le->start + le->width_computed < pd->column_width)) || !pd;
@@ -326,6 +342,8 @@ static void ocrpt_html_draw_image(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row
ocrpt_html_truncate_file_prefix(priv, img->img_file->name), w, h);
priv->image_indent = w;
+ priv->image_height = h;
+ priv->curr_pos_from_last_image = 0.0;
@@ -394,21 +412,18 @@ static void ocrpt_html_draw_barcode(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_ro
cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, bc->encoded_width - first_space + 20.0, bc->barcode_height);
cairo_t *cr = cairo_create(surface);
- ocrpt_color bg, fg;
+ ocrpt_color bg = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
+ ocrpt_color fg = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
- char *color_name = NULL;
if (bc->color && bc->color->result[o->residx] && bc->color->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && bc->color->result[o->residx]->string)
- color_name = bc->color->result[o->residx]->string->str;
+ ocrpt_get_color(bc->color->result[o->residx]->string->str, &fg, false);
+ else if (line && line->color && line->color->result[o->residx] && line->color->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && line->color->result[o->residx]->string)
+ ocrpt_get_color(line->color->result[o->residx]->string->str, &fg, false);
- ocrpt_get_color(color_name, &fg, false);
- if (bc->encoded_width > 0) {
- color_name = NULL;
- if (bc->bgcolor && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx] && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string)
- color_name = bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string->str;
- ocrpt_get_color(color_name, &bg, true);
- }
+ if (bc->bgcolor && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx] && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string)
+ ocrpt_get_color(bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string->str, &bg, true);
+ else if (line && line->bgcolor && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx] && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string)
+ ocrpt_get_color(line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string->str, &bg, false);
@@ -478,10 +493,12 @@ static void ocrpt_html_draw_barcode(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_ro
- "
+ "
priv->pngbase64->str, w, h);
priv->image_indent = w;
+ priv->image_height = h;
+ priv->curr_pos_from_last_image = 0.0;
diff --git a/libsrc/html-output.h b/libsrc/html-output.h
index 7a638c96..148face1 100644
--- a/libsrc/html-output.h
+++ b/libsrc/html-output.h
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ struct html_private_data {
char *cwd;
size_t cwdlen;
double image_indent;
+ double image_height;
+ double curr_pos_from_last_image;
ocrpt_string *png;
ocrpt_string *pngbase64;
diff --git a/libsrc/json-output.c b/libsrc/json-output.c
index f982ebbe..fc2b1376 100644
--- a/libsrc/json-output.c
+++ b/libsrc/json-output.c
@@ -316,7 +316,6 @@ static void ocrpt_json_draw_barcode(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_ro
yajl_gen_string(priv->yajl_gen, (ystr)"color", 5);
yajl_gen_string(priv->yajl_gen, (ystr)priv->base.data->str, priv->base.data->len);
yajl_gen_string(priv->yajl_gen, (ystr)"value", 5);
if (bc->value && bc->value->result[o->residx] && bc->value->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING)
yajl_gen_string(priv->yajl_gen, (ystr)bc->value->result[o->residx]->string->str, bc->value->result[o->residx]->string->len);
diff --git a/libsrc/layout.c b/libsrc/layout.c
index 92066a31..121aaa7e 100644
--- a/libsrc/layout.c
+++ b/libsrc/layout.c
@@ -456,6 +456,44 @@ static void ocrpt_layout_image(bool draw, opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_p
output->current_image = image;
+static void ocrpt_layout_barcode_setup(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *pr, ocrpt_part_column *pd, ocrpt_report *r, ocrpt_output *output, ocrpt_line *line, ocrpt_barcode *bc, double page_width, double page_indent, double *page_position) {
+ bc->suppress_bc = false;
+ /* Don't render the barcode if the value, the width or the height are not set. */
+ if (!bc->value || !bc->value->result[o->residx] || bc->value->result[o->residx]->type != OCRPT_RESULT_STRING || !bc->value->result[o->residx]->string) {
+ bc->suppress_bc = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!bc->width || !bc->width->result[o->residx] || bc->width->result[o->residx]->type != OCRPT_RESULT_NUMBER || !bc->width->result[o->residx]->number_initialized) {
+ if (!bc->in_line) {
+ bc->suppress_bc = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ bc->barcode_width = 0.0;
+ } else
+ bc->barcode_width = mpfr_get_d(bc->width->result[o->residx]->number, o->rndmode);
+ if (!bc->height || !bc->height->result[o->residx] || bc->height->result[o->residx]->type != OCRPT_RESULT_NUMBER || !bc->height->result[o->residx]->number_initialized) {
+ if (!bc->in_line) {
+ bc->suppress_bc = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ bc->barcode_height = 0.0;
+ } else
+ bc->barcode_height = mpfr_get_d(bc->height->result[o->residx]->number, o->rndmode);
+static void ocrpt_layout_barcode(bool draw, opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *pr, ocrpt_part_column *pd, ocrpt_report *r, ocrpt_break *br, ocrpt_output *output, ocrpt_barcode *bc, bool last, double page_width, double page_indent, double *page_position) {
+ if (draw && o->output_functions.draw_barcode) {
+ ocrpt_barcode_encode(o, bc);
+ o->output_functions.draw_barcode(o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, NULL, bc, last, page_width, page_indent, page_indent, *page_position, bc->barcode_width, bc->barcode_height);
+ }
+ output->old_page_position = *page_position;
+ output->current_barcode = bc;
static void ocrpt_layout_imageend(bool draw, opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *pr, ocrpt_part_column *pd, ocrpt_report *r, ocrpt_break *br, ocrpt_output *output) {
if (draw && o->output_functions.draw_imageend)
o->output_functions.draw_imageend(o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output);
@@ -639,6 +677,11 @@ static void ocrpt_layout_output_resolve_barcode(ocrpt_barcode *bc) {
+ ocrpt_expr_resolve(bc->delayed);
+ ocrpt_expr_optimize(bc->delayed);
+ if (bc->delayed)
+ ocrpt_expr_set_delayed(bc->value, !!ocrpt_expr_get_long(bc->delayed));
@@ -803,13 +846,15 @@ void ocrpt_layout_output_internal_preamble(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_
for (ocrpt_list *ol = output->output_list; ol; ol = ol->next) {
ocrpt_output_element *oe = (ocrpt_output_element *)ol->data;
+ ocrpt_line *l = (ocrpt_line *)oe;
+ ocrpt_hline *hl = (ocrpt_hline *)oe;
+ ocrpt_image *img = (ocrpt_image *)oe;
+ ocrpt_barcode *bc = (ocrpt_barcode *)oe;
const char *font_name;
double font_size;
switch (oe->type) {
- ocrpt_line *l = (ocrpt_line *)oe;
l->suppress_line = false;
if (l->suppress && l->suppress->result[o->residx] && l->suppress->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_NUMBER && l->suppress->result[o->residx]->number_initialized) {
long suppress = mpfr_get_si(l->suppress->result[o->residx]->number, o->rndmode);
@@ -839,13 +884,12 @@ void ocrpt_layout_output_internal_preamble(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_
o->output_functions.set_font_sizes(o, font_name, font_size, false, false, &l->fontsz, &l->font_width);
if (output->current_image)
ocrpt_layout_line_get_text_sizes(o, p, pr, pd, r, output, l, page_width - output->current_image->image_width, page_position);
+ else if (output->current_barcode)
+ ocrpt_layout_line_get_text_sizes(o, p, pr, pd, r, output, l, page_width - output->current_barcode->barcode_width, page_position);
ocrpt_layout_line_get_text_sizes(o, p, pr, pd, r, output, l, page_width, page_position);
- }
- ocrpt_hline *hl = (ocrpt_hline *)oe;
hl->suppress_hline = false;
if (hl->suppress && hl->suppress->result[o->residx] && hl->suppress->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_NUMBER && hl->suppress->result[o->residx]->number_initialized) {
long suppress = mpfr_get_si(hl->suppress->result[o->residx]->number, o->rndmode);
@@ -871,11 +915,9 @@ void ocrpt_layout_output_internal_preamble(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_
if (o->output_functions.set_font_sizes)
o->output_functions.set_font_sizes(o, font_name, font_size, false, false, NULL, &hl->font_width);
- }
- ocrpt_image *img = (ocrpt_image *)oe;
output->current_image = NULL;
+ output->current_barcode = NULL;
img->suppress_image = false;
if (img->suppress && img->suppress->result[o->residx] && img->suppress->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_NUMBER && img->suppress->result[o->residx]->number_initialized) {
long suppress = mpfr_get_si(img->suppress->result[o->residx]->number, o->rndmode);
@@ -887,19 +929,26 @@ void ocrpt_layout_output_internal_preamble(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_
ocrpt_layout_image_setup(o, p, pr, pd, r, output, NULL, img, page_width, page_indent, page_position);
- output->current_image_width = img->image_width;
- }
- output->current_image_width = 0.0;
- /* TODO */
+ output->current_image = NULL;
+ output->current_barcode = NULL;
+ bc->suppress_bc = false;
+ if (bc->suppress && bc->suppress->result[o->residx] && bc->suppress->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_NUMBER && bc->suppress->result[o->residx]->number_initialized) {
+ long suppress = mpfr_get_si(bc->suppress->result[o->residx]->number, o->rndmode);
+ if (suppress) {
+ bc->suppress_bc = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ocrpt_layout_barcode_setup(o, p, pr, pd, r, output, NULL, bc, page_width, page_indent, page_position);
- output->current_image_width = 0.0;
static inline void get_height_exceeded(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *pr, ocrpt_part_column *pd, ocrpt_report *r, double old_page_position, double new_page_position, bool *height_exceeded, bool *pd_height_exceeded, bool *r_height_exceeded) {
@@ -908,12 +957,25 @@ static inline void get_height_exceeded(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part
*r_height_exceeded = o->output_functions.supports_report_height && r && r->height_expr && (r->remaining_height < (new_page_position - old_page_position));
+void ocrpt_layout_output_adjust_page_position(ocrpt_output *output, double *page_position) {
+ if (output->current_image) {
+ if (*page_position < output->old_page_position + output->current_image->image_height)
+ *page_position = output->old_page_position + output->current_image->image_height;
+ } else if (output->current_barcode) {
+ if (*page_position < output->old_page_position + output->current_barcode->barcode_height)
+ *page_position = output->old_page_position + output->current_barcode->barcode_height;
+ }
bool ocrpt_layout_output_internal(bool draw, opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row *pr, ocrpt_part_column *pd, ocrpt_report *r, ocrpt_break *br, ocrpt_output *output, double page_width, double page_indent, double *page_position) {
if (output->suppress_output)
return false;
for (; output->iter; output->iter = output->iter->next) {
ocrpt_output_element *oe = (ocrpt_output_element *)output->iter->data;
+ ocrpt_hline *hl = (ocrpt_hline *)oe;
+ ocrpt_image *img = (ocrpt_image *)oe;
+ ocrpt_barcode *bc = (ocrpt_barcode *)oe;
switch (oe->type) {
@@ -939,6 +1001,8 @@ bool ocrpt_layout_output_internal(bool draw, opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrp
if (output->current_image)
ocrpt_layout_line(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, l, page_width - output->current_image->image_width, page_indent + output->current_image->image_width, page_position);
+ else if (output->current_barcode)
+ ocrpt_layout_line(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, l, page_width - output->current_barcode->barcode_width, page_indent + output->current_barcode->barcode_width, page_position);
ocrpt_layout_line(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, l, page_width, page_indent, page_position);
@@ -946,46 +1010,49 @@ bool ocrpt_layout_output_internal(bool draw, opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrp
l->current_line = 0;
- ocrpt_hline *hl = (ocrpt_hline *)oe;
if (hl->suppress_hline)
if (output->current_image)
ocrpt_layout_hline(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, hl, page_width - output->current_image->image_width, page_indent + output->current_image->image_width, page_position);
+ else if (output->current_barcode)
+ ocrpt_layout_hline(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, hl, page_width - output->current_barcode->barcode_width, page_indent + output->current_barcode->barcode_width, page_position);
ocrpt_layout_hline(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, hl, page_width, page_indent, page_position);
- }
- ocrpt_image *img = (ocrpt_image *)oe;
- if (output->current_image)
- *page_position = output->old_page_position + output->current_image->image_height;
+ ocrpt_layout_output_adjust_page_position(output, page_position);
output->current_image = NULL;
+ output->current_barcode = NULL;
if (img->suppress_image)
ocrpt_layout_image(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, img, false, page_width, page_indent, page_position);
- }
- if (output->current_image)
- *page_position = output->old_page_position + output->current_image->image_height;
+ ocrpt_layout_output_adjust_page_position(output, page_position);
output->current_image = NULL;
+ output->current_barcode = NULL;
ocrpt_layout_imageend(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output);
+ ocrpt_layout_output_adjust_page_position(output, page_position);
+ output->current_image = NULL;
+ output->current_barcode = NULL;
+ if (bc->suppress_bc)
+ break;
+ ocrpt_layout_barcode(draw, o, p, pr, pd, r, br, output, bc, false, page_width, page_indent, page_position);
- if (output->current_image)
- *page_position = output->old_page_position + output->current_image->image_height;
+ ocrpt_layout_output_adjust_page_position(output, page_position);
output->current_image = NULL;
@@ -1515,6 +1582,7 @@ DLL_EXPORT_SYM ocrpt_barcode *ocrpt_line_add_barcode(ocrpt_line *line) {
memset(bc, 0, sizeof(ocrpt_barcode));
bc->output = line->output;
+ bc->in_line = true;
line->elements = ocrpt_list_append(line->elements, bc);
return bc;
@@ -1902,6 +1970,16 @@ DLL_EXPORT_SYM void ocrpt_barcode_set_value_delayed(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const cha
bc->delayed = expr_string ? ocrpt_layout_expr_parse(bc->output->o, bc->output->r, expr_string, true, false) : NULL;
+DLL_EXPORT_SYM void ocrpt_barcode_set_suppress(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const char *expr_string) {
+ if (!bc)
+ return;
+ if (bc->suppress)
+ ocrpt_expr_free(bc->suppress);
+ bc->suppress = expr_string ? ocrpt_layout_expr_parse(bc->output->o, bc->output->r, expr_string, true, false) : NULL;
DLL_EXPORT_SYM void ocrpt_barcode_set_type(ocrpt_barcode *bc, const char *expr_string) {
if (!bc)
diff --git a/libsrc/layout.h b/libsrc/layout.h
index 855b15d4..f1ba392b 100644
--- a/libsrc/layout.h
+++ b/libsrc/layout.h
@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ struct ocrpt_barcode {
ocrpt_output_type type;
ocrpt_output_line_element_type le_type;
+ bool in_line:1;
+ bool suppress_bc:1;
double start;
double vertical_gap;
double barcode_width;
@@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ struct ocrpt_barcode {
ocrpt_output *output;
ocrpt_expr *value; /* string to encode into barcode */
ocrpt_expr *delayed;
+ ocrpt_expr *suppress;
ocrpt_expr *bctype; /* 'upc-a', 'upc-e', 'ean-13', 'ean-8', 'code39', 'code128b', 'code128c', 'code128' */
ocrpt_expr *width;
ocrpt_expr *height;
@@ -205,7 +208,7 @@ static inline void ocrpt_layout_output_init(ocrpt_output *output) {
output->has_memo = false;
output->iter = output->output_list;
output->current_image = NULL;
- output->current_image_width = 0.0;
+ output->current_barcode = NULL;
for (ocrpt_list *ol = output->output_list; ol; ol = ol->next) {
ocrpt_output_element *oe = (ocrpt_output_element *)ol->data;
diff --git a/libsrc/output.h b/libsrc/output.h
index 39219806..722c2048 100644
--- a/libsrc/output.h
+++ b/libsrc/output.h
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ typedef struct ocrpt_output_functions ocrpt_output_functions;
struct ocrpt_output {
double old_page_position;
- double current_image_width;
opencreport *o;
ocrpt_report *r;
ocrpt_list *output_list;
ocrpt_list *iter;
ocrpt_expr *suppress;
ocrpt_image *current_image;
+ ocrpt_barcode *current_barcode;
bool suppress_output:1;
bool has_memo:1;
bool height_exceeded:1;
diff --git a/libsrc/parsexml.c b/libsrc/parsexml.c
index 1bfef630..bcc7b31e 100644
--- a/libsrc/parsexml.c
+++ b/libsrc/parsexml.c
@@ -753,13 +753,14 @@ static void ocrpt_parse_output_imageend_node(opencreport *o, ocrpt_report *r, oc
static void ocrpt_parse_output_barcode_node(opencreport *o, ocrpt_report *r, ocrpt_output *output, ocrpt_line *line, xmlTextReaderPtr reader) {
ocrpt_barcode *bc;
- xmlChar *value, *delayed, *type, *width, *height, *color, *bgcolor;
+ xmlChar *value, *delayed, *suppress, *type, *width, *height, *color, *bgcolor;
struct {
char *attrs[3];
xmlChar **attrp;
} xmlattrs[] = {
{ { "value" }, &value },
{ { "delayed", "precalculate" }, &delayed },
+ { { "suppress" }, &suppress },
{ { "type" }, &type },
{ { "width" }, &width },
{ { "height" }, &height },
@@ -784,6 +785,7 @@ static void ocrpt_parse_output_barcode_node(opencreport *o, ocrpt_report *r, ocr
ocrpt_barcode_set_value(bc, (char *)value);
ocrpt_barcode_set_value_delayed(bc, (char *)delayed);
+ ocrpt_barcode_set_suppress(bc, (char *)suppress);
ocrpt_barcode_set_type(bc, (char *)type);
ocrpt_barcode_set_width(bc, (char *)width);
ocrpt_barcode_set_height(bc, (char *)height);
diff --git a/libsrc/pdf-output.c b/libsrc/pdf-output.c
index 9b7b11fd..0e96f606 100644
--- a/libsrc/pdf-output.c
+++ b/libsrc/pdf-output.c
@@ -151,21 +151,18 @@ static void ocrpt_pdf_draw_barcode(opencreport *o, ocrpt_part *p, ocrpt_part_row
- ocrpt_color bg, fg;
+ ocrpt_color bg = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
+ ocrpt_color fg = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
- char *color_name = NULL;
if (bc->color && bc->color->result[o->residx] && bc->color->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && bc->color->result[o->residx]->string)
- color_name = bc->color->result[o->residx]->string->str;
- ocrpt_get_color(color_name, &fg, false);
- if (bc->encoded_width > 0) {
- color_name = NULL;
- if (bc->bgcolor && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx] && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string)
- color_name = bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string->str;
- ocrpt_get_color(color_name, &bg, true);
- }
+ ocrpt_get_color(bc->color->result[o->residx]->string->str, &fg, false);
+ else if (line && line->bgcolor && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx] && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string)
+ ocrpt_get_color(line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string->str, &fg, false);
+ if (bc->bgcolor && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx] && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string)
+ ocrpt_get_color(bc->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string->str, &bg, true);
+ else if (line && line->bgcolor && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx] && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->type == OCRPT_RESULT_STRING && line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string)
+ ocrpt_get_color(line->bgcolor->result[o->residx]->string->str, &bg, true);
* The background filler is 0.2 points wider.
diff --git a/opencreport.dtd b/opencreport.dtd
index ef76dade..c9053563 100644
--- a/opencreport.dtd
+++ b/opencreport.dtd
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@
+OpenCReports report
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
diff --git a/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.json b/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9dc676aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.json
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
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diff --git a/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.pdf b/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85b039cd
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.pdf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1286e031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
diff --git a/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.xml b/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d5c0ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expected/layout_barcode2_test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ |
diff --git a/tests/expected/layout_barcode3_test.csv b/tests/expected/layout_barcode3_test.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c5a3342
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c43281c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+OpenCReports report
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
diff --git a/tests/expected/layout_barcode3_test.json b/tests/expected/layout_barcode3_test.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9b896ea
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5f9cf68
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/expected/layout_xml3_ver2_test.pdf differ
diff --git a/tests/expected/layout_xml3_ver2_test.txt b/tests/expected/layout_xml3_ver2_test.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d08b5d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expected/layout_xml3_ver2_test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
+There isno data here.
diff --git a/tests/expected/layout_xml3_ver2_test.xml b/tests/expected/layout_xml3_ver2_test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9dd77cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expected/layout_xml3_ver2_test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ |
diff --git a/tests/layout_barcode2_test.c b/tests/layout_barcode2_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ff6164b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/layout_barcode2_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * OpenCReports test
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Zoltán Böszörményi
+ * See COPYING.LGPLv3 in the toplevel directory.
+ */
+#include "test_common.h"
+const char *array[1][5] = {
+ { "id", "name", "property", "age", "adult" },
+const int32_t coltypes[5] = {
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ opencreport *o = ocrpt_init();
+ if (!ocrpt_parse_xml(o, "layout_barcode2_test.xml")) {
+ printf("XML parse error\n");
+ ocrpt_free(o);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ocrpt_set_output_format(o, argc >= 2 ? atoi(argv[1]) : OCRPT_OUTPUT_PDF);
+ ocrpt_execute(o);
+ ocrpt_spool(o);
+ ocrpt_free(o);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/layout_barcode2_test.xml b/tests/layout_barcode2_test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d22e19b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/layout_barcode2_test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
diff --git a/tests/layout_barcode3_test.c b/tests/layout_barcode3_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3301089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/layout_barcode3_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * OpenCReports test
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Zoltán Böszörményi
+ * See COPYING.LGPLv3 in the toplevel directory.
+ */
+#include "test_common.h"
+const char *array[1][5] = {
+ { "id", "name", "property", "age", "adult" },
+const int32_t coltypes[5] = {
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ opencreport *o = ocrpt_init();
+ if (!ocrpt_parse_xml(o, "layout_barcode3_test.xml")) {
+ printf("XML parse error\n");
+ ocrpt_free(o);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ocrpt_set_output_format(o, argc >= 2 ? atoi(argv[1]) : OCRPT_OUTPUT_PDF);
+ ocrpt_execute(o);
+ ocrpt_spool(o);
+ ocrpt_free(o);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/layout_barcode3_test.xml b/tests/layout_barcode3_test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..494b2a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/layout_barcode3_test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
diff --git a/tests/layout_barcode4_test.c b/tests/layout_barcode4_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12dcb509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/layout_barcode4_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * OpenCReports test
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Zoltán Böszörményi
+ * See COPYING.LGPLv3 in the toplevel directory.
+ */
+#include "test_common.h"
+const char *array[1][5] = {
+ { "id", "name", "property", "age", "adult" },
+const int32_t coltypes[5] = {
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ opencreport *o = ocrpt_init();
+ if (!ocrpt_parse_xml(o, "layout_barcode4_test.xml")) {
+ printf("XML parse error\n");
+ ocrpt_free(o);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ocrpt_set_output_format(o, argc >= 2 ? atoi(argv[1]) : OCRPT_OUTPUT_PDF);
+ ocrpt_execute(o);
+ ocrpt_spool(o);
+ ocrpt_free(o);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/layout_barcode4_test.xml b/tests/layout_barcode4_test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc047006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/layout_barcode4_test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
diff --git a/tests/layout_xml3_ver2_test.c b/tests/layout_xml3_ver2_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bddc096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/layout_xml3_ver2_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * OpenCReports test
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Zoltán Böszörményi
+ * See COPYING.LGPLv3 in the toplevel directory.
+ */
+#include "test_common.h"
+const char *array[1][5] = {
+ { "id", "name", "property", "age", "adult" },
+const int32_t coltypes[5] = {
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ opencreport *o = ocrpt_init();
+ if (!ocrpt_parse_xml(o, "layout_xml3_ver2_test.xml")) {
+ printf("XML parse error\n");
+ ocrpt_free(o);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ char srcdir0[PATH_MAX];
+ char *srcdir = getenv("abs_srcdir");
+ if (!srcdir || !*srcdir)
+ srcdir = getcwd(srcdir0, sizeof(srcdir0));
+ char *csrcdir = ocrpt_canonicalize_path(srcdir);
+ ocrpt_string *imgdir = ocrpt_mem_string_new("", true);
+ ocrpt_mem_string_append_printf(imgdir, "%s/images/images", csrcdir);
+ ocrpt_add_search_path(o, imgdir->str);
+ ocrpt_mem_free(csrcdir);
+ ocrpt_mem_string_free(imgdir, true);
+ ocrpt_set_output_format(o, argc >= 2 ? atoi(argv[1]) : OCRPT_OUTPUT_PDF);
+ ocrpt_execute(o);
+ ocrpt_spool(o);
+ ocrpt_free(o);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tests/layout_xml3_ver2_test.xml b/tests/layout_xml3_ver2_test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c07339a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/layout_xml3_ver2_test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@